Things I rarely use:
🚫 Currying
🚫 Middleware
🚫 Inheritance
🚫 Polymorphism
🚫 IoC containers
🚫 The actor model
🚫 Aspect-oriented programming
🚫 Complex design patterns
My typical approach:
✅ Write small functions
✅ Try to keep most functions pure
✅ Compose them together
Programming doesn’t have to be complicated.
至于解决方法,在能够着手于这种广泛存在于🇨🇳顺性别女性、陪伴她们(我们)终生的从小开始被培养灌输的对男性身体和阴茎的恐惧之前,并不会有实际的结果。但要具体怎么帮助她们创造机会和条件去直面这种恐惧?我昨天发了一篇分享我自己经验的嘟,我自己就是机缘巧合得以在十八九岁的时候近距离见到了大量的男性裸体,赤裸的活生生的普通男性,然后完全不再有对这一种人类身体和他们所有的任何人类器官的恐惧或排斥。但在🇨🇳强大的保守观念和文化背景之下,我分享这些、建议任何人考虑这么去做都是一种耍流氓,而我这一个平白无故看了这么多屌的女人(其实是NB但once again🇨🇳社会现在不会承认这种东西)就是一个淫妇、一个破鞋、一个赔钱货,我的建议就是鼓励更多女性失去她们最宝贵的价值——贞操,精神和思想上的贞操——的危险邪恶建议,自然不能作数。
暑假跟着教授做了一些关于 Terf 和 Transgender rights 的研究。我自己现在对这个领域,感觉更谨慎、更敬畏了。
我反对 Terf,或者说 Gender Critical Feminists 的很多观念和做法。1. Ta 们被一种无理性的恐惧(unsounded fears)驱使,认为 Trans 进入女性空间就会给女的带来伤害。而大量证据显示,Trans才是被伤害的更多的那一方。2. Ta 们有很典型的输赢二元对立心态和固定馅饼偏见,觉得跨性别权力的兴起,意味着女性权力的丧失。3. Ta 们认为 Gender 是一种意识形态,不承认 Gender 的实在性,认为只有 Sex 是真实的、可以用客观证据衡量的。4. Ta 们会武器化(weaponsized)言论自由。典型犹如 Jordan Peterson,认为 他大嘴一张 bullshiting 是基本人权,却不管别人有不被 hate speech 伤害的基本人权。5. 最荒诞的是,美国一些 Terf 开始跟宗教保守派站在一起了,化敌为友,就为了反对 trans rights...
以上是我看了一些英语世界Gender Critical Feminism 有关的文献后的判断。
但我最近的思考是,简中女权主义者可能比西方 Terf 多一重独特性——普遍的对“male”的恐惧。在我们这种女权洼地,很多女性都有对生理男性、男性器官、男性气质的创伤体验。童年被男亲戚骚扰,上学路上遇到暴露狂,随时担心被拐卖等等。遭受性暴力,就是咱们生理性别女的们的日常。此外,简中顺性别直男很多的确没操守,一出国就冒充 LGBTQ+和Trans,蹭各种 diversity 的福利。这的确是现实存在的问题。
女性是有创伤,但是跨性别者经历的创伤绝对不会少。女性是父权的受害者,跨性别者更是。我们为什么不能站在一起,把蛋糕做大呢? Yes, these people are right. Web Environment Integrity is such, such a terrible idea.
@freemo but a broken fan is hard to ignore
@freemo Another thing I hate about laptops is that the replacement is hard to find. After certain times, even the customer support doesn't have the replacement to buy, not mentioning some vendors don't even sell the parts, you have to mail the whole laptop to them to just replace a fan.
Anyway, I think the major issue is my laptop doesn't have enough space to handle 150W of heat. The laptop is slim, light, and powerful, but the heat is the pill to swallow.
And to my expectations, my razer laptop is now struggling to keep both cpu and gpu cool at the same time...
Interesting story about how Kolektiva had a copy of their server sezed by feds... suggesting mastodon has some legal vulnerabilities over big tech...
一位用户提交 PR 到 Nintendo Switch 模拟器 Yuzu 上,PR 中删除了代码中对「台湾语」的提及。在 PR 被拒绝后,这位用户又在 archlinuxcn 发送 issue,以「项目在代码里搞台独」的原因要求移除 yuzu 相关软件包,后述请求亦被拒绝。
#OpenSource #Politics
Telegram 原文
Google 发布了 Web Environment Integrity 的 spec 草稿。此特性允许网站向浏览器等 user-agent 请求 attestation,证明浏览器环境的完整性。有说法称此功能类似于 Android 平台上的 Play Integrity API(SafetyNet 的后继者)。
Mozilla 已经表示反对此特性,称此特性会损害互联网的开放性,并影响许多已有的互联网参与者,包括辅助技术用户、自动化测试、归档服务及搜索服务等 [1]。
也有观点提到,Apple 的 Private Access Token 特性 [2] 其实已经实现了类似的功能 [3]。
1. gh:mozilla/standards-positions#852
2. /3628
#Google #Chromium #Web
Telegram 原文
And I'm thinking how I can update its knowledge without doing a full training. Unfortunately, I don't have access to several A100 cards.
One way I came up is let it tell me what it need using prompt. Something like this:
[User]: What time is it?
[LLaMa]: [Request] current time
[System]: 2023-07-27T08:00:29
[LLaMa]: [Answer] Now is 8 AM.
But it seems like LLaMa did not have enough logic power to make request of what it needs to finish the task. I don't know if it's my prompt not good enough, or it's just simply not possible to do it.
**I have a job now!**
I'm a Chinese shitizen, but I generally don't post in Chinese to avoid being suffering from other Chinese.
I'm physically a male, but I don't care how people think about my gender. I can be male, or female, or cat. But if you ask, I'd prefer to be referred to as male. Also, I support LGBT+ people, and I'm a copyleft. I don't think I'm too aggressive in arguing things, but sometimes I do. You should handle it with care.
I post about programming (most time is Java and Kotlin, unless I have a new love), and some random things I find interesting. I also post about my mental health, which is in a stable state of instability, thanks to my parents and Chinese society.
Anyway, if you want to follow me, I'm glad to see you. And, have a nice day.
Alt: @skyblond