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@coogie @katebevan I understand this is the world we live in, but employers should employ people for who they are. Assuming it is just a job. Its different if the employer works on a cause and employs people identifying with their cause.

@didek @Psyklax @joel in the throes of people might be open to trying out multiple different services, so the way to get critical mass is to get them to try out all the open federated alternatives in parallel - it doesn't matter which one they stick with at the end, as long as it is not another silo!

@katebevan sounds like a terrible work environment, tbh

Perhaps if your personal identity is so explicitly linked to your professional one, you should evaluate whether you need separate accounts - something that is easily achievable in the Fediverse

@mpjgregoire @swansinflight @coogie @clacke Followers only see your replies in their home feed if they're following both you and the person you're replying to, yes. Note that it's JUST the person you're replying to, which means that it's possible for a "disembodied" reply - so to speak - to show up if you're replying to a followers-only post; your followers might be able to see your latest reply and the one before it but not any other posts in the thread (because they're by someone your follower doesn't follow).

Small tip: if you use hashtags that are more than one word, use CamelCase for them. It gives screen readers some help in saying them.

Framasoft are one of the few no-bullshit, non-Silicon Valley organisations working to protect your freedoms online and they’ve been hugely supportive of us since the very beginning.

Please support them if you can.

#freedom #tech #privacy #humanRights

#EmacsTip: Do you know what's the most flexible and powerful email client? It's #Gnus, an #Usenet newsreader! It's so much extensible that other Email clients that:

"gnus is to emacs users what emacs is to other users" --- Topic for #gnus on @liberachat

#Emacs #Gnus #Email #EmailClient #Usenet #Newsreader

If you're #NewHere (or even if you're not) and getting dogpiled by huge numbers of asshats from one instance, take heart. You or your instance admins can mute or block that whole instance and everyone on it. If that sounds confusing, check out this fantastic video by @derek on moderation in the fediverse, how it's fundamentally different from what's possible on centralized platforms, and why that can be better for everyone here:


We all just want a place to belong and talk to people who we care about or have similar interests.

The last few weeks make it clear that the social part of social media is more important than all the ways social media is used to sell and market to consumers.

In my experience, Peck is right that the only way out of chaos is through emptiness (stage 3);

"members emptying themselves of barriers to communication ... expectations and preconceptions; prejudices; ideology, theology and solutions; the need to heal, fix, convert or solve; and the need to control."

Emptiness is the only way out of chaos, and back to stage 4, true community. We've done it before, I genuinely believe we'll do it again.

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The whole idea of the town square is that it belongs to the town. No one should be able to buy it. And honestly, they can’t.

Twitter isn’t really the town square, any more than Facebook is or MySpace was.

We are the town square. It goes where we go. No one can buy that.

@thoughtfulnz where news website learn about rel="me" for their journalists

I wonder how much effort it would take to port commonly-used server software to . You would get isolation by design. And it would be a one-time effort instead of ever-increasing re-implementations like Docker, Sandstorm, etc. that cobble together hobbled pieces like cgroups, containers, KVM, etc.
@coopcloud @yunohost

I'm thinking of in Taiwan too, and their tools like vTaiwan:

This instance might be their work, but I can't read Chinese, so I'm not sure:

@poga ?

@ethanz @lightweight @verbman @nzlemming

@JamesGleick Agreed. Steven King made that point rather forcefully and journalists are doing so too. Which might suggest an on-ramp for Mastodon:

@Danhon said ~"First news organization to stand up its Mastodon and accounts for staff gets a prize."

Like email domains in the Time Before, server domains can provide credibility (and prestige).

#Introduction : I'm a computer programmer and I web developer and long-time #Linux/#UNIX fan. I'm currently enjoying learning #LogicProgramming in #Prolog and take a currently passive interest in #FunctionalProgramming.
I'm also interested in #infosec broadly and specifically in #appsec, #osint/#privacy, and #misinfo/#disinfo/#psyops.
I've always been a science nerd and I love me some science-fiction/fantasy.
I listen to a lot of audiobooks and podcasts, including news, fiction, & technical.

it bothers me now that so many web frameworks don't use arena allocation :blobcathyperthinking:
sometimes i wonder why i get away with some of the shit i do.

i guess being moderately aware of cognition biases and not screaming jew and n-word at everyone who disagrees goes a long way.

You know what would be **the** most epic twist?
Musk shutting down Twitter and replacing it with a Mastodon instance and start federating. He should also rebrand the instance to Muskodon. 😁

Amazing the amount of in the coverage of 's takeover.

For instance, I just read a article with a couple of neutral facts (‘a promise to restore free speech while preventing the platform from descending into a "hellscape"’, requests for lifting bans) immediately followed by non-neutral facts that can in no way be attributed to Musk but hey ( happy about decision, didn't say he'll rejoin; congratulates; requests unban), followed by factoids (*one* customer said it temporarily paused advertising – you could just as well report “the vast majority of customers were not negatively concerned”), followed by things like this: “Fewer than 10% of 266 Twitter employees who participated in a poll on messaging app Blind expected to still have their jobs in three months” which goes beyond what I would consider ethical and professional reporting (266 self selected participants out of a population of 30K+ on some random website is neither a poll nor worth reporting unless you have an axe to grind), followed by a quote from @echo_pbreyer about concerns which, IMO and much as I respect Mr Breyer, is unwarranted. In fact, the one Musk company I have experience with () is remarkably sensible about privacy, especially for a silicon valley business.

All of this intentionally negative reporting contributes to shape public opinion in a way that cannot possibly be innocent. All of a sudden everyone is happy with the status quo or what?

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.