> "Add 'tests' (for want of a better name,..."
It turns out that vscode-icons (my preferred icon set) recognises the name 'integration' and gives it a nice testing icon. Sold.
integration/runner (potentially)
There might be material for a blog post in this.
@Natanox @asltf @librecast so THATS why IPv6 adoption is going so slow 🤔
@codinghorror I'm no doctor here, but I'd be willing to bet that this is related to our decline in physical activity. When you're exerting your body, even just walking, you naturally breathe longer and deeper.
Seriously. The biggest problem with #StarTrek is that when you grow up with it (like I did) you think adults are all going to be good-natured and responsible and highly-skilled. Then when you actually grow up you end up working with Larry the Cable Guy and wondering what you did to deserve this.
@lxo great! Is GDB-as-static-langserver an active effort? I'd settle for an inferior gdb in Emacs as an xref backend first ...
@lxo the #GDB mailing list seemed inactive, and Arsen: on IRC mentioned this as your idea for an #LSP server, so ...
[ Big fan, especially of your linux-libre work
and your stint on the FSF board ]
As a #Cpp dev, it is a sorry state - impotent ctags/etags/global on one side, the overkill that is ccls on the other. I came round to DWARF debuginfo as a reliable source, but not wanting to build off libelf myself ... and to your idea apparently, of using GDB itself as a langserver.
@icedquinn@blob.cat @mischievoustomato@rebased.taihou.website @a1ba@suya.place @lanodan@queer.hacktivis.me
This instance runs on Fedora, even.
Dear lord why?@RL_Dane
It is by design intended to be a personal desktop system. Honestly, nowadays there is little need to share your computer with household members, so this is largely not a pressing issue.
@Daojoan my side is: I want free software on my own computer to tailor my online experiences to my interests and needs.
Platforms can provide their offerings in a way that enables my tools to choose for me.
For personalization, they then don’t need information about me: they have to provide information about themselves.
@cstross @lispi314 @froztbyte So before Linux even existed, we destroyed it .. interesting concept. What next, we get blamed for climate change? And if you think "pull package source, debug from there" is easier than hitting SPACE .. I suppose the earth is flat as well.
@hesgen The qoto.org website had a notice, at least on Sunday.
As for not seeing the platform having a future, you may want to get your vision checked.
pro-libre software, pro-holisticism
pro-communalism, anti-consumerism
fan of #Plan9 and #HaikuOS
anti-witchhunt, see https://stallmansupport.org
I write software (C++) for a living.