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You have weird traditions over there in Maryland, here it was just a normal Sunday. ;)

This is very self serving: first of all because the impulses that elected Trump are much older than the current invasion, and Biden was elected to fight them. In the three years since he's largely failed at beating back Trumpism, and that colossal failure has nothing to do with the current conflict.

Secondly, Biden is the one willfully ignoring desperate pleas for some restraint: I can see evidence for at most one meeting with pro-palestinian leaders, while he personally attended a war cabinet meeting with Bibi and has receive many pro-Israel delegates. Faced with leadership that ignores its most salient desire, the voter is perfectly justified in falling back to the blunt force of the ballot box.

Thirdly, while it is clear that Trump would be much worse for America's influence in the world, it is not self evident that his administration would be worse for Palestine. Simply put, Trump is such a crude geopolitical actor that he would most likely provide much less political cover than Biden is currently doing (even Germany would be hard pressed to ignore IDF atrocities if it puts them in Trumps camp). So a Trump presidency would lead to an increased pressure on Bibi, which is much more beneficial than whatever small restrictions on material support that Biden currently enforces.

Had to watch twice because I was too distracted checking if the sun did a full analemma ;)

"The stream of visitors lined up to pay their respects to Alexey Navalny’s grave continued on Saturday, and the tombstone itself is no longer visible due to the number of flowers that have been placed on it.


📹: Mediazona"

tobychev boosted

The CEO of Exxon just said "we've waited too long" to tackle climate change. He blames "society" and "activists" from keeping Exxon from working on this.

Yes, Exxon. Yes, Exxon. Yes, Exxon: the corporation that for decades has been spending millions to slow progress on climate change, despite its own research showing the problem was urgent.

He said:

"We've waited too long to open the aperture on the solution sets in terms of what we need, as a society, to start reducing emissions.... Frankly, society, and the activist — the dominant voice in this discussion — has tried to exclude the industry that has the most capacity and the highest potential for helping with some of the technologies."

What the fuck is this — some sort of dark and twisted joke?

The interview is here:

Man, this is hilarious! I don't care that Musk's real motivation is likely extremely murky: this will regardless be a PR fight between two of California's absolute bullshit giants who both declare themselves saints that are saving humanity...

Hur mycket beror Kinas snabba utbyggnad av kollektivtrafiken beror på hur länge de drog sig för att bygga nått alls?

Enl Wikipedia hade Pekings tunnelbana två linjer fram till ca 2000, och vid det datumet hade staden ca 13.5 miljoner invånare. Idag har de 27 linjer på 22 miljoner invånare

Mexico City hade år 2000 ca 11 linjer och 18 miljoner, nu 12 linjer och 21 miljoner. Stockholm hade då tre linjer på 0.7 miljoner och det är typ samma nu.

Nog för att det skulle kunna byggas mer, men än är inte Peking ikapp Stockholms 1 linje per 300k invånare.

tobychev boosted

It matters where the water comes from.

Why does the loss of ice in Antarctica affect Northern Europe more than melt in Greenland?

Apparently, many people are confused about how global and local sea level rise are not the same so I wrote a brief blog post to try and explain it.

Posting again for the European morning crowd..

#ClimateDiary #SeaLevelRise #ClimateChange
#Antarctica #Greenland #iceSheet

tobychev boosted

Also agree with this from @bob:

It’s not that sufficient •insurance• currently doesn’t exist. It’s that sufficient •liability• doesn’t exist.

Insurance against software failure is currently frosting for companies, not an existential necessity. The Equifax breach, for example, •should• have been a company-ending event. But it wasn’t.

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Do they actually use it, would be a strange choice by a legion to use an anti-war flag, shouldn't they use something more Tsarist?

tobychev boosted

At ~06:30 UTC today a very close conjunction at 608 km between two non-maneuverable spacecraft took place, a derelict Russian satellite and the operational NASA satellite TIMED: (long and important thread ... sorry, non-X-ers) - the miss distance was 20 meters or less, the probability of collision 3 to 8% at TCA. Nothing happened, fortunately:

"– Vi hade en incident för ett tag sedan. Det var en Tesla-anställd som inte jobbar i Umeå i vanliga fall som kom ut och skällde på oss för att vi sandade högen. Han var ju säkert stressad och desperat. Han sa att bilarna riskerade att ta skada av gruset. Att de inte tål grus."

Vilken grej, nä ni får inte sanda snöhögar, de är k-märkta!

tobychev boosted

En två meter hög snöhög fanns plötsligt där IF Metalls strejkvakter brukar stå utanför Tesla i Umeå. ”Det är med stor sannolikhet Tesla som ligger bakom det här.”
Nu har strejkvakterna gjort högen till sin.
#tesla #ifmetall #umeå

To be fair, and not speaking of Orlov in particular, maybe the court is just recognising that being on any Putin council a good heuristic for having endorsed human rights violations?

Det är inte så at jag tycker någon måste försvara Arkitektupprotet, det är mer att jag uppfattade dina svar som avsedda att försvara dem.

Jag ber om ursäkt för missförståndet :)

I wonder how this "undocumented only" idea appeared, the change seems to be only to the scope of where you can murder people, not to who you can murder...

Browsing through the law it seems that so long as you suspect someone wouldn't leave it's fine to shoot them?

tobychev boosted

…they found that applicants were self-selecting out because of their own bad test scores / test phobia / struggles with the test. Going test-optional wasn’t to improve the •selection• process; it was to widen the pool of •applicants•. And yes, it did just that when we want test-optional — in ways that produced more equitable outcomes.


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