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Mostly depressing reading in my view.

Also, I don't think co-ops really "wall off" from capitalism in any noteworthy way, most companies don't run their everyday internal work on market principles either.

Is this about the article in DN describing the state of coop?

tobychev boosted

The geo-politics of climate geo-engineering is set to become a thing. A good example is the recent finding that tweaking the Californian climate to lower temperatures would likely result in heatwaves in the EU.

It's as though we're running out of different ways to find out we all share the same atmosphere.

It's just a large fire, it only takes some gasoline and time to get one of those.

tobychev boosted

"In a meta-analysis of nutritional impacts of deworming, we find that in areas where the WHO recommends mass drug administration (>20% prevalence), multiple-dose deworming leads to statistically significant, positive increases in child weight, mid-upper arm circumference, and height. We then conduct a cost effectiveness analysis and find that MDA is many times more cost-effective than widely implemented school-feeding programs."

Not so much *arbitrary*, but still an impressively large collection of physics courses can be found on

tobychev boosted

The cryptocurrency industry Super PAC Fairshake is now #1 out of all Super PACs by total funds raised.

They've raised more than $175 million to influence upcoming elections in the US, and have more than $100 million of it still waiting to deploy.

#CryptoLobby #Fairshake #USPolitics #cryptocurrency

tobychev boosted

Thirteen children and teens in Hawaii took the state government to court over the threat posed by climate change. Now they're celebrating a settlement that emphasizes a plan to decarbonize Hawaii's transportation system in the next 20 years.

It's the latest example of frustrated youth in the United States taking their climate concerns into the courtroom. #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #GlobalWarming

tobychev boosted

One question at the heart of the #h5n1 outbreak in US cows has been: Is there something special about this virus? Or is H5N1 generally able to do this and this particular version was just "in the right place at the right time"?
Quick thread, because it seems we have an answer

Yeah, today is/was "Music festival day" so that's the sort of thing that happens all over France.

Nice luck running into a fancy performance!

It's just a routine check that you're human, but due to last minute changes to the UI and some serious time constraints somehow Boeing shipped a version where "human" is indicated with the red cross you saw.

They did manage to push out an emergency patch disabling the full "trap the android" procedure, so it's just a cosmetic bug at this point. 🤷‍♀️

If you want to commit culinary crimes in France I suggest you go eat some of the _french_ tacos you will find in some fast food joints.

Obviously not criminal in France but you can then forever upset any mexicans you encounter.
@mcc @glennf @vmstan

tobychev boosted

The Netherlands already warmed by 2°C, we recently had our first 40°C, and rainfall patterns are changing. More of this is coming until we reduce global emissions to zero.
Today is #showyourstripesday!

tobychev boosted

Därför är det kanske inte konstigt att utbildningsministern och politiken framstår som det största hotet mot den akademiska friheten just nu på Sveriges lärosäten.

tobychev boosted

This post from @MissingThePt brought me back to my 9th grade Civics class:

Our teacher decided that we needed to learn about the virtues of the Free Market, so he devised a special plan: students would own resources in the classroom, and rent them out to other students. Educational!


tobychev boosted

I can't believe I'm explaining this but here we are. It is a racist trope that Palestinians are the real "semites" and European Jews are not so that Israeli oppression of Palestinians is the real antisemitism. "Antisemitic," because of old racist European theories, means anti-Jew. It shouldn't, but it does. Obviously, this semantic distraction does not affect who is right and wrong in the Middle East and if you think it does you're thinking like a racist.

tobychev boosted

@Anders_S Håller helt med om att Karlsten drar väldigt stora växlar på det här. Spontant så skulle jag tro att en enormt stor del av det här är regeringens fel genom sin överstressade behandling, och det är "intressant" att Karlsten väljer att göra en stor grej av V/MPs vändning snarare än de faktiska regeringspartiernas svek.

Är det detta du menar? "Vi har sagt nej till EU-kommissionens förslag, det vi sagt ja till är det som regeringen ville förankra i utskottet och förhandla fram."
Det är högst oklart vad detta har för betydelse nu, eftersom uttalandet är från långt innan Belgiens förslag var presenterat, det mesta en kan säga är att han tycker att ett vettigt förslag är teoretiskt möjligt.

Jag känner mest förvirring om vad som faktiskt hänt efter att ha läst Karlstens rapportering tillsammans med vad andra skriver. På kan en läsa vänsterpartiets ledamot i EU nämnden hävda att det inte skett någon formell omröstning alls, och skriver att förslaget ska till EU nämnden trots allt. Karlsten å sin sida säger att beslut ska ha tagits och att EU nämnden är rundad.

Slutligen så är COEPER inte ett beslutande organ, och har möte varje vecka så det känns konstigt att det skulle vara bråttom att pricka just denna veckas möte.

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