@zhinxy Always look on the bright side of near death, I guess.
@SmudgeTheInsultCat Sometimes I see an old post of mine and think, “I wish I could write like that”
@rem … static text …
@rem … static text …
@pzriddle My minimalist friend is delighted.
@zhinxy Sorted by school years, of course.
@Marixistischer_Antifaschist One monk said to the other: “I left her by the river; are you still carrying her?”
@ZachWeinersmith Last time I was in a foreign land, I told myself not to fret, it's not as if I'd ever pass for a native even if I were fluent.
@ZachWeinersmith well that was a waste of a minute
@donmoyn Still waiting for some public figure to mention the idea of repealing some of the legislation that made this mess, if only to dismiss it
@trinsec Ah, they do indeed work as forward/back in browser.
@trinsec my Logitech Marble Mouse (trackball) has left/right buttons plus two tiny ones whose function(s) I have never learned; possibly in MacOS they do nothing.
@trinsec I've never had a middle button. What is it for?
@ceoln That seems to say that in the afterlife we'll punish ourselves for low self-esteem.
@ceoln How about that! But it's more introverted than the one I have in mind.
Recently I saw a comic strip for which I wish I had saved a link. A soul is welcomed to Heaven by an angel who says, “You have your own home here, where you can spend eternity with whomever you choose.” “So, Heaven is is what I make of it, eh? What is Hell like?” “The same.”
Longshot: does this ring a bell, despite my compression and misquotation?
@zachweiner The spells always sounded Linnaean to me