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tripu boosted

“We don't see any against who want to get into male-dominated occupations. But we find considerable discrimination against men in female-dominated occupations.”
🇸🇪 ♂️ ♀️

tripu boosted

Man, do I love

“A typical essay by is deeper, better reasoned, better referenced, more original, and wittier than 99% of the opinion pieces in . It's sad that the can see him only through the lens of their standard political & cultural obsessions.”

tripu boosted

When I was younger, I was often afraid to start with I found “interesting”, or to ask them questions, for fear that my approaching them would be misconstrued. For instance, I had teachers in college who had amazing biographies, hobbies or research interests, but I rarely engaged in casual conversations with them because I thought everybody would think I was an arse-licker. Same with bosses I liked at work. And same with female classmates/workmates/acquaintances who seemed to have original personal stories or viewpoints similar to mine, for fear they would think I was hitting on them.
Nowadays, I'm more forward and try to discount “what people will think”. There are just so many interesting people near me, personal connections are difficult to find and keep, and I hate the idea that I'm missing , information or opportunities to learn and have fun because I am too conservative in keeping distances…

tripu boosted
#Proust, man…
A sentence with dependent clauses nested three levels deep (dashes, then parentheses, then dashes), plus two or three other parenthetical statements bracketed in commas.
#InSearchOfLostTime #MarcelProust #literature #InTheShadowOfYoungGirlsInFlower #book
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tripu boosted
tripu boosted
tripu boosted

Fediverse: what tools do programmers use in 2021?
(Only OS: ; editors/IDEs: & .)

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