A #dog #bakery in #Madrid today.
I have said with pride that I can't be offended, that I'm immune to that.
I'm still not offended by the existence of “dog bakeries” — but it gets close to that.
I don't blame specifically the shop owners (who detected a market need) or the clients (who are vulnerable to whims, curiosity and overindulgence, like anyone who cares for another creature). I blame us all, collectively, for creating a society and a moral code that enables this and doesn't give a second thought to the logic (or lack thereof) behind this.
Our priorities are so skewed. Our allocation of resources, empathy and attention is zero-sum. We neglect unthinkable quantities of suffering afflicting billions of sentient beings every day but pay for a spoiled caniche to eat a cute cupcake.
So basically I can enter every street in #Madrid city any time (even when there's high air pollution warnings), and park anywhere (including regulated parking areas), for free and with no time limits.
So we're moving to a new, more spacious #flat soon, and I want to have **a political world map covering an entire wall**. That's been [a desire of mine](https://pixelfed.de/i/web/post/248939451995262976) for a while.
Does anyone know **a place online to order such a gigantic poster?** Or, do you know **where I could find a very high-res #map of the world** that I can chop, print, and stick on the wall piece by piece?
(I live, and will continue to live, in the #Madrid metropolitan area, #Spain.)
#Madrid (🇪🇸 #Spain) is the most liveable #city in the world, and the 9th best city in the world overall, according to the Mori Memorial Foundation's “Global Power City Index” 2021.
[Antonio Escohotado](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antonio_Escohotado), one of my dearest intellectual heroes, died today 😢
He was a true erudite, a polymath, and a free soul.
He devoured the classics, opposed dictator Franco, was the fiercest of Communists, pioneered the hippy revolution in #Ibiza, travelled the world, studied and experimented with most drugs known to mankind, changed his views, lectured #philosophy, taught himself a few languages, became the most articulate #liberal, wrote the definitive tomes on a variety of scientific subjects, changed his views again, and shared it all along the way.
What I admire the most, though, is that he read everything under the sun. Primary sources, secondary sources, biographies, commentary. And he seemed to remember it all. #Escohotado set out to deeply understand something — be it #theGreeks, #drugs, #economics, #ChaosTheory — and damned studied every single relevant page there is about the subject, tirelessly, for years, until he emerged with the most robust of opinions about the topic, and a comprehensive view in the form of a new #book.
I am very inspired by him to always freaking read the classics, and the sources.
And I have always lamented that his fame in the English-speaking world wasn't commensurate with his many merits.
His last months were the chronicle of a death foretold: he chose to leave, and did so in his own terms, with dignity, in his beloved Ibiza.
I went to see him at public events here in #Madrid a couple of times. He was a giant, some unfortunate views or quotations notwithstanding.
I miss him already.
[#Spain #España 🇪🇸 #Madrid #elecciones #politics #eleccionesMadrid2021]
#Público titula una #noticia entrecomillando un tuit satírico cualquiera, escrito por nadie importante, que no tiene ninguna relevancia en absoluto, y que está escrito… como si fuese el titular de una noticia. El resultado es una noticia que no dice —pero torticeramente parece que sí dice— algo muy concreto que de ser cierto —no lo es— sería grave y consecuente. Y todo esto en un artículo en el que precisamente acusan a otros periodistas de mala praxis, de parcialidad, de falta de rigor y de insultar al #periodismo.
[#Spain #España 🇪🇸 #Madrid #elecciones #politics]
Estas son las opciones para #eleccionesMadrid2021 de las que estás oyendo hablar:
Y estas son todas las opciones que tienes disponibles:
De nada.
«El día que decidí venir a #Madrid fue el más importante de mi vida.»
#AndrésTrapiello #books #Spain 🇪🇸
🇪🇸 Pierdo toda esperanza en la humanidad. Hice una consulta por e-mail a una dirección oficial del Registro Civil Único de #Madrid, y esta es su respuesta, completa y literal:
#español #lengua #funcionarios
Technologist, Spaniard, male, 42