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On February 15 at 18:15 I will talk about "Sentiment Analysis for Latin: lexicons, annotation and automatic approaches" within the #DigitalHumanities colloquium at Freie Universität Berlin. No registration needed, just connect here:

Scientists will actually tell you what they don’t know.

Berghotel Schatzalp near Davos was built between 1898 and 1900 as a sanatorium and was one of the inspirations for Thomas Mann's Novel "Der Zauberberg". It was one of the first reinforced concrete buildings in Graubünden and featured many modern technologies such as floor heating, an elevator and a mail and telegraph room. Since 1954, it is a hotel with 92 rooms are spread across three floors. #architecture #photography #Switzerland

Vor 60 Jahren starb Carl Stucki – oder wie man vom #Idiotikon-Redaktor zum Überwacher des Waffenstillstands nach dem #Koreakrieg werden kann:

Postdoctoral positions available at the School of Information sciences. Salary of at least $60k + $2k for research and travel, 1/1 teaching load, renewable for two years. Please boost!

I wrote a longer-form piece on about the concept of operationalization in AI and the way it disenfranchises communities from making decisions that the systems that govern their lives.

If you want to read it there:

I'll also serialize it, below.


Proof of concept of an opt-in global Mastodon search. Tootfinder indexes recent toots of all user that want to get indexed. If you are not interested, just do not join the index.The feeds are indexed in a SQLite database and deleted after 7 days.

I’ve noticed that my expectations as a professor are sometimes quite different from those of my postdocs. This is not about research experience, etc., and not about culture, but rather basic work matters; things that go for me without saying. At first, I thought it was just me, but apparently colleagues have encountered similar issues as well.

Therefore I’m starting to wonder whether this is perhaps due to generational differences between (professors) and (postdocs).

So, question for other professors: Do you have similar experiences? And if yes, any good approaches for dealing with it?

RECEPTIO's version of #receptiogate:

"In December 2022, we were the victim of a vicious defamation campaign via the web, which shut us down for a month. After a legal investigation that established that all the accusations against us were unfounded and the result of the ravings of a sick mind (to which haters gave credence), in February 2023 the centre resumed its cultural activities"

The lack of a full stop after the last sentence suggests that the story isn't quite finished yet...

Im neuen SAGW-Newsletter gelesen: «Universität Zürich schafft unbefristete Stellen im Mittelbau», sog. Lecturer-Positionen in Lehre und Forschung. Die Stellen sind für Postdocs vorgesehen, Verbesserungen gibt es aber auch für Doktorierende und Assistierende. Bleibt nur die Frage der Finanzierung:

We've made it easier to use the #Lua interpreter in #pandoc 3: calling `pandoc lua` (or invoking pandoc via a symlink named `pandoc-lua`) lets pandoc behave like the default `lua` binary, but with all of pandoc's libraries loaded. E.g.,

echo 'print(PANDOC_VERSION)' | pandoc lua

prints the version, and

pandoc lua script.lua

runs the given script.

was ich an den unterschiedlichen ki modellen mag: sie entzaubern jegliche kulturproduktion als ansammlung verschränkter nachahmungsgesten.

Going through my reading list, I found a nice one that @bwyble had posted to Twitter in 2018…

I just re-recorded the Apple Lisa demo I gave in 2021. Now you can understand what I'm saying! I managed to keep it under an hour, too 😅 #vintagecomputing

Eine – für mich als interessierten Laien – sehr anschauliche Erklärung der Grundprinzipien von ChatGPT, mit einer kleinen Genealogie von Transformer → GPT-[1,2,3] → ChatGPT.

Jetzt noch bis zum 22.2. bewerben auf die Stelle als wiss. Mitarbeiter/in (m/w/d) als Leitung des Archivs für Gesprochenes Deutsch (AGD) in unserer Abteilung Pragmatik! 👉 Gern teilen und an Interessierte weiterleiten! #Stellenausschreibung #Jobs #Mannheim

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.