I will watched as soon as get the time, I just want to mention that BRICS countries are moving towards heavy industrialization which requires a lot of energy, so no matter what Europe's policy on cutting emissions or strategy toward renewable energy it won't matter on a global scale, it will just make Europe's products less competitive on the global markets.
I read this article a couple of days ago and find this innovation very interesting for sustainable energy production.
@empiricism Agreed, I have this goal of living on a sustainable homestead and doing my remote IT work.
What don't like is what is happening in the Netherlanders right now, the government confiscating farmers land on the basis of some bullshit climate scam.
https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/ is one of the most active projects on GitHub, with a PR merged around every 10 minutes.
@empiricism It's not an excuse for farmers to use pollutants and toxic chemicals for farming (eg. pesticide, herbicide, etc.) There should be high standard of farming respecting of the soil and the environment in general.
@empiricism It really doesn't matter when you don't have food in the grocery market shelves.
@empiricism @angelobottone @EdinEurope @samuraikid
>Those with higher levels of the dark triad of personality traits (e.g., narcissism) try to gaslight people. In the #UK, that tends to be the rich ruling elites (especially more extreme forms of conservatism)
I used to associate those traits with right-wingers and their tendency to cater to corporate interests. But over time and with more perspective I see those same traits on the left as well, with their hypocrisy of caring about the average worker while welcoming mass immigration and allowing offshoring of good paying jobs.
A good example of left hypocrisy and gas-lighting on so many levels in the UK is Tony Blair.
Regardless of political ideology those traits are usually associated with people from or working for rich elite families seeking protect their wealth and social statuts with corruption,, blackmail and controlling political power.
@empiricism @angelobottone @EdinEurope @samuraikid
> It's of course intentional (deliberate) but the more right-wing conservative "elite" gaslight the general public.
We really need to leave partisan politics behind. This has nothing to do with left vs right politics, it's about greed and corruption which takes roots on many civil instituions regardless of political ideology.
This an ordinary middle class family who took their child to a children hospital for an emergency, then the state abducted their child on false pretenses with the help of the corrupt hospital and the justice system. This situation happened to hundred of ordinary families.
Civil institutions(Hospitals, Schools, Justice Courts, etc. ) should work for the people not against them, the best way to weed out the corruption is by exposing the truth.
The state and the corrupt corporate hospital care are hurting families and children, please spread the story of Maya far and wide, thank you!
Take Care of Maya
CW long post (original content)
The Paradox of Altruistic Gamete Donation and Surrogacy
The various forms of artificial human reproduction are, all of them, problematic; not least because they present all sorts of complex moral and legal issues. And this blog touches on such issues but, before going into the complexity, let us first have a little simplicity.
Let us, therefore, consider what appears to many to be the least problematic forms of artificial human reproduction: altruistic gamete donation and altruistic surrogacy. They are called ‘altruistic’ because they are the freely given gifts of women who seek no profit; women who simply want to do good, and who are under no pressure to do so.
Such an altruistic woman is Anne, a healthy young woman who donates eggs so that an infertile couple can have children. Let's suppose that no monetary exchange is involved, not even in the form of compensation for expenses, which is still a subtle form of exchange. Anne, remember, expects nothing in return from the couple. This is altruism, not commerce. Some people would find her action morally acceptable, even laudable; and they would see no good reason why it should not be considered perfectly legal.
Another such altruistic woman is Marie. Like Anne, Marie is a healthy young woman and absolutely altruistic. Anne acts as a surrogate mother for a couple because the woman who wants to become a mother cannot carry a pregnancy. Again, let's suppose that no monetary exchange is involved, not even in the form of compensation for expenses. Marie allows the use of her womb for mere altruism and expects nothing in return from the couple. Some people would find her action, too, to be morally acceptable; even laudable. This, too, they believe, should be perfectly legal.
Certainly, appropriate forms of regulation would be necessary in the cases of both, Anne and Marie, to anticipate and avoid possible conflicts that just might arise between the parties involved. But, in general, there are not many people who would find the actions of either Anne or Marie to be, in any way, dreadfully, seriously, problematic.
Now, let us imagine another healthy, young, and exceptionally altruistic woman, whom we shall call, for obvious reasons, Annemarie. Annemarie, in this imaginary case, both donates her eggs to, and, acts as a surrogate mother for, a particular infertile couple, the woman of which cannot carry a pregnancy. Annemarie does the same, and is the same, as Anne and Marie. The same: but, different.
Yes, here is the paradox: while some people would approve of the actions of Anne, and of Marie, the actions of Annemarie seem to them to be very different. Because very few people would consider the practice of conceiving and gestating a child with the deliberate intention to give the child away to a commissioning couple, even for purely altruistic reasons, to be either morally or legally acceptable. So, with Anne and Marie: not problematic. Yet, with Annemarie: so problematic.
What is so wrong in the case of Annemarie that is not seemingly wrong in the cases of Anne or Marie? If two actions are individually good, why are they not good when combined together?
The paradox obviously does not arise for those who do not consider gamete donation – that is the donation of either eggs or sperm - or surrogacy, (or both,) to be in any way acceptable. For others, the paradox is there.
Ova are donated with a view to generating children; and if a surrogate mother is needed to complete the process why shouldn’t she be the very same woman who donates the eggs?
Similarly, if an altruistic surrogate mother is doing something good, isn’t she doing something even better if she is also the altruistic donor? Would it be different if Annemarie donates her ova to one couple and acts as a surrogate for a different couple?
We can easily imagine all sorts of permutations and combinations of roles, genders, relationships, number of people involved, etc., between the process of gamete donation and surrogacy. We can easily imagine just how complex and problematic the whole business can become.
In the reality of the world out there, cases are usually much more complicated that those presented here in such a simplified way. But, even as we discuss clear cut simplified cases, sooner or later some contradiction appears; and it points to something seriously wrong with splitting up the normal, and naturally composite, action of becoming the mother and the father of a child.
Those who would defend altruistic gamete donation and surrogacy should, if they are being logical, also defend the practice of generating children with the purpose of donating them to couples. For that is the logic of it all. Somehow, we feel that there is more to this than cold logic; this does not feel right and proper.
And those who have no problems with some form of compensation (be it a fee, or expenses, or whatever) for gamete donation and surrogacy, should have no problem with turning the bringing of a child into this world into a commercial business.
We demand to know: Since when has treating children as commodities to be given is progress?
@vwbusguy I don't like this kind of race pandering. A real human connection start with honest back and forth conversation based on mutual respect and kindness.
@thelinuxEXP @nextcloud @system76
Excellent video, I really like your gnome/kde apps updates, it's amazing to me that there are devs making free desktop apps/tools instead of subscription based web apps.
@freemo Just a random thought about monetizing a #fediverse instance.
I am thinking about a platform were ad providers would be bid for an ad placement and who ever wins the bid has to submit his ad for approval from 10 random instance users in top 1000 most active users.
The biding platform would be opensource and active users selection would be transparent as well as the ad approval process.
The ad placements could easily dismissed by the instance users if they found they are annoying.
I think this could be a win/win. #fediverse admin could get some cash to improve the instance or fund whatever cause the instance stand for and active users have input on who is buying ads.
@CSBHOTSQUAD @Johncdvorak You're a time saver man, it must be a crime to share FB video link.
@freemo I just noticed picture in picture video player, so cool!
Network and email security firm Barracuda today revealed that a recently patched zero-day vulnerability had been exploited for at least seven months to backdoor customers' Email Security Gateway (ESG) appliances with custom malware and steal data.
@adam I was just over dramatic with my toot earlier, I am not freaking out about this one, I find it ***very interesting*** a guy like Altman the face of a major AI company is behind an obscure crypto coin/digital ID scam. FBS is a incompetent fraud, but Altman knows what he is doing and he has big silicon valley money and deep connections backing him up. The 'orb' part of this crypto scam is just so funny and ominous at same time.
@freemo Nice, so you are American citizen? I am just wondering if the usa issue conceal carry to foreigners?
@adam How the f*ck did you guys missed this giant global crypto scam https://worldcoin.org/ carried by
Sam Altman #openai ? This is more nefarious then FTX!!!