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@TheOldGuy @BigSkyRider
Sorry about that, although I read recently that they reduced the medical requirements, so you might still have a chance.

@antares @georgetakei

Unfortunately, he is right, the elections in the US is determined by those six states, add to that mail-in ballots, and your vote is meaningless.

@TheOldGuy Are you considering joining the Ukrainian arm forces?

Government bureaucracy (largest employer in the economy) represents a reflection of the society ethics morals and decadence.

You can make all the perfect laws, the right intensives and oversight. When a society morals standards decay so the government.

There are usually a small a group of people that understands the social and economic issues, advocating for higher moral values and better standards of living.

You can call those kind of groups a union or what ever social entity they choose to represent themselves.

It's a convection driven group of people advocating for the betterment of society in small increments since the creation of civilization.


> The more we refuse to address the government

It seems to me that reinventing a lean and work condition oriented union is more feasible then "fixing the government".

>broken hacks like unions

Unions played a major role in the past 60s/70s pushing for work condition reforms that many are enjoying today and especially uplifting the manual labor class from poverty to middle income.

Today unions are entrenched in politics and bureaucracy sometimes working against the interest of their members.
They push the demands too far and led to bankruptcies and manufacturing offshoring to

Am not pro unions in their current form today, but I am not holding my breath on "addressing the government".

>The govt should ensure that

Who sponsor the representative election compagne?

Big govt have been turning a blind eye on big corp for a long time, now I read children are working in meat factories in the US.

I am not saying that unions are going to fix this kind of problems and some of them are more corrupt then big corps and govt.

Am more pro lean unions that try to fix specific work condition issues.

@freemo I believe union work should be limited to safe work condition and a livable wage.

Corporations could be involved in wage-fixing the labor market in their favor as well.

@freemo @impooortant

Crazy situation, it just shows how powerless big gov can be protecting individuals against organised criminals but very effective at limiting civil liberties and encroaching on privacy rights in the name of national security.

Is it safe to say that
Israeli mafia ≈ mossad ?

Another study related to mRNA safety and myocardial injury risks.

> Sex-specific differences in myocardial injury incidence after COVID-19 mRNA-1273 Booster Vaccination

> In conclusion, using active surveillance, mRNA-1273 vaccine-associated mild transient myocardial injury was found to be much more common than previously thought. It occurred in one out of 35 persons, was mild and transient, and more frequent in women versus men.



> A true far-left movement would be advocating for forced property seizure

Sounds very fascist, that's what the NAZI did to the Jews during WWII.

@realcaseyrollins @freemo

>Puberty, if they’re not being groomed.

This whole gender ideology cult seems like a scheme to confuse, sexualise and control kids, then push them toward the medical and pharmaceutical industry as early as possible. It's pure evil.


It's a made up term by the gender ideology cult that sound scientific, but it has no basis to it.

There are two gender:male and female.

Other "gender identities" are made up terms by people to live in their fantasy, as long as they don't push their believe on others I don't really care.

@realcaseyrollins @freemo Wow, :blobmindblown:
>kids who like having non-heterosexual sex,

At what age kids start experimenting and developing sexual preference?

> non cisgender gender identities

What identity is that?

@realcaseyrollins @freemo This thread revolves around "queer kids" yet no one has objectively explain what's a "queer kid"?? 😞

@freemo @realcaseyrollins
>I claimed that the statement is objectively true

Bold statement.

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