Responses to today's M7 earthquake from the Fiji region at 2022-11-12 07:09:14UTC recorded in SW England and Brittany, France on the
#raspishake and #BGSseismology networks. See: Uses #obspy, #matplotlib & folium libraries.
Selected responses across the British Isles to today's M7 earthquake in Fiji 2022-11-12 07:09:14UTC recorded on #raspishake citizen science seismometers, plotted using #obspy, #matplotlib, folium.
Section from today's M7 earthquake in the Fiji region at 2022-11-12 07:09:14UTC recorded across the globe on the #raspishake citizen science seismometer network. See: Uses #obspy, #matplotlib
@freemo at well as downloading and playing with #obspy, which is highly recommended, you can see professionally produced versions of this plot, using more seismometers at #iris here: and lots of further information from them here: My plot uses citizen science data collected from many private #raspishake seismometers across the globe.
@lePetomaneAncien Excel is the most effective way to process data in my workplace and VBA is far more effective than creating complex formulas, validating and updating them. Is VBA so bad?
@inspired I can remember copying out the code for the FFT from a book called Numerical Recipes in Fortran at work in the 1990's, to process data from borehole pressure transducers. I hadn't appreciated the history. The frequency domain filtering used is shown on the plot.
@mrwheeler @bitbybot we also use, my sympathies over your bandwidth problems, it's hard to see how that could be adequate for any school. We also sometimrs get the spinning disk when two classes are on replit at the same time and pupils do silly amounts of iteration.
Today's M7.3 Tonga region earthquake at 2022-11-11 10:48:45UTC recorded in the British Isles on the #raspishake #seismometer network. See: Uses #obspy, #matplotlib & folium libraries. Waves travelled via the core.
@apinae thank you.
Watch the waves from the M7.3 #earthquake in #Tonga cross seismic stations in North America.
Each dot is a seismic station. When the ground below the seismic station moves up the dot turns red, and when the ground moves down the dot turns blue.
By the time the waves reach North America they are much too small to feel, but not too small to be measured by sensitive seismic instruments.
Video from IRIS.
Section from today's M7.3 earthquake in the Tonga region at 2022-11-11 10:48:45UTC recorded on the worldwide #raspishake
network. See: Uses #obspy and #matplotlib.
Hi, an #introduction, my name is Mark, I am a #computer #science #teacher with a background in #geoscience. I am interested in #computing #education and #seismology. I program in #python & #vba. I run two #raspberryshake seismometers and tinker with #raspberrypi #pico & #arduino microcontroller boards.
Computer science teacher with an interest in seismology and physical computing.