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@scotsoma we've made it too dangerous for kids to play in the streets, too dangerous for people to cycle, apparently now also too dangerous for pedestrians to not be dressed in high viz at all times? Kids, pedestrians, and cyclists are not causing the problem here.

Ron DeSantis is a person who exercises authoritarian control over society and seeks to impose his ideology and will upon the people they rule. Fascism is a political ideology that is characterized by extreme nationalism, militarism, and a focus on national unity, strength, and order, often at the expense of individual freedoms and rights.

In a fascist regime, the leader typically holds all power and authority, and there is little to no room for dissent or opposition. The government is often centralized and controls many aspects of citizens' lives, including the economy, media, and education. Propaganda and manipulation of information are also common in fascist regimes, as the leader and the ruling party seek to control the narrative and maintain his grip on power.

Fascism is widely considered to be a harmful and dangerous political ideology and has been responsible for numerous human rights abuses, wars, and acts of genocide throughout history.

@yonle The people running ircnow are really friendly and helpful . So if you are interested in sys admin this course is free, you don't have much to lose with that.

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On our network, all users are created equal. We don’t answer to billionaire CEOs, elites, or corporate monopolies. This LAN was made for you and me.

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If I understand things, guns should be stored safely, so that children especially can't just pick them up.

The gun owner can be held responsible and I am sure in some cases despite their own kids shooting s sibling for example, the parents are held accountable.


This is my argument, target the smugglers, put them out of business but create safer / cheaper ways for people to migrate from a to b to help facilitate this. Make it a humanitarian issue.

More than 90% of people who arrive in the EU irregularly turn to smugglers to facilitate part of their journey.

We want to enhance EU cooperation to defeat criminal networks.

It's time to protect the lives of refugees.

Read our proposals on #EUMigration:


Two UK PhD studentships in public health research:

🔹 “The impact of nature-based citizen science interventions on mental health and wellbeing: An interdisciplinary mixed-methods study”

🔹 “Learning from the COVID-19 pandemic to create a national narrative and build support for population-level behaviour change to achieve Net Zero sooner”

For more info, please see:

For questions about these two projects, please contact

**Please share**

Senior Twitter employees admit under oath that Twitter made exceptions to its racism policies to accomodate racist tweets by Trump, even going so far as to change their polices to avoid having to enforce them on Trump's tweets.

I don't watch football myself, but for those of you who do, @sjvn has it all scoped-out, and he spends way too much time watching TV, so he'll have it down: How to watch the Super Bowl 2023: Your best streaming bets


Good grief, I saw the pic and thought . I don't even see myself as a super knowedable trekkie either.

Dear journalists, just so we're all on the same page - heckling the President of the United States during the State of the Union isn't normal, isn't American, and isn't okay.

I don't care what point they thought you were making. This was neither the time, nor the place to make it. THAT'S the story. We're all clear on that, right?

@drcpennington @mcaleerp

The link works, it is amazons link to add the book to a wish list that fails

is anyone else is having an issue maybe save the link in book marks and try again later. It may just be a glitch their end.

@mikec415 Wow. I hope that school district has lawsuit money, because they're going to need lawsuit money.

@Ferfer72 @mikec415

I am not sure how the pledge thing works in the US. If someone was to emigrate then they have to take this to become a US citizen,

That aside, the article does state people are not obliged to take part in the oath.

The actions by the substitute teacher were clearly wrong, the lad made a point and at an appropriate time maybe this could lead to a proper discussion.on the topic surely

As for the flag being racist, it is meant to represent the 13 original states and the 50 states of the union.

As for the Anthem, I was under the impression it told the story of the war of independence from the British, so after the battle the flag was still flying.

Certainly the 3rd verse has

Their blood has wash'd out their foul footstep's pollution

I assume refers to the British Rulers, who the war of independence was fought against.


Maybe i am wrong,

I am very pleased to see student-centred books like this one now being published on open science & the replication crisis. It has become ever more transparent that when you stop discussing & teaching the issues of the past, and why change was needed, those issues tend to repeat & become a problem again. With some luck, & with more books on the topic, we might start to make a lasting change here.

Congrats @drcpennington on the book. Can’t wait to read it & put it on my class reading list!

The Washington Post now flags journalists' profiles as verified on Mastodon.

I made a scale visualization of the shapes and relative sizes of WASP-12 b (a very hot Jupiter) and Saturn.

Saturn is spinning pretty quickly, which draws it out into a squished ball shape (oblate spheroid), whereas WASP-12 b is pulled into a long football shape by the tidal forces from its parent star.

#astronomy #space

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