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Ghost is federating over ActivityPub to become part of the world’s largest publishing network.

#activitypub #ghost #welcome

UN Ditches Big Tech for UK’s Element: A Secure Messaging Revolution for Global Privacy #cybersecurity

10 hours after Al Jazeera reported on the new mass grave discovered at Nasser hospital in Khan Younis yesterday where 180 bodies had been found, and according to my searches, no western media has reported on it yet.

Middle East Eye has more up to date coverage. More than 200 bodies have been recovered and rescuers say they fear 400 bodies are buried there.

According to Al Jazeera, the bodies of children, elderly women and young men were among those found.

Rescue teams said some bodies had their hands bound behind their backs, suggesting they were executed and buried on the spot.

A scientist has twelve identical flasks of bacteria, running for 70,000 generations (years!) to investigate the role of chance over time. A fascinating article about the divergent flask and what that means:

Net neutrality means that ISPs don’t get to speed up or slow down your web traffic based on what site you’re visiting. The FCC understood this in 2015, yet left the door open for the creation of fast lanes in their new rules. Tell them to fix this mistake.

[cont’d] President Abbas: Palestinian leadership to reconsider bilateral relations with the United States

The Palestinian leadership will reconsider its bilateral relations with the United States to ensure the protection of the Palestinian people's interests, cause, and rights.


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@zleap Thank you! I agree that's likely a strong direction. I'm just trying to explore something in software quickly to "see if it's not stupid" and then, as you suggest, make it much more physical.

there's a word for a child that has lost both (all of) their parents: orphan. but not a word for parents that have lose all their children.

if there was would we have a different relationship with war and warfare?

Dear #LazyWeb I'd like to create a interactive prototype, nothing complicated, just a simple slider than when I move it, animates a range of simulated LEDs (about 100 of them). My first through was Processing but I'm open to other suggestions.

My issue with any choice is the start up cost, it's usually quite tedious to get started before I can get to the fun part. Any suggestions?

I did not see this one coming:

The US is about to impose sanctions on specific members of the Israeli army, the IDF.

Behind closed doors, the US has investigated the IDF's violations of human rights in Gaza, and the result is now on Anthony Blinken's table.

We in the West must continue to apply pressure, military and economic, to hasten Russia's self-created decrepitude. Russia cannot win. It opens the pandora's box around the world, emboldening autocrats, and the world will descend into madness.

The fight in Ukraine is the fight for our world.


Coventry city vs Manchester United
FA Cup Semi Final
GO Sky Blues

Are there any anthropologists / historians who can provide social or historical context to the self-immolation tread occurring over the last couple of years?

@trevorflowers @Jennifer In any successful public-facing project, commercial or not, it’s usually someone’s job to be non-grumpy, patient, and helpful to people who are new, frustrated, or surprisingly knowledgeable.

If that’s not someone’s job (it’s mine in plugdata) then the project becomes defined by what grumpy people don’t feel like doing.

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