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Nine-year-old chess prodigy to make history after being picked for England.
Bodhana Sivanandan is the youngest selected in any sport. Will compete against adults at the World Chess Olympiad.


Breathless wall to wall coverage of transphobia from Sunak, Starmer, and Farage, but nothing at all on the trans kids protesting their exclusion from health care.

Same link I shared yesterday. Pleas spread it far and wide.

Imagine a world where you can give your trusted friends the ability to help manage your comment sections and relationships.

Pixelfed Trusted Mutuals will allow you to delegate some actions like comment deletion and account blocks to those trusted friends!

You will be notified upon each action and this will federate ✨

#pixelfed #trustedMutuals

One of the scariest thoughts about SCOTUS immunity decision is its possible effect on the military.
As recently as 2020, the military refused to do Trump's bidding because of allegiance to the Constitution, in spite of Trump being the Commander in Chief.
Now the constitutional constraints are suddenly weakened and the only authority is what the C in C says. Add to that the fact that most officers lean right or far rightward and we are set up for a military enforced autocracy akin to Pinochet Chile or 80's Argentina.
#fascism #biden #failure #scotus #dnc #military #coup

Inside of two weeks, SCOTUS has given itself authority to:

- cancel legislation it doesn't like
- overrule regulatory bodies it doesn't agree with
- and after the fact legalize actions taken by a President.

Given that it's already got final say on the actions of the rest of the judiciary, that now consolidates the power of all three branches of American government under the authority of the Supreme Court.

In other words? It's a judicial coup.

Revolutions have been fought over less.

According to the bbc politicians are going for one last push before the UK elections. As I am not on mainstream social media i have not seen anything, I have hardly seen any election broadcasts.

Perhaps one day, politicians will embrace the Fediverse.

We're entering the FAFO phase of climate change and the FO part is going to get worse and worse.

Hurricane Beryl is the earliest Category 5 hurricane observed in the Atlantic basin on record. Why? We've made the oceans hot and the atmosphere more energetic.


Along with 35 colleagues, I have signed an open letter to the UN to keep the internet decentralised, open, and multistakeholder. While our existing governance model needs an upgrade, replacing it with hierarchical state control is not the answer. #OpenInternet

Does the UK need a commitment to a 'universal basic infrastructure' to tackle inequality & the vast unevenness in the provision of publics services across the country?

Writing for Economics Observatory, Diane Coyle, Stella Erker & Andy Westwood make a strong (if summary) case that it would.

It would be a potential game changer fro the UK, but unlikely to be adopted when current or similar fiscal rules (probity) donate policy discussion.

#infrastructure #politics

Fuck Le Pen, fuck Trump, fuck Farage and fuck all the fascists that have won political power off the back of neoliberal governments naively believing they can 'debate them in the market place of ideas' rather than smashing them on the streets like we should have been doing all along.

#Politics #FrenchElections #USpolitics #UKpolitics

Struggling to decode Intel's processor names? We get it! That's why we're here to break it down for you.

The planet does not need more 'successful people'. The planet desperately needs more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of all kinds. It needs people to live well in their places. It needs people with moral courage willing to join the struggle to make our world habitable and humane, and these qualities have little to do with success as our culture defines it"

Environmentalist David Orr.

I often get a 147 when I play snooker, and 180 when I play darts.

They’re the most direct bus routes from my place.


My first editor was a pencil with an eraser, writing on 80-column coding sheets,
"Save and run" meant "hand to a card-punch operator, which I would check and then hand in to the operator to load into a card reader to run overnight."


I'm not going to complain about any modern coding tools. 😀

@josh @coderanger

Saturday 6th July
England vs Switzerland

17:00 Kick off

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