My #introduction is that I'm a 3rd year graduate student in #biochemistry and #molecularbiology .
I study the RAG1/2 recombinase and its binding motif, which facilitates V(D)J recombination. I am actively trying to improve my knowledge and use of #programing #datascience and #machinelearning . Though I am fairly new to programing in general.
I have Functional Movement Disorder, which causes me to have episodes of shaking and various other symptoms.
I enjoy growing #plants and spending time in my #greenhouse and in the outdoors. I grow succulents, cactus, tropicals, and orchids.
Would teleportation technology mean you could make anything?
A possible way to do teleportation is to scan, disassemble, then assembling the atoms of a object in the same order as the scanned object.
Would that mean we could just duplicate the thing by assembling it over and over, without rescanning? I am thinking you could just print endless food or just print anything that’s been scanned before. 🤷
On a positive note, today I submitted my draft post-doctoral proposal, which builds on my Ph.D. dissertation. In addition, my dissertation is now about 90% complete and I have the body written, now just need to get the conclusion and defense going. Things are moving! #WxMastodon #SciComm #severeweather #phdlife #academicmastodon
precipitated DNA in protein purification lysate
I have been working on protein purification. When clearing my lysate, the cleared lysate was under a layer of what I think is DNA. Does anyone have any suggestions on separating the DNA interfacing layer away from the cleared lysate?
I pipetted off the white layer off and saved it, but between the two tubes the layer was about 4 mL. Which seems like a lot of volume, and I don't want to lose the protein in that 4 mL.
First co-suthorship, so exciting!
This week, my lab recently published, and its my first co-authorship on a paper! 🎉
Our lab developed a high-throughput plasmid-based recombination assay, SARP-seq, to investigate RAG1/2's recombination of thousands of different DNA motifs.
The RAG1/2 recombinase facilitates the diverse antigen binding repertoire for the adaptive immune system, but can also aberrantly cause genomic instability.
Walker Hoolehan, Justin C Harris, Jennifer N Byrum, Destiny A Simpson, Karla K Rodgers, An updated definition of V(D)J recombination signal sequences revealed by high-throughput recombination assays, Nucleic Acids Research, 2022;, gkac1038,
Have you used `subplot_mosaic()` in #Python's #Matplotlib yet?
Or are you a dinosaur like me and still use older functions? After all, `subplot_mosaic()` was only introduced in 2020 in version 3.3
Recently, I decided to finally explore `subplot_mosaic()` and I know I'll never go back to whatever I did before to plot these types of figures!
<code in next post>
#coding #programming #Visualisation #LearnPython #LearnToCode
Trying to figure this site out and find a chemistry teacher network here. Hello world? #edutooter
One of the most underrated #Python modules?
We know it's used for teaching & not in the "real-world"
But it's usually used only for basic drawings & simple animations for kids–a very limited scope
_We can teach more advanced topics, too…_
Here are some examples…
# 1. Data structures: lists, tuples, dictionaries, and sets
Here's an animation that uses all four of these structures:
_[Practise Using Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries, and Sets in Python With the Chaotic Balls Animation](
# 2. Named Tuples
And a bit further down the line, here's an example of a `turtle` animation of a sunrise that introduces Named Tuples:
_[Sunrise: A Python Turtle Animation using Named Tuples](
# 3. Demonstrating real-world processes
Maybe we want to use it model real-world processes in a quick-and-simple way.
Here is a demonstration of "simulating" bouncing balls
There's the single ball version:
_[The Real World in Python: Coding A Bouncing Ball](
and the many balls one which deals with **object-oriented programming**:
_[Bouncing Balls Using Object-Oriented Programming in Python](
And, one of my favourites, a simulations of planets orbiting one or more stars. The `turtle` version is in 2D:
_[Simulating Orbiting Planets in a Solar System Using Python](
_There's also a 3D version which uses Matplotlib instead of turtle, but that's off-topic here so I'll post another time_
Here are some more ideas from projects I've written up recently
I have loads and loads more which I'll try to write up and publish in the coming months
#animations #python #turtle #coding #programming #LearnToCode #LearnPython
Whoa! I know bats are important, but this is insane. An exclusion experiment by Beilke et al shows that forests without bats are *three to five times* as insect-eaten as forests with bats.
My #introduction is that I'm a 3rd year graduate student in #biochemistry and #molecularbiology .
I study the RAG1/2 recombinase and its binding motif, which facilitates V(D)J recombination. I am actively trying to improve my knowledge and use of #programing #datascience and #machinelearning . Though I am fairly new to programing in general.
I have Functional Movement Disorder, which causes me to have episodes of shaking and various other symptoms.
I enjoy growing #plants and spending time in my #greenhouse and in the outdoors. I grow succulents, cactus, tropicals, and orchids.
Hello! Introducing myself including proper hashtags. I am Paula Marques Figueiredo, #Geologist working in #Paleoseimology, #ActiveTectonics, #Geomorphology, #Soils and #Geochronology (#OSL and #Cosmogenics). I work with #Earthquakes, #NaturalHazards, frequently #Trenching evidence of them. I am a native of #Portugal, living in the USA. My favorite earthquake is the #1755LisbonEarthquake (obviously)!
I couldn't resist trying this after (like half they planet) seeing so much about it on Twitter. But honestly I already see it as a vast improvement. When you compare how Twitter started to where it is today seems to be the trajectory for most advert supported platforms. You just do not get to see as much of the content you are actually interested in. YouTube is another culprit for that.
Removing the limits looks like it will really help develop some longer form communication - which in my field will definitely help. We cannot always summarise compress ideas into a few characters 😂
Looking forward to seeing how this goes!
Aphid eater hoverfly, Eupeodes sp., looking stunning on a rosemary flower just yesterday, November 4th. Pembroke college, Cambridge, UK.
As in most flies, the eyes seem bigger than the head itself, and often touch each other dorsally. Large eyes alongside tiny antennae is a great distinguishing feature to tell flies apart from wasps. Often, as is the case here, flies present a color pattern similar to that of a wasp: Batesian mimicry which offers protection against predation.
Amusingly, a cook passed by to collect a bunch for “formal hall”, that is, dinner.
#entomology #inaturalist #iphonephotography
I love plants and science, can I say more?
Disabled - Gay - Graduate Student
#Biochemistry #MolecularBiology #Plants
I study the RAG1/2 recombinase