I mean that the menu doesn't have a Federated selection. Everything on there is local OR people I've already followed, ergo I can't follow new people or read new posts.

I am now in the process of downloading my particulars and I'm bugging outta there.

@ClaraListensprechen4 interesting, the opposite of what fedibird did.

@ClaraListensprechen4 its a japanese server, not popular outside of japan

@realcaseyrollins @freemo
realcasey if they're still federated they're keeping it to themselves. It's no longer a menu selection.

@ClaraListensprechen4 @realcaseyrollins

Its federated for eveyone, just doesnt have the federated tineline, but it still federates for all

@freemo @realcaseyrollins
I know and that's exactly what the problem is for me. Federated only for Follows to the exclusion of all else.

@ML2 @freemo @realcaseyrollins
The menu changed and every option on it excludes Federated. It's either Home or local, so federated just enough to get stuff from people I follow doesn't cut it.

@freemo @ClaraListensprechen4 @realcaseyrollins

ADDENDUM: They have the federated tab it seems, at least on the web interface. Check Live Feeds under "Other Servers".

@realcaseyrollins @ML2 @ClaraListensprechen4

The federated feed is a bit useless, cant remember the last time i used it... that said i like our users to have the option

@freemo @realcaseyrollins @ML2

I'm happy for you if you never use the Federated feed. I use it primarily.

So it's a new software change that simply left me hanging. Lifting a glass to stuff that doesn't leave me hanging.

@ClaraListensprechen4 @realcaseyrollins @ML2

Yea i will make it a poi t to keep it in qoto for sure.. i may not use it but it makes sense to keep for those who do.

@freemo @realcaseyrollins @ML2
Thank you very much for that, Dr. Freemo. I fully expect I'm not the only one who goes to read Federated first. It's how hashtag games get done, among other things like news feeds.

@ClaraListensprechen4 @realcaseyrollins @ML2

I have always been very against the idea of removing and blocking features just cause you want people to control the user expierence. Let the users choose, its also one reason why we open federate.

@freemo @realcaseyrollins @ML2

Yeah Dr, I like your attitude. When I use Block or Mute I use it on sports and Wordle things, and bots whose topics I'm not interested in. It's handy that way.

@ML2 @freemo @realcaseyrollins

Ahhhhhh, that would explain stuff. More explanation than I ever got from Universeodon. I'm already packed up to move out tho.

Gonna go instance shopping again. Luvz QOTO but it doesn't use Translate Libre and that's the one thing I'm gonna miss from Universeodon. Sequestration is intolerable.

@ClaraListensprechen4 we will probably have it up in the next few weeks since i quit my job and have free time again.

Well that's certainly good news. And I still haven't figured out how to get Circles to work. Need a primer on that or something.

@ClaraListensprechen4 rg wrote a tutorial on it. Will have to find it.

I did find some instructions but didn't work for me. Details for Dummies is kinda my speed I guess.

@ClaraListensprechen4 if you tag me in 3 or 4 days when in back home i can try to help. On my phone now.

Well, they're not offering the Federated option in the menu. If they're still federated, it's pretty dang limited.

@ClaraListensprechen4 Ctrl-F5 to make sure? I can't believe they would defederate.

Ctl-F5 won't put "Federated" back on the menu. If they're still federated, they're being stingy with it.

@ClaraListensprechen4 If I check the Universeodon feed on their front page and check some of the replies, they're still getting replies from out of their instance, though. So they're not cut off I think. Something must've glitched? Have you asked the admin there about this?

@ClaraListensprechen4 Mm, is it not called # Explore now with the newer Mastodon versions?

Now that you mention it, I'm not seeing Explore either.

@ClaraListensprechen4 Put /explore after the instance domain in the url to see?

Well, if that's required it should be in some sort of easy-access tutorial or hint system. Turnkey software doesn't do commandlines, seems to me.

@ClaraListensprechen4 Oh absolutely, but it's a way to determine if it's still federating if that option is still there. :)

Not sure what you mean with Turnkey software though.

The general definition of turnkey software is that any dummy can click on a button or url link without having to have any technical knowledge e.g. how to add slash extensions on any given url.

Expression comes from an auto where you just turn the key and it's operational as is.

@ClaraListensprechen4 Aaahh, that. Yes, I absolutely agree. But at the moment we're troubleshooting, then turnkey software be damned until we're sure of certain things. Like: Is Universeodon in a way still Federated? I think it is. But then the next step: Can you somehow get Explore on your screen in one way or another?

Well, as I said, it's federated enough that I can get posts from people I've followed, so yeah, it's federated-ish. Still haven't tried the /explore but the situation remains that it's gone from the pushbutton menu. Turnkey ease of use demands the menu.

Okay, I put the /explore after the domain name an NOW it appears on the menu. That's just bonkers, ha. It did work tho.

@ClaraListensprechen4 Ah good, because next I wanted to suggest that if /explore itself worked that you would have to contact your admin to get that back on the menu. But that part seems resolved, so looks alright now?
Maybe just mention it to the admin anyway that there was a weird glitch and that you had to do this to have it back. But glad it's resolved now. :)

Well, I tried the same trick with /federated and got the error message that the page I was looking for wasn't there.

@ClaraListensprechen4 Yea, new Mastodon has changed a few things here and there. The old Federated line doesn't seem to work anymore (I tried with my backup account on mastodon.social).

Well that sucks bilgewater. Federated is my main go-to.

@ClaraListensprechen4 It's now called Explore looks like, and 'local timeline' is apparently called 'Live Feeds' now.

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