#QOTO is back after a long migration in the first stage of our upgrade. Now that we are on a new home we will give it 24 horus to see if the move was bug free (As it seems to be) and then we will start upgrading versions one at a time day by day.. The upgrades are prepared and ready and should be **much** quicker.
The move took a while as we keep a backlog of every message to the start of the fediverse so our media and DB stores are quite large and it took a long time. But we are back!!!
@peterdrake @freemo Likewise. I'm missing Home and List content.
We will fix lists now that we see the problem, no worries. The updates should be coming soon, this was a migration to infrastructure that should allow us to update with less downtime now moving forward.
@freemo @LouisIngenthron Another issue: I can't upload images. Using the web interface, the "uploading" bar fills, but then hangs.
Yea I know that issue. It is either due to the backlog in in sidekiq or a slightly unrelated issue I may have just fixed. But im actively working on it. Should have most of the bugs fixed soon. Me and one other guy are on it 100% right now.
@LouisIngenthron @peterdrake @freemo add me to the group with no home or list content. Everything else I've checked seems ok: local, federated timelines, profile, bookmarks
@seedyh @LouisIngenthron @peterdrake @freemo
Same thing is happening for me. My home timeline has exactly two posts, both from ~1day ago.
@seedyh @LouisIngenthron @peterdrake @freemo
Also, my own post does not appear in my home timeline (or rather, appears but then disappears upon refresh). That suggests something is still broken, and that we're not dealing just with an aftereffect of something.
@seedyh @LouisIngenthron @peterdrake @freemo
Ah, this seems to be a terribly large backlog. I'm starting to see more posts, delayed by a day or so.
Sidekiq is backlogged, things being slow is normal as a result of that. We are trying to address the back log which itself is caused by a slight misconfiguration (it is related to inability to upload images)
We are actively working on it. Two problems we have seen that we are fixing.
@LouisIngenthron @freemo Home seems to be working for me, just not lists.