If you are outdoors in a cold polar region during the day what will keep you warmer?

Details: The color is on the outside, the inside you can assume is a neutral gray for simplicity.

my answer 


Black absorbs more EM than white, but black objects also radiate more. All matter above 0 degrees K radiate EM known as "black body radiation". Black objects radiate that energy more quickly than white objects, so they get cold more quickly.

"During the day in a polar region", means that in the dead of winter it's dark out, even at noon. (The question didn't specify the season.) If the sun is below the horizon or very low in the sky (i.e., traveling through a lot of atmosphere), the solar EM wouldn't be much, in which case the black would radiate more energy than the white, and the inside would get colder.

Also, even if there is some sun, the surface of the coat is on the outside of the insulation, so any heat that it absorbs would quickly radiate back out into the air before that heat could penetrate the insulation to help warm you up.

I didn't look any of this up, it all from memory so I can't guarantee it's accuracy.

my answer 

@Pat That last sentence looked a bit off to me. Isn't it "I didn't look any of this up, it's all from memory so I can't guarantee its accuracy."?


my answer 

@trinsec @freemo

Yeah, I kind of scrambled my plurals/possessives on the "it"s.

Dyslexia seems to be acting up at the moment for some reason, I 'm making all kinds mistakes in my writing...

my answer 

@freemo @trinsec

A lot people have undiagnosed dyslexia. I've noticed that you often confuse things like "your" and "you're". You may have it and not know it.

my answer 


I use your by default mostly because I type to fast and dont review what I write. Couple that with the fact that i got into the habit by typing on my phone where an apostrophe is a bit tedious. That particular error, as most of my errors, are largely due to not caring and typing as fast as I can since i dont find the medium to be critical for correctness.

My formal writeups, as well as my blogs, tend to have very few errors since I proof read them.

That said my natural rate of errors has been unusually high the last 2 years since my injury and COVID largely due to the extremely high levels of stress I've been under which seems to effect the prevelance.


my answer 

@freemo @Pat

Oh man...

Ok the real challenge here is to find a sentence without mistakes. ;)

my answer 


hahaha valid. Honestly if i could actually edit posts on here there would be a lot fewer of them. At least on matrix i will occasionally correct my mistakes. Here I see them but usually after i already posted and only once i reread it when going over replies.


my answer 

@freemo I do tend to delete and redraft in the first minute or so, and if nobody's replied yet. Otherwise it is a 'oh shit, oh well, move on, next time better'.


my answer 


I used to do that but with 20K some followers it pissed off a lot of people, way more than just keeping the typos.


my answer 

@freemo Heh... valid point.
That said, I tend to take like 10 minutes per email just to make sure my answer makes total sense and contains no mistakes. I tend to do the same for my initial toots often as well.


@trinsec @freemo

When spell-checkers came out, it was a godsend for me. If I left my spelling mistakes in my writing, you wouldn't be able to make out half of what I was saying, it's so bad.

A lot times I can't find the words in the dictionary because I can't spell it close enough to find it. I use Google a lot now because they have AI/phonetics algorhtms.

(I left that last word misspelled, just so you could see how I tried to spell it unassisted so you get a feel what I face with this issue. It's a real pain.)


I dont use spellcheckers. I dont need that kind of negativity in my life!


@freemo @trinsec

Is that everyone gets pissed off at me when I try to correct their grammar?

@Pat I appreciate the correction if it's informative. I mean, how else are you gonna learn?

But I know people who absolutely hate to be corrected in any way possible. Can't always win, I suppose.



I hate to be corrected. If I am corrected I cant say I'm always right anymore. Why would anyone want to be wrong!


@Pat You don't get his thinking pattern... he just wasn't wrong to begin with. ;)



I'm starting to think you might be the smartest person on this server :)


@freemo @trinsec
>That would still make me right only 50% of the time. If I am never corrected then I'm right 100% of the time.

This is why Trumpian delusion has so much mass appeal.


Delusion? Trump is the best president we ever had. Just ashame the election was rigged and they illegally deposed him with Biden.

(That was painful to say, even ironically)


@freemo @trinsec

Deposed him? What do mean? He's still the president.


What you didnt see the video where they stored official ballots underneath a table thus definitively proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that the election was rigged?


@freemo @trinsec

>What you didnt see the video...

What I saw was a narcissist whose ego was so fragile that he was willing to take down the country rather than face the reality of his own failure.

@freemo @Pat You both are just terrible at faking Trumpism. ;)


Fake? ::injects some cow dewormer as he recites the pledge of allegiance::


@freemo @trinsec
>where everything will kill you if you are within 5 feet of it.

Sounds like social distancing at a crowded grocery store during a pandemic.


Pretty much, just replace COVID with super-ebola and you will be in the ballpark :)


@freemo @trinsec

Yeah, covid just seemed that way. Ironically, the more deadly contagions are less of a pandemic threat because they kill off the hosts before they have a chance to transmit the disease, thus keeping the spread in check.

@Pat Actually the idea that more lethal viruses are less of a thread isnt actually true. For example if a virus kills 100% of victims but takes 30 days to do it it will still spread quite a bit if it is contagious enough.

I debated this some months back and if you look at a comparison between R0 and morality they arent really strongly correlated at all.


@freemo On the other hand, if a virus kills 100%, social distancing might actually be followed more tightly, lessening the spread (and thus the threat).

Unless we're talking about Americans... ;)



I carry a fork around with me and just stab anyone in the eye who comes within arms reach. I havent had much problem with people refusing to socially distance :)



There is usually a stick attached to the base of the fork :) When i dont have a fork I always have my gun as a last resort... god bless america.


@freemo @trinsec

> carry a fork around with me and just stab anyone in the eye who comes within arms reach.



At the time I think i missed the hashtag that said joke honestly. Or I think you posted a less joke-like statement that was similar in the days prior.


@freemo @trinsec

I think I was still kind of new here and folks didn't understand my humor yet.



That too yes :) I recall we talked it through and ultimately found your opinion acceptable. You were also a bit more angry than usual at the time since mask mandates had just been lifted which seemed to rile you a bit.


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@freemo @trinsec
>You were also a bit more angry than usual at the time since mask mandates had just been lifted which seemed to rile you a bit.

I'm still riled about that -- 224,000 bodies later.


Its a horrible disease, I understand the outrage. You know my take on it, at this point the lockdowns and masks are as bad as the death toll, so im mad at all of it.


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