Just to note:
I did in fact see Michelle's post within two hours of it appearing, and suspended the account the next day after securing moderator consensus. I don't know if the other mods were blocked and I (the junior mod here at QOTO) escaped notice, or if I was simply the first to look at it. QOTO mods see [this discussion](https://qoto.org/web/statuses/105359847175216540) for details. The other account referenced in that convo was [@p0l6rb36r](https://qoto.org/admin/accounts/256176).
I think I also saw and ignored Nikon's post since I recognised the clip as a fairly common meme that doesn't really indicate support for Naziism. The problem is, even if a mod isn't blocked, how many want to watch yet another stupid resubtitled Downfall video? So videos where the thumbnail looks innocuous won't get any scrutiny (and in fact, that's what happened here - not a single person bothered to watch the video and report it). But when taking screenshots to report, dishonest actors can pick more offensive frames.
I recommend rolling back the IP blocks. Both michelle and nikon used the site via Tor and I don't think cutting off Tor users in general is a good idea. On the other hand, if you do want to block Tor, only blocking those two addresses is ineffective. The email blocks (both 10minutemail domains) look good though.
TL;DR: Blocking mods doesn't really seem to have been the problem in this case.
as for the blocking mods issue, all I know is when i blocked nikon just recently I could not see their post directly when i went to their profile and could only see it when i searched for it through the domain interfact. That combined with the fact that it was their only post seemed worth of a block and ultimately why the blocking of moderators seemed to be part of the problem.
Michelle account had already been blocked, as you said, so i could not confirm if they too had blocked me or not. I do know at the time when I agreed with your decision I was looking at it through the admin interface as well and didnt think to even check if i was personally blocked at the time.
the ip blocks are **not** on the user ips themselves, and i agree we do not generally engage in IP blocks and certainly wouldnt do so on Tor intentionally.
The IP blocks you are seeing were because when i blocked the email domains (which were coming from 10minutemail but obscured) i told it to also block the ips associated with the MX entries for that email. so its actually ip blocks for the email side. If those wind up blocking the ability to use the site from Tor more generally then I would agree on rolling back the IP blocks.
@QOTO @Gargron @arteteco @Sphinx