Moby Lets You Download 4 Hours of Ambient Music to Help You Sleep, Meditate, Do Yoga & Not Panic

@Surasanji No, it's a pretty great song. Meme music is an excellent genre of music.

An interesting or avante garde personal style might just mean you're an expert consumer.

Idea: Tradition is a memetic lifeform that maintains itself by ensuring people think it's important that they keep practicing it :blobthinking:

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If I was designing a self-driving car, I'd put sensors on top so you can pet the car and it knows you're petting it

Die Einführung der #Einheit in die Einheit ist die Einführung einer #Differenz in die Einheit. Für sich selbst ist die Einheit eine Differenz. Eine #Operation, die sich in ihrem eigenen Bedingungszusammenhang als Einheit will, will sich als Differenz. Das ist die #Grundparadoxie aller #Reflexion : dass sie Einheit will und Differenz erzeugt.

Niklas Luhmann, Die Autopoiesis des Bewusstseins, S. 442

Why do we call it "environment protection", when really it's more like "human protection". I feel like the environment will survive a lot more and longer than those pesky humans will.

When you think about it, a PEZ dispenser with a 3D printed copy of someone's head is a pretty creepy concept.

so uh since i guess you found it, is my new project. It's a search engine for the fediverse, it's not an archive nor anything malicious. You can easily opt-out (like you would normally do for any search engine), deletes are deleted, and it's not an archive!

"Climate protection needs to be more affordable"

Yeah, because if it's not, we're just not gonna do it! That'll show the climate who's boss!


#Zuletzt hat es nichts #gebracht im #Sinn(e) eines #Fehlen(s) eines #operativ(en) #Anschluss(es).

Gerade darin besteht jedoch unter #Bedingungen eine #Chance, die an einer #Fortsetzung der #Operation(en) ihrer #Kommunikativ(en) #Form kein #Interesse haben #können, weil es sie als #Form (#noch) nicht #gibt.

Das ist ja #genau der #Punkt. #Zettelkasten

#Twitter #Empirie #Praktikum

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Remembering how Bullshit Sans helped me keep my sanity when my previous employer re-invented itself as a full-on all-stereotypes-embracing tech-startup and I had to tough it out for a year before I could quit

Mastodon hint:

Don't like to see toots in languages you don't understand?

Just Go into your Settings -> Preferences -> Other then select whichever languages you know under "Filter Languages".

What if we all just started LARPing a new society the way we want it twenty-four seven and just see what happens

The Math rendering on works again (might need to reload your browser and give it a second to catch up the first time).

Here is a little Latex joke to kick it off.

Expand \((a+b)^n\):

(a + b)^n\\
(a\ + \ b)^n\\
(a\quad + \quad b)^n\\
(a\qquad + \qquad b)^n\\

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.