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@namark @Eris @bonifartius I don't want you to be nice to me. I want you to be mean and aggressive to my face and not behind a fake-polite facade like you are now. Call me a nigger. Do it.
@namark @Eris @bonifartius I am begging you to be direct, not nice. You've spent a whole hour trying to gaslight Eris and me in a way that clearly shows you think we're retarded. That's not nice and you're not trying to be nice. Pretending you are is gaslighting us about being gaslit and now we're on 2 levels of meta.

Argue your point. Stop arguing about whether or not you're arguing. This is just silly.

@AR-15 If you want to see my argument it's in my reply to OP, and in my first reply to Eris. Past that it's Eris pretending that I'm arguing something I'm not arguing.



@namark @Eris @bonifartius I re-read your reply. Your argument is literally "yeah yeah yeah whatever, what's your point? BTW I'm not arguing with you :)"

What is it that you are arguing then? Because you seem to think we're retarded and you clearly don't like us. I'm begging you, please say "my point is: ___." Stop doing this meta abstraction bullshit. It just makes you sound like you're hoping you'll make yourself sound smart (you're not) and confuse us into saying you were right, and it sounds like you're doubling down because you really don't want to have an actual argument, you just want to jelq your midwit IQ.

@AR-15 Here is a direct quotr from my reply to OP
> People lost close friends and family to this pandemic and

the thorn in all of your sides, that will torment you till the end of days... not let me blow your minds... simply remove it (the exactly text I pasted here) from my reply... the point still stands... if you can't see it all I can tell you is "learn to read", I'm sorry again for hurting your feelings

@Eris @bonifartius

@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius

"Here is a vague allusion to what my point is and a condescending comment about how you are insufficiently smart to read my mind, rather than just a clear unambiguous statement of my position"
Stop doing this.

@Eris I wrote it down... do you want me to copy paste it here or something?

@AR-15 @bonifartius

@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius
>do you want me to copy paste it here or something?
I want you to type a single sentence that clearly tells me what the fuck you are trying to say.

@Eris I did it in my first reply, and now also clarified that the thing you are so hung up on, is so inconsequential to it that you can literally remove it, can you do a basic edit, and re read it? Or will you keep playing dumb forever?
@AR-15 @bonifartius

@namark @Eris @bonifartius >I clarified my point

You never did

>you have to edit my words to find out what I meant because I'm not going to tell you!


@AR-15 I asked yo edit the part that you are hung up on to demonstrate how inconsequential it is, to the main point. I wrote what I mean, if you are too lazy to scroll up I'll link.
@Eris @bonifartius

@namark @Eris @bonifartius I am hung up on your entire reply. I did exactly what you asked. I'm not too lazy to scroll up. I'm just clearly too dumb to follow your dizzying intellect. How do you think I got this screenshot? BTW what's your second favorite flavor?

@AR-15 If there is absolutely nothing you can latch on to to ask a question or present an argument, I can't help you. If you ask me to write the same thing again I'll write it the same way.

@Eris @bonifartius

@namark @Eris @bonifartius I'm asking you to write the same thing in a different way because it didn't make sense to me the first time.

@AR-15 Which part didn't make sense to you? There was a non trivial amount. @Eris @bonifartius

@namark @Eris @bonifartius Is there a pandemic or is there not? You said there was, now you keep saying you agreed that there wasn't and that people aren't dying to it.

@AR-15 I'm said many times that for the purpose of this discussion you may assume that I think there is no pandemic. This is part of me trying to explain to you the original point. But you are not willing to try to understand the original point. All you want is for me to say what you want me to say and argue with you about what you want me to argue with you about. And i couldn't care less about that particular thing.

@Eris @bonifartius

@namark @Eris @bonifartius But you haven't tried to explain anything! You've just tried to confuse me and only succeeded in confusing yourself. Sad!

And yes, I want you to argue with me about what you came here to argue about. I don't want you to argue about whether or not you are arguing or whether your arguments are arguments.
@namark @Eris @bonifartius If by "I couldn't care less about that particular thing" you mean "I don't care about whether there is a pandemic or not" then what is your purpose here?

@AR-15 in this particular case initially to roast bonafartius on particular things he wrote, which you are completely ignoring in favor of your own agenda, but then also to repeatedly point out how Eris and you just can't read, and are hell bent on arguing with an imaginary opponent that you want me to play the role of. Unfortunately my life does not revolve around the pandemic or any other drama that in one way or the other is relevant to you in this context, so I can't satiate your desires.
@Eris @bonifartius

@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius

>in this particular case initially to roast bonafartius on particular things he wrote, which you are completely ignoring in favor of your own agenda,
My agenda is to point out how disingenuous and psychotic that "roast" is.
>ut then also to repeatedly point out how Eris and you just can't read,
That's not pointing something out. That's alleging something. Pointing it out would be showing us what we can't read, and demonstrating that we didn't read it.
>Unfortunately my life does not revolve around the pandemic or any other drama that in one way or the other is relevant to you in this context, so I can't satiate your desires.
Does it have to in order for you to answer a simple question when you are replying anyway? Why? Weird standard.


>That's not pointing something out. That's alleging something. Pointing it out would be showing us what we can't read, and demonstrating that we didn't read it.

I pointed it out multiple times, in a lot of detail.

>Does it have to in order for you to answer a simple question when you are replying anyway? Why? Weird standard.

I answered the question multiple times in multiple ways as well, but it would never satisfy you unless I match your zeal, and play your game.

@AR-15 @bonifartius

@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius

>I pointed it out multiple times, in a lot of detail.
No you just keep saying "I pointed it out" without ever doing so.
>I answered the question multiple times in multiple ways as well, but it would never satisfy you unless I match your zeal, and play your game.
I will tell you when you have answered it.

>I will tell you when you have answered it
exactly my point

@AR-15 @bonifartius

@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius
>exactly my point
Your point is that I want you to clarify yourself to me?
Good, that is also my point.

@Eris no that you will never be satisfied unless I say what you want me to say, your friend AR-15 has even clarified what exactly you want me to say, and that nothing else will satisfy you

@AR-15 @bonifartius

@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius

>that you will never be satisfied unless I say what you want me to say,
...Yes? That's how being satisfied works?

@Eris So you want me to just role play someone I'm not and not to say what I think, glad we established that. I will not though.

@AR-15 @bonifartius

@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius

>So you want me to just role play someone I'm not and not to say what I think
No, the exact opposite of that.
What we want, what will satisfy us, is if you say what you think.
We are dying to know.

@Eris I told it multiple times, that for the purposes of this conversation I accepted your premise, and otherwise I couldn't care less, but you will never be satisfied, unless I say exactly what you want to hear, almost word per word.
@AR-15 @bonifartius

@namark @Eris @bonifartius You didn't accept his premise though and if you did, that would make no sense! If you accept that there is no pandemic then you should apologize to OP for "roasting" him for making this exact assertion.

@AR-15 no my point stands, even if pandemic does not exist, read it again with the edit I suggested, if there is something in particular you don't understand, ask.

@Eris @bonifartius

@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius

>even if pandemic does not exist, read it again with the edit I suggested, if there is something in particular you don't understand, ask.
If the pandemic does not exist (it doesn't) then your post is the post of a condescending cunt who is engaging in a struggle session. If the pandemic does not exist (it doesn't) you are evil. You are evil.
If there is something in particular you don't understand, ask.

@Eris you did not address anything particular from the my reply, but sure keep asserting your truth and pray for it to magically manifests itself

@AR-15 @bonifartius

@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius
> you did not address anything particular from the my reply,
Yes because my problem is with the premise of your question, that there is a pandemic.

@Eris there is no such premise in my question. there is such premise in the OP, that is not my premise, and m argument does not rest on it

@AR-15 @bonifartius

@namark @Eris @bonifartius I'm really confused. Do you just personally dislike the OP then? In my understanding it seemed like they said "vaccinated people are crazy and bloodthirsty against unvaccinated" and you responded "unvaccinated people are malicious and deserve it." Yet now you're saying there is no pandemic. If there is no pandemic then why would vaccination status matter? If you can't die from COVID then why be vaccinated against it? Your argument as I perceive it makes no sense unless you are just a pedantic fucktard or a pharma CEO.

Please clarify your argument. Is my perception of it wrong, yes or no? If I'm wrong, then what is your argument?

@AR-15 ever tried looking past dichotomy? He said he barely overheard some people saying "dunno what" about unvaxinated, and that he is freaking terrified of that. I told him to not be a pussy and next time go talk to them and figure out what they were about, instead of running home and posting paranoid crap over that particular incident. I don't care about overarching narrative of pro or anti pandemic BS you have going on here, and can't look past.

@Eris @bonifartius

@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius

>He said he barely overheard some people saying "dunno what" about unvaxinated, and that he is freaking terrified of that. I told him to not be a pussy and next time go talk to them and figure out what they were about, instead of running home and posting paranoid crap over that particular incident.
Holy shit you actually did it. It only took you 5 hours.

You told a person not to be a pussy when they heard people openly describing their genocide in public.
Yeah, you are evil.

@Eris he wrote don't know what, you deduced genocide from single phrase that someone else didn't quite hear properly. Impeccable logic. Still does not refute my point, and still reading it is beyond you.

@AR-15 @bonifartius

@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius
>you deduced genocide from single phrase
Yes, I did, and my deduction is correct and reasonable.

@Eris sure, unmatched skill of deduction you have there... and then you go ahead and demand me to elaborate my long from writing over and over again, still unable to deduce the ultimate mystery that is my though... will you ever be able to rest, after facing such a perplexing puzzle... coming up next on

@AR-15 @bonifartius

@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius
>unmatched skill of deduction you have there...
No actually it's really easy to tell from context clues what's going on there. It would be weird to fail to deduce this.
>and then you go ahead and demand me to elaborate my long from writing over and over again
Actually I just demanded that you do it once, but had to demand it over and over again.
>still unable to deduce the ultimate mystery that is my though...
I deduced your true thoughts from the beginning, I'm just trying to get you to take off your mask.
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