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Unique, twisting dust lanes are prominent in this Hubble image—an edge-on view of lenticular galaxy NGC 4753. That dust likely was pulled in during a merger with a dwarf galaxy more than 1 billion years ago. Credit: NASA, ESA, and L. Kelsey.

I don't know who needs to hear this (yes I do), but if the "slick" UI thing you want to do creates a frustrating experience for assistive tech users, it's not slick. It's just clunky and weird, and probably creates other weird issues you haven't considered. Users don't want weird clunky new interactions you've dreamed up. Do the boring thing.

I spend so much of my time trying to stop people from doing weird things in our UI. That's like 50% of my job at this point.

New blog post: Ultrasonic investigations in shopping centres

Many PA systems emit a continuous high-frequency tone for troubleshooting purposes. It gets modulated in interesting ways by the urban bustle.

Dripped three drops of the brown glaze accidentally and made the cutest piece of pottery I will ever make in my life

A level of epistemic humility seems to me to be a baseline requirement for long-term success in science and engineering. I would also contend that it's a useful quality socially, but primarily when it's shared between interacting parties. If one party believes that perfect knowledge/memory is possible and regularly held by themselves, while the other believes they're both fallible, the clash between these worldviews can easily lead to conflicts in which one believes with certainty that the other said something they probably didn't say and certainly don't remember saying.

anyway, I'm arguing with my girlfriend. it's a pain

I have loads of grading and stupid committee stuff and proposals to read and (another) thesis to read (and still that awful referee response to deal with) and my kids are super grumpy.

But I just scheduled an interview for a National Geographic article later in the week so that's pretty darn cool.

Also, baby goats are coming sooooon. First goat mama is due on Sunday!

:heart_trans:Request for IT assistance:heart_trans:

Hi friends! Our SysAdmins are still blocked by a network issue that prevents our migration to the new servers. We are running out of ideas and would appreciate any possible support. If you have or know someone who has experience with
IPv6 networks, then please contact me or another member of our staff. We would earnestly appreciate any help or advice!

Boosts appreciated!
@Amelia and @puppygirlhornypost

#FediAdmin #FediAdmins #AdminSupport #SysAdmin #NetworkAdmin #IT

The bike shop I work at, #REI, just got back to me to tell me that they are going ahead with their policy of installing cameras in the shop to monitor employees. They say these are not used to track productivity, but the CEO is a union busting ex-Amazon executive and he has given himself that power, so that's enough for me. My last day will be mid-May and I am now properly desperate to find a new job before I loose my house. Leads in the bike or software industry welcome in or around #Atlanta.

If you're willingly going swimming in the river through Paris, you're in seine.

Hi friends, for those of you using Koreader (I’m using it on a Kobo).

There are two very faint grey lines on the page, and I do not know what they are or how to get rid of them

Does anyone know how to turn them off?

The lockdown project for one of my parents neighbours was to build a scale model of the lake district from Lego. It’s now in the local museum.

It’s #BlackHistoryMonth so it’s a good time to celebrate the extraordinary mathematician and NASA scientist Katherine Johnson (née Coleman; 1918 – 2020). One of the first Black women employed as a NASA scientist (& its predecessor NACA), she was known for her mastery of complex manual calculations of orbital mechanics & played a pivotal role 🧵1/
#linocut #printmaking #sciart #womenInSTEM #BlackInSTEM #histsci #NASA #MastoArt #KatherineJohnson #mathematician #aeronauticalEngineer #physics #space

@epiceneVivant for some amazing queer figure skating I also wholeheartedly recommend this ice dance program

what I really hate though is how quizzes and test markings are locked after the first viewing or after a day. it's idiotic and inconvenient

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13) Fluffbot. Uses its li'l toes to pick up fluff and hair that's stuck in your carpet. We're not sure what it does with it all after. #SmallRobotsRemastered

I've really soured on the online courses I'm taking. The lack of engagement from my instructors is extremely annoying. At least in a physical school, I could stalk outside their office until they respond to me.

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