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IT curriculum should include way more ethics and social awareness

i find it very interesting that consent is mainly discussed within sexual scenarios

but i promise you need consent for any/every interaction online and offline. it’s not just for sex. it’s for hugs, for DMs, for flirting, for following, for collecting personal information too

just like. ask before doing things u giant doinks

exploiting intellectuals for my mathematical needs 

While pondering about a pointless optimization of a pointless feature of one of my pointless projects, I stumbled upon a similar to this one
but different.

A couple of ways to put it.

Colloquial(mathy jargon):
Given a prime factorization of a number, generate all of its factors(prime or otherwise) in ascending order.

Down to code(with fumbling):
Given a multiset(in ascending order) of prime numbers, generate all numbers... whose prime factors are subsets of that set... too mathy?... maybe then "that can be obtained by multiplying numbers from that set together"... in ascending order.


Input: 30 = (2,3,5)
Output: ([1,]2,3,5,6,10,15[,30])

Input: 60 = (2,2,3,5)
Output: ([1,]2,3,4,5,6,10,12,15,20,30[,60])

@Absinthe @yohanandiamond @l0wk3y The nicest thing about it is the CSP stuff, I think. It's also ruthlessly simple. Ken Thompson is involved, he has done a lot of the language design and a lot of the compiler.
@Absinthe @yohanandiamond @l0wk3y Oh, you might like, then. It's full of problems like that, and if you are learning something less common, there will be some algorithms that you can implement pretty easily.

Oh, one thing, @Absinthe what programming language are you using for AoC? I was using Rust.

@Absinthe @p @l0wk3y I started late (on AdventOfCode) and did only one and a half day :P
I had to travel too, Internet was bad and I ended up losing motivation. I'll try to go back to it when I go back home.

@yohanandiamond C++ is, in my experience, not very enjoyable.

:dmr: C is very fun, though. :ken:
@Absinthe @yohanandiamond @l0wk3y That's fun! I think you could save some effort by putting "ones" and "teens" into the same array.
@Absinthe @yohanandiamond @l0wk3y Programming languages. :bwk:

When I do a programming language, I usually go with "Hello, World!", then 99 Bottles of Beer ( ), then Project Euler #31 ( ).

How popular/effective are straw bans? First thing, I saw a cool solution in Tahiti. They gave you a hollow raw pasta tube. Works way better than the paper ones.

OTOH, I just saw the latest Coca-Cola commercial. After the puffin opens the Cole with his beak the Polar bear gives him a plastic bendy straw. Forget that birds can't use straws because they have no lips. As soon as I saw it, I expected outcry and boycott and offence against coke. Still haven't heard anything.

Turns an analog input signal into a digital equivelant (same frequency but magnitude information is lost)
@radiofreqs @crunchy

@Absinthe I just found out about advent of code this year and it looks neat. I may try some of the challenges if I have the time. Thanks for the link, I'll check it out!

As long as I continue working on the I will not be posting a new

However, I encourage you all to give the a try. You don't have to do them all, though I would recommend doing them in order. You can even go back and do them from previous years.

Back from Tahiti!!! Finished Day10 part 1 in the airport, but not sure how to handle part two. Nor, how to handle being 10 days behind!

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