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Amikke boosted

Rossmann's company has created Gray Jay, a stupidphone-only app that aggregates video publishers' multiple profiles on different platforms into a single feed/browse/search interface. Rossmann promoted it on YouTube. In a move that should surprise no-one, YouTube banned him. It's probably a literal TOS violation, and not just a "depends on how our AI feels about butts, today" ruling.

Anyway, fuck YouTube?

London: shuts down pop-up urinals because they killed or injured too many people
This startup: fine, I'll do it myself

Unix philosophy: make a program that does one thing well

Linux users: ok so if you want to copy a directory preserving metadata, you should use this sophisticated remote sync program with its own protocol for communicating on sending and receiving side, compression in transit and a thousand other options

I know it's just practical to maintain this one tool that covers all of this related functionality, but every time I use `rsync` for non-remote stuff I feel like I'm taking an excavator to pull out a nail.

Same with `wget`, and probably there's a lot more programs that have *much* larger capabilities than the simple tasks I use them for and I don't even know it.

The intro mission to MGRR is a masterpiece. I don't think any game has ever sold me on itself so fast, I knew it's a meme but not the extent of its over the top Rule of Cool shenanigans.

Amikke boosted

If Linux Kernel 6.6.6 isn't named "Kernel of the Beast" I'm quitting Linux and switching to FreeBSD

@c00p I love how like 99% of conspiracy theories amount to "x thing looks like y thing".

Amikke boosted

This line change in the google-chrome AUR repo is 💯 percent based.

Amikke boosted
The advancements of the hardware guys are quickly undermined by the incompetence of the software guys. No game should require a [latest $1k+ graphics card here], it's just a skill issue by shit "programmers" who make both the game and the engine (lol imagine not being able to write you own engine)

@icedquinn again, we've stopped idiotic ideas of the EU top brass multiple times in the past. It's sad when they get this far, but we have a pretty good record of passing good policies and rejecting bad ones. Especially compared to other world powers lol

@VD15 sounds pretty typical, but 90°C is a lot for something that starts to melt at 80°C lol. If you find a way to set it lower it would be great since if they never reach that temp you're losing nothing, and if they do it might save your hardware.

@VD15 are they set to throttle down around 78° or are you just crossing your fingers and hoping they never get hotter? :D

Amikke boosted
Amikke boosted

Microsoft products where the objects the product works with have the same name as the product itself:

* Windows
* Teams
* Whiteboard
* Bookings
* Word (why not Words?)
* Project (noun, not verb, that one's called PowerPoint)

Microsoft products where they stuck "One" in front to distract you from the fact they're doing the thing again:

* OneDrive
* OneNote

Microsoft products whose names are verbs setting unachievable expectations of what you could achieve:

* Excel
* Engage
* Access
* PowerPoint

Ditto, but also named to remind you of another, less heinous, product in the hope some goodwill will rub off:

* SharePoint


* Azure

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Amikke boosted

Trying to teach my kids programming with Swift Playgrounds, but it keeps deleting the local copy of the playground before we can do another programming session, and taking an interminable time to re-download.

That's a programming lesson right there.

@Moon @mergan it did work, I see your repeat right below this post.

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Amikke boosted
Amikke boosted
Amikke boosted

Two things that happened this week:
- YouTube started banning the use of ad blockers
- Google was found serving ads with malware

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