Rossmann's company has created Gray Jay, a stupidphone-only app that aggregates video publishers' multiple profiles on different platforms into a single feed/browse/search interface. Rossmann promoted it on YouTube. In a move that should surprise no-one, YouTube banned him. It's probably a literal TOS violation, and not just a "depends on how our AI feels about butts, today" ruling.
Anyway, fuck YouTube?
London: shuts down pop-up urinals because they killed or injured too many people
This startup: fine, I'll do it myself
Unix philosophy: make a program that does one thing well
Linux users: ok so if you want to copy a directory preserving metadata, you should use this sophisticated remote sync program with its own protocol for communicating on sending and receiving side, compression in transit and a thousand other options
I know it's just practical to maintain this one tool that covers all of this related functionality, but every time I use `rsync` for non-remote stuff I feel like I'm taking an excavator to pull out a nail.
Same with `wget`, and probably there's a lot more programs that have *much* larger capabilities than the simple tasks I use them for and I don't even know it.
The intro mission to MGRR is a masterpiece. I don't think any game has ever sold me on itself so fast, I knew it's a meme but not the extent of its over the top Rule of Cool shenanigans.
@icedquinn again, we've stopped idiotic ideas of the EU top brass multiple times in the past. It's sad when they get this far, but we have a pretty good record of passing good policies and rejecting bad ones. Especially compared to other world powers lol
@VD15 sounds pretty typical, but 90°C is a lot for something that starts to melt at 80°C lol. If you find a way to set it lower it would be great since if they never reach that temp you're losing nothing, and if they do it might save your hardware.
@VD15 are they set to throttle down around 78° or are you just crossing your fingers and hoping they never get hotter? :D
EBCDIC is incompatible with GDPR 🖤🖤🖤
Microsoft products where the objects the product works with have the same name as the product itself:
* Windows
* Teams
* Whiteboard
* Bookings
* Word (why not Words?)
* Project (noun, not verb, that one's called PowerPoint)
Microsoft products where they stuck "One" in front to distract you from the fact they're doing the thing again:
* OneDrive
* OneNote
Microsoft products whose names are verbs setting unachievable expectations of what you could achieve:
* Excel
* Engage
* Access
* PowerPoint
Ditto, but also named to remind you of another, less heinous, product in the hope some goodwill will rub off:
* SharePoint
* Azure
Software developer, open-source enthusiast, wannabe software architect. I like learning and comparing different technologies. Also general STEM nerd.