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I'm strongly considering associating this account with a youtube channel of mine. Anyone here a fan of penguinz0?

It feels good having confidence that there isn't a pending civil war. With that said, anyone want to buy a night vision monocle?

@freemo any idea why the federated timeline is showing such old toots? Is anyone else seeing this?

Got my first COVID test today. It felt interesting when they scratched my brain with that q tip, lol.

One of the most difficult things in social media is knowing when to disengage in a conversation.

There's also the question of why someone would gamify Mastodon if it can't be monetized. Why would follower count matter?
Then again, upvotes on reddit don't matter yet people chase them.

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Also what media would be best? Text? Pictures? Video?
Reposting memes would probably work, but could you get a monetizable audience this way?

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If you were to gamify Mastodon, how would you do it?
It seems like frequent, vapid posts would be pretty effective given the timeline isn't an algorithmic feed, but what kind of stuff should be posted?

Trigger warning complaint 

CMV: trigger warnings amplify anxiety disorders by amplifying avoidant behavior that prevents exposure to anxiety-inducing stimuli.

If you are a prepper, I highly recommend this over more expensive weapons or other larp equipment. A $1500 gun has marginal improvements over a $500 gun and requires significant training to reap the befits, while this can be used with just a few hours of practice.

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I've had this night vision monocle for a few days now and can safely say that in a SHTF scenario, it's a complete game changer. I'm able to easily navigate by starlight alone. In the woods, I can see camps and vehicles miles away.

Anyone here have experience with night vision? I'll be receiving a Gen 2 PVS14 military-grade night vision monocle soon and was wondering what it's like.

US politics/war 

This is like a slow motion fucking movie. I feel validated for getting ammo and magazines earlier in the pandemic, but I REALLY was hoping to look like a fool for this.

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US politics/war 

Donald Trump Jr has now tweeted "the best thing for America's future is for Trump to go to total war over this election."

US politics 

Neither Trump nor Biden will back down. Every American needs to have emergency supplies on hand and be ready for supply chain and cell/internet disruption.

Election gloom 

This is the most dangerous election outcome: a narrow Trump lead. Regardless of if you are for or against him, you should recognize that the shit is hitting the fan.
If you read this and don't have food and water on hand, get some. There will likely be some regions that will face havoc.

It is exceedingly apparent on sites like 4chan that deescalation psyop campaigns are running at 110% to deescalate tensions in the US. It makes me wonder what kind of campaigns are run in the Fediverse.

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.