"This is an easy truth for those on the center-right to see. Hatred. It’s what the left does, and it’s a sign of who leftists have become. Let me say this, this hatred appears unquenchable, and totally evil."
This is a cool study and raises some questions:
Study of #COVID19 clusters associated with fitness dance classes in South Korea. Interestingly, participants in yoga and Pilates classes sharing the same venue were not infected. Vigorous exercise in enclosed spaces is risky, even in small groups.
This is interesting:
@pluralistic I mean... Government, more likely, not a social philosophy. People are fear based creatures. Combine that with a toxic culture that hastily "crucifies" people for "mean tweets" and you have cowards making fear based decisions for millions just to keep their jobs.
Obamagate in short:
Flynn was set up to blackmail him into committing perjury against the president of the United States.
The setup started when Obama was still president, but was the outgoing administration. Trump had been elected, but not yet in office.
Biden approved illegal spying on people in the Trump campaign. We now know that in the end, this illegal spying was used to manufacture blackmail material on Flynn, which material we now know, though loosely based on real facts obtained in large part by illegal spying, was forged.
We don't have any proof that Obama ordered this illegal spying, but we do know he was in the loop, we do know he was kept closely informed of the result of this spying.
Since they could not get any dirt on Flynn, they tried to get him to lie to the FBI - which is normally a couple of weeks in jail, but with a cooperative judge, can be forty years in jail. He did not lie, so the record of his conversation with the FBI was altered.
Flynn pled guilty in return for clemency, after being financially ruined by endless legal action - the process is the punishment. After he pled guilty, the prosecution reneged on the deal, and called for the most severe penalty, because he had failed to commit perjury against Trump. They lied about him, then they lied to him.
So, Flynn clean as a whistle (otherwise it would not have been necessary to rewrite the 302 of his conversation with the FBI) the FBI, the DoJ, the Fisa court, and the Mueller investigation up to its neck in criminal acts, and these criminal acts started with illegal spying, which illegal spying came from the top of the Obama administration, with Obama in the loop.
Interesting sample of dictatorial control. https://www.reddit.com/r/awfuleverything/comments/gjafqw/5_people_control_92_of_the_top_500_subs_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf
@peterdrake HA! Brilliant! Still haven't built one of these.
Minute 6:40 build start.
@freemo @oranje@cybre.space There has to be a "tipping point". We may have past it but I'd like to see where the human race goes from here. There are inherent incentive problems with our specie, in all aspects and for the last 2000 years. I'm not too confident we can hit the breaks to survive the change but I do have confidence in people like you to invent cool shit to survive the next ELEs.
@peterdrake haha!!
#hilarious #classic #Imdone
@freemo This is phenomenal. Ya, I don't think there is a chance we can hit the breaks on this. I found this the most interesting aspect of temperature increase. Unless we develop a mobile rebreather we won't survive the hydrogen sulfide environment naturally generated by ocean bacteria in warmer waters (obvious result of climate change).
"Once the oxygen is gone, the oceans become the realm of bacteria that obtain their oxygen from sulfur oxide compounds. These bacteria strip oxygen from the compounds and produce hydrogen sulfide. Hydrogen sulfide kills aerobic organisms.
Humans can smell hydrogen sulfide gas, the smell of rotten cabbage, in the parts per trillion range. In the deeps of the Black Sea today, hydrogen sulfide exists at about 200 parts per million. This is a toxic brew in which any aerobic, oxygen-needing organism would die. For the Black Sea, the hydrogen sulfide stays in the depths because our rich oxygen atmosphere mixes in the top layer of water and controls the diffusion of hydrogen sulfide upwards."
-from article
Here is a small occurrence which I think heard is seasonal. This is the most recent event. experienced in San Diego, Ca. USA
@matrix @realcaseyrollins Ya, a lot of that stuff over there is over the top.
@sda @vnarek Great find. This attests to the spinelessness and lack of confidence in the face of criticism and fear of losing your social capital. Here is the crux of the short article:
In May, in what it admitted was a direct response to the outbreak of swine flu the month before, WHO promulgated a new definition matched to swine flu that simply eliminated severity as a factor. You could now have a pandemic with zero deaths.
"Under fire, the organization is boldly lying about the change, to which anybody with an Internet connection can attest. In a mid-January virtual conference WHO swine flu chief Keiji Fukuda stated: "Did WHO change its definition of a pandemic? The answer is no: WHO did not change its definition." Two weeks later at a PACE conference he insisted: "Having severe deaths has never been part of the WHO definition."
They did it; but why?
In part, it was CYA for the WHO. The agency was losing credibility over the refusal of avian flu H5N1 to go pandemic and kill as many as 150 million people worldwide, as its "flu czar" had predicted in 2005."
@vnarek I tend to focus on the message not the messenger and add it to the "realm of possibility" to be mindful of. What I'm saying is, if the vaccine is in support of protecting people from naturally occurring viruses is fine but engineering viruses that mutate in theirs hosts in order to force inoculation repeatedly (netflix for health | viro-capitalism) is just evil and this is the conspiracy. I'm trying to deduce whether or not this is a cash grab or a natural viral evolution.
This Dr. Shiva talks about it in that video, the deployment and "advertising" of the vaccine in order to create the demand then the fear and awareness and lastly the solution or vaccine.
And yes, there is a bunch of drama surrounding him as well. I always try to remember the tactics in sundering your opponent, one of the steps is discredit your opponents reputation. Things I keep in mind.
@vnarek Ya Wow. Great points. I do like that science dot org is available. I'm noticing a lot of the narrative around the vaccination talk is about rich getting richer. Someone just posted this guy too:
25:48 he starts talking about the business of vaccination. Prior to that he talks about how we got there commercially and politically.
This is the perfect business model. Entire human population, recurring annual vaccination revenue, organized oligopoly based on blood type or virus (similar to telecom).
@vnarek Ya, I can get behind all of that. I get who she is and her agenda, for sure and I hope that isn't confrontational tone I'm getting in this reply. 😆 This is a STEM community after all.
I do pick up a bias in the article in the sense that it states "there is not evidence..." almost sounds like a counter claim. I come to this conclusion because there where dozens of points or claims she was making that weren't addressed by science.org, for whatever reason. That seems like there were some facts looked into and others not. I imagine they focused on the some of her "high points". Not really incriminating just, weird. This is how get a sense of bias. There is very little in support of her claim or assertion of another. I don't know science dot org, but I do like the facts they are providing. Their article does make her look like "a woman scorned" and her book ruins her credibility as an unbiased protector of truth. Of course we wouldn't be having this conversation if she never wrote it.
I don't agree or disagree at this point. This whole movie raises some interesting questions like, what will the government do next. Will the next action support or her claims? Separately, the best part of the article you linked here was: "From the name, you can tell that this is going to be a conspiracyfest of a “documentary,” arguing that the current COVID-19 pandemic was somehow planned." This killed me. I got that same sentiment.
I bring attention to the fact that we are clearly in the middle of another interesting world-wide "crisis" and everyone with access to a camera or a website has a conspiracy theory to throw out and someone to counter it. It creates a shit ton of white noise which muddles the truth and limits our ability to make educated decisions or develop a sound understanding of the world around ourselves without hours of dedicated research and debunking bullshit claims. We need to become amateur virologist just to get the facts to call people on their garbage.
Ya, I agree. I mentioned in another "toot" that the video stinks of marketing tactics and she definitely has her reasons to defame Fouci but again, who knows where to go with what now days. I take the "interesting assertions" she and the "documentarist" are making with a whole pinch of salt. It seems like everyone is scorned now days. So they do the only think they feel they have power to do which is "let my voice be heard!!" and is rallying sheep to their emergency. When everything is an emergency nothing is an emergency.
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