@freemo @SecondJon @Demosthenes only cuz you don’t have any comorbidities!! But I agree. So will I.
@freemo @SecondJon @Demosthenes This is an interesting question. Would nicotine inhalation have a greater impact on the virus since the nicotine would go straight into the alveolus? Or does it matter since it ends up in the blood stream?
@namark @SecondJon There is no conspiracy. Its the fact that leadership (governors, medical, law enforcement and fear mongers in leadership) are telling everyone to stay home when the risk is extremely low for those without comorbidity. It's an infringement on liberty based on fear and ignorance. thats not a conspiracy.
Data, Truth
Great stuff from this guy.
ELI5. There is only 6% death rate on deaths solely attributed to COVID-19?
Comorbidity is way higher.
@tatzelbrumm Haha!! Classic YouTube censoring videos.
@matrix Bezmenov. I haven't researched this guy but this is the most amazing historical account of US history for the last 50 years. AMAZING!! Not sure if you've seen the entire video but he goes for a couple hours on Russian psychological Operations against a nation.
@a1batross 😜 too funny! so many levels of comedy and inference in this one joke. Master level. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Crux of the article:
In a recently surfaced 2015 interview, one of the three Black Lives Matter co-founders declared that she and another co-founder "are trained Marxists."
"We do have an ideological frame. Myself and Alicia, in particular, are trained organizers; we are trained Marxists. We are superversed on, sort of, ideological theories. And I think what we really try to do is build a movement that could be utilized by many, many Black folks."
@pschwede haha! Thanks, dude.
@khird I see. Norman Rockwell not historically known for his long history of study in personal liberty but I see what you reference. I think Isabel is saying, in England, liberty was slowly bestowed, piecemealed upon its serfs over time which ultimately led to “liberties”, plural... over centuries. Conversely, America happened to emerge at the time where statesmen weren’t bound to the crown and their view gave way to the true essence of liberty. Baked in inalienable rights, ergo, freedom.
Hi, New to decentralized social media... social media in general.
I chose Mastodon because if its uncensored nature and chose QOTO.ORG because of its philosophy.
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