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How Silent Assent Made Bucha Possible

But in the end, I decided that for me, it was not a question of what good it would do, but of my personal responsibility.

– Larisa Bogoraz, 1968

Pink Floyd got together and together with Andriy Khlyvnyuk released this in support of Ukrainian resistance just minutes ago. Powerful images. Powerful music. Powerful message.

politics Hungary Russia invasion 

I don’t speak Hungarian, so I have zero exposure to their media reporting. What bugs me the last couple of years is why there’s such an affinity between current political elites (and by extension the majority of people who vote for them) to Russia. Given what happened in 1956 one would expect an effect similar to Poland, Czechia or Slovakia (to a lesser extent) with a relatively significant opposition to Russian military escapades. Not so much in Hungary. Why?

Did Hungarians forget about all that period between 1956-1989? (would be somewhat odd, because they are still very much obsessed with Trianon, which is a 100+ years old wound - perhaps a selective memory kicks in, or something)

Any solid foreign policy analysis of that?

Calexico: Harness the Wind

Do you dream of flying
At the speed of light?

– Calexico

Daniel’s weekly report March 25, 2022
headers api, curl -w, ghost cve, presentation, wince, podcast, hyper, backend, getting started video

Der Park, der Baum und ein Nebelmorgen. Die Stadt duftet nach Wiese, Regen und Baustelle. Erschrockene Enten fliehen ins Unterholz. Noch ist der Kopf draußen und leer. Kommt sicher in den Morgen!

Oh folks, I'm so happy! An aggregation of long-eared #owls (Asio otus) has moved into our residential area! They claimed a tree in a neighbour's front garden, right next to the pavemant and do not seem to be bothered by people or cars! 😳
I've *never* seen an owl in the wild before and can now meet 3-7 of them on a daily basis! 😍

Whether true or not, I don’t know, but if it happened, brave lady there.

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In normal life Oleh does horseback-riding therapy for children. But now he put all his efforts to defend his native city Odesa.
Four generations of Oleh’s family have lived there, and he believes, that Odesa should be saved for his successors as well 🌊💛

There were go. Everything is plain now. Words are over, actions speak. It’s clear now who is the aggressor.

This is the most tragic day for all peace loving people on European continent. My heart is heavy today and one thing I know already now: it won’t get better probably for years to come.

These are the true war criminals of Europe in 21st century just starting their ugly work. And the history won’t be nice to them. Something important just happened what will have vast consequences for all Russians and Europeans alike for many many decades to come. I am full of grief today…


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