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Some #history for this week's #PharmPhriday!

In 1241, Holy Roman Emperor King Frederick II's Edict of Salerno legally separated the work of physicians from pharmacists and fixed prices for drugs and services, to prevent overcharging the sick.

#Medicine #MedicalHistory

Sooo, , let me pick your brain here...
With the weekend coming up, thought I would take the opportunity to ask for in long or medium form from all of you lovely folk that I have never met :blob_laughing:

Something in the format of pieces in the Guardian or the Economist, but with a penchant for
I read science everyday but sometimes I think I should have it explained by a journalist first because I would retain more on first pass. That's the sort of reader I am.

or maybe even some light philosophy?
Something to understand the current times? Light or , but no specific or heavy politics please.

Would love it if were a site or feed or whatever with recurring publications not just random pieces, but if you have good ones I will take them!

I read in English, Italian and Portuguese.

Thank you, you wonderful Tooters!

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Belated #introduction now that I’m giving the bird the bird. I’m resolved to be more of a free spirit on here - broaden my horizons a little. Even I don’t know everything I’m interested in! I suppose the more I toot, and the more I interact, the more obvious it will become. I do sincerely hope we aren’t like the tourists who flock to a place for its beauty and then proceed to ruin it with big hotels and shopping malls. It’s all felt very welcoming so far. Thank you for your patience.

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Twitter vs Mastodon 

A lot of people are asking about the difference between Twitter and Mastodon, so I did my own research. Please note that this is not yet peer reviewed.

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Teaching your child to read is one of the great joys in life. I've had the privilege in doing this twice now (the second time is at its beginning stages).

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So someone messaged me privately and asked how absolute this is.. like would we block an instance calling for genocide. I feel my response is import to reiterate here, so here it is:

Its not just about the authorities, it is about the people whose lives are at risk by that call to genocide having the right to see those posts and use that information to look out for their own safety... If someone is doxed, they should know, if someone is threatened, they should know, and they should be able to take action.

Someone saying violent things online doesnt guarantee some police officer will meander by and take them down. The law only tends to get involved once someone is reported, and sometimes not even then. No one will be reporting a site if no one can see or know it is there.

The question is, if someone is being physically threatened and having their life in jeopardy how are you helping them by blocking the privileges of the **victim** and disallowing the victim the right to see the threat placed against them?

In short, I refuse to take away rights from the victim simply because there is a violent bad actor out there. If the victim doesn't want to see it they simply need to import the block list and the problem is solved for them, so why not keep the power in the victims hands?

🎓 Doc Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱  
I mentioned this in a private message to someone recently about why a small handful of servers block qoto. I wanted to reiterate it here for the ne...
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Hello world! 👋 We are the Library & Archive at the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. Founded in 1505 as the Incorporation of Surgeons & Barbers of Edinburgh, we are the oldest medical institution in continual existence in the world. And our library and archive collections are even older than we are!! 📚
#histmed #medhist #library #archive #Edinburgh #scotland #history #books

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Me, writing work emails after reading #JaneAusten:

“My dear Dr. Dashwood—
I trust that you and your graduate students remain in good health. Praise for your latest article is on everyone’s lips. I have not the smallest wish to vex you, but circumstances compel me to trouble you for a meeting. There is not a moment to be lost. I flatter myself that you will endeavour to fill out this Whenisgood poll before Michaelmas.
Until then I remain,
Your humble servant— S.” 🪶

Today's Guardian edition resonating with me on many a level.

If you were born in Europe or North America in the late 80's or in the 90's, it is unfortunately reasonable to assume the only way you own your house today is if a) you inherited it/capital transfer from your family or b) you payed way too much for a house because 1) there weren't enough of them (because boomers and generation Xers were already confortably resting by their fireplaces?) and 2) nobody cared due to interest rates being so low for so long.

A generation or two ago, by your mid-twenties you were probably already on "the ladder".

What happened to "council homes" and similar policies?

And how is this affecting our generation? Anxiety year-on-year due to housing (and financial) insecurity, resulting in curtailment of family and life plans.

"Ain't that the truth!" 😂

"The number of border walls, about 10 at the cold war’s end, is now 74 and climbing, with the past decade as the high point of wall-building."
"the unravelling of globalisation won’t pitch us backward into the 19th century, but into a future full of unprecedented hazards."

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Did you know that if you capitalize each word in a multi-word hashtag, #ScreenReaders can read them as words, but if you leave them lowercase, they can't? Well, now you know! So, for #accessibility, please capitalize words when there's more than one in a hashtag.

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I built this tool a year ago but I feel like Mastodon folks would like it

The "Weird Old Book Finder"

Type in a search query, and it'll find one randomly-chosen public-domain book that matches the query -- and present it for immediate reading: weird-old-book-finder.glitch.m

Why only one book? To prevent the paradox of choice! Just *start readin'*

Can't promise every book will be weird, but most are

A longer essay on how/why I developed it:

This was a search for "mastodon"

@DrK @VeteranUK
Thought id share a picture of my rescue dog too. deserve some love.
Caught here hiding from the camera, as she usually does, but I think it might have been more an excuse...
Yours are beautiful and seem much more well-behaved :'D

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Did you know that the scientific academic journal Nature publishes one-page SciFi short stories that you can read for free? Yup. There's an archive of free stories going back to 1999 (although stories published between 2001 and 2004 are missing).

Here's a link:


#SciFi #reading

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In France, all large parking areas will now have to be covered over by solar panels.
What a fabulous idea.

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Mastodon: What you need to know for your security and privacy

If you’re leaving Twitter for Mastodon, here are some things you should know.

Please reblog/boost if you think this would help folks you know who are new to Mastodon. (Likes are appreciated, but won't help spread the advice)

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.