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Twitter failing 

Late to the party for my own story, but in case you missed it, here’s how one engineer within Twitter told me the platform is going to break. What do you think?

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This page has some really useful links and tools for Mastodon users. Tonight I'm trying out Tooty. Another web client for Mastodon.

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The glory the quiet. The lack of every single organization trying to fit our heads with conclusions before they happen, with disastrous possibilities and disinformation. The silence is breathtaking.

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Seems that federated social networks like Mastodon offer an opportunity for people to curate & nurture micro-communities vs. optimizing to “be social” with the masses. It’s certainly a different mindset than other major social networks, where collecting followers, likes & other forms of engagement are promoted. If there’s a #Twexit, I anticipate growing pains as many will naturally assume that <this new thing> should work like <that other thing>

Still learning. #WomenInTech #BlackMastodon

I use the web app on my phone and the browser on my computer. On the phone it doesnt seem so disproportionate, but on the PC it really stands out.
Do any apps or settings give you a bigger window to write on?

Also, I have just now realized that I wrote a huge wall of text!
1) Sorry for the babbling.
2) I did not notice before because on my browser the writing box only shows 4 lines at a time! Does anyone know how to make it bigger?

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Thanks for your reply!
I believe you are right in that I largely referred to social media as its most recent iteration, this hyperkinetic means of interaction we have today. I do not think, however, that detracts from the argument that be it through Usenet or IRC (or, more broadly, the Internet) we are now more connected than ever before.
I guess a corollary question might be - are we benefiting more than we are risking/paying, when it comes to individuality in the age of the Internet and its transformation in social media? the construction and maintenance of the self?

Would love some nice articles on the subject if anyone has any in mind.

I did not meant to analyse social media from the user > producer > client > economic perspective, but I totally get your point. Not sure if we have to pay to get what we want, though. has shown us a possible way to control that "capital".

Trying to see how much different is from the birdsite in terms of interaction, replies and mutual benefit in deeper relations and communication. Thought I would share something and see how it goes from there.

One thing that has been on my mind the past few days, witnessing the great , is the role, or rather, the impact of social media in the current day and age.

I would be very interested in your thought re: these 2 possibly opposing points of view.

1) Social media allows a degree of connection, of communication, that arguably represents a paradigm change of the level of the wheel, agriculture (and the way it allowed for bigger and sustained settlements), writing, the printing press and the internal combustion engine.
We have expanded beyond our villages into these virtual settlements of virtually limitless size.

Now, can this expansion be limitless? To the point of an interconnected consciousness of 7 billion people?

Or rather, is there a critical point of no-return beyond which more social interaction is counterproductive? (certainly the sort of "social" interaction online would be the weakest link in social interactions"?)

2) As you become more and more connected with so many others, is there a point where you stop benefiting and rather just lose yourself?
Ie, achievements are only rewarding if there is some degree of uniqueness to them. Is there a law of diminishing returns whereby knowing more people who have done something reduces your reward from it?

TLDR; What is individuality and the place of the self in the social media age? Interested in your thoughts and your help elaborating on this question.

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I have encountered more image descriptions on Mastodon in 24 hours than I have in Twitter in a couple of years. Seriously. I'm not exaggerating.
As a blind person, this means a lot to me. If you read this and you describe your images, thank you so, so, so much on behalf of all of us. If you don't, now you know you'll be helping random Internet strangers make sense of your posts by typing in a few more words than usual.

@freemo @khird @trinsec @arteteco
Thanks! Will do! And thanks to the whole team.
I have always found when managing/coordinating/being part of teams that accomplishing an objective together feels much more rewarding and is a richer experience than if that goal had been reached alone.
Like the toots here people can boost each other ;)
So again, thanks to you and the rest of the team. You have a lot of reasons to feel good, from what I see here in

New user here. Had been considering the change for a while, took the plunge with the rest of the refugees of the . Lurked for a few days before posting.

I mostly used the birdsite for learning, was something I think worked rather well.

That said... By comparing with my (admittedly small, but fresh) home feed here at , during these past few days I have come to realize just how much the birdsite's algorithms were keeping me within rather limited boundaries, even if my tastes and interests have always been the same. has been giving me less noise and more content.

I am hopeful that this new experience might expand my cultural horizons through all of your wonderful collective and collaborative input and feedback!

Thank you to the creators and team behind and to the maintainers of this server @freemo !

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It is great to see the growth of (academic) Mastodon. Not just for us, to have more people to talk to and smaller niche topics to geek out about.

But also because Twitter, Facebook and colleagues do enormous damage to society. And should go down.

They give us a wrong view of what humans are.

'Twitter: “Why are people so horrible to each other?”

Mastodon: “Wow! There are so many interesting people in the world! I want to know more of them.”'

@jonossaseuraava @PawelK
Just set up your server with docker and mounted volumes. Both photoprism and immich are reputable and frequently suggested. Deploy either one, or both, as containers. Update containers when you feel like it. Use portainer to manage docker, makes everything a 3 click operation. Buy enough data storage. Stick to 3-2-1 backup strategies. You could be up and running really quickly. And self hosting can be quite fun!

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Challenges in screening for de novo noncoding variants contributing to genetically complex phenotypes

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Space scientists are lucky to be in a field awash with stunning spectacles!

#MetaScience #OpenScience ? Not so much!

I relied on people to tweet splashes of gorgeousness. Till I find replacements, going DIY #TwitterAnonymous

Song of the Lark. 1884 by Jules Adolphe Breton

Collection: Art Institute of Chicago

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Are you making full use of Chrome extensions to boost your productivity as a PhD student?

@OpenAcademics @AcademicChatter

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Russian state media: Finns are dying of cold due to cutting ties with Russia.


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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.