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White smoke from under my hood means either my starter went out or my car has elected a new Pope.

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Dentist: "Do you floss daily?"
Me: "Do you backup your data daily?"

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A hundred times this.


genuinely, genuinely, do not buy twitter blue. i'm not just saying "don't give elon your money" i am saying "don't put your credit card info into this website that just fired the grand bulk of its security staff"


@puellavulnerata @nyx @bornmiserable
That's an argument for inheritance tax - would have cut that patrimony of yours right down :ablobjoy:
(Sorry couldn't resist)

I wonder what, besides blurbing out cliches, those people are doing to help you manage. What is not frequently said nor done is addressing some of the perpetuators of . I see some patients who developed depression after years with another disease and neither was being approached appropriately.

It takes an effort on everybody's part, battling depression. I am proud of all of you for keeping up the fight.

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I like how people say "manage your depression" like it's a stock portfolio but you're heavily invested in sadness

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And there usually are national, easy to access healthcare systems (I suppose they replace the elves), all encompassing social security nets (instead of friendier hobbits), slightly equitative tax redistribution (instead of dwarves?), decriminalization of several social mores that might mean long prison sentences or worse elsewhere (no need for wizards), ...

(this is obviously a bad analogy on my part xD but I really enjoy being a part of this Middle Earth, for all of the above and more; all of its problems nonwithstanding)

You should come over and meet the natives sometime!

This is great news for people with rarer blood types or in need of regular transfusions.

The way that it is written is also great and . As a doctor I have a particular understanding of the concepts being explained here and respect for the art of communicating them intelligibly to a general audience.

Curious to see how I would fare at this kind of . I bet it would also make me better at communicating with patients directly.

Any thoughts on how to get started?

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POLL: If you've been on #Mastodon for over a week and used it each day, how likely are you to go back to using Twitter on a regular basis?

Boost for a larger sample size please.

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Hi! I'm an #atheist #humanist and #skeptic looking to respectfully engage online here with people I disagree with. And maybe people who agree with me too!

I don't believe in #god , and in fact I'm pretty sure no such thing exists, but I'm willing to consider the alternatives and change my mind.

Are you a #christian who believes in #jesus , or any other #religion , and want to explore whether or not you have good reasons to think that it's true? I'm happy to have that conversation!

I'm willing to admit when I'm wrong. Are you?

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@jerry hey jerry // newbie to this space // #selfhosting under my own domain with singular user

Do you have any recommendations?

How do I get other servers content relayed into me so that the trends // feed firehose is more useful?

Any reading recommendations?


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Retro SciFi Film of the Week…

Mission to Mars (2000)

This film got great reviews in Europe but lousy reviews in the US. I suspect the lousy reviews were due to something other than the quality of the film because this is a well-made film. The sets and props are about the best I’ve seen, and the CG (computer graphics) are also well done.

The writing is a little weak, especially the dialogue, but these seasoned actors were able to bring those words to life. The plot is nothing special and the narrative is just a straight, linear story throughout – no flashbacks or flash-forwards. It’s a very easy film to watch and doesn’t demand much from the audience, but it’s still entertaining and realistic for the most part. There are a lot of lines of exposition in this film, but I think the filmmakers wanted to make sure anyone could watch this one and easily follow the plot.

Gary Sinise (Lt. Dan from Forrest Gump) gets the most screen time of the main characters, while Don Cheadle (Hotel Rwanda) got the least, and Cheadle was also given the majority of the clumsy exposition lines. (I wonder why?) The women were also slighted in this film, but sadly that’s typical for 20th century Hollywood.

Visually the film was fantastic with realistic scenes on Mars and in space which was somewhat reminiscent of 2001: A Space Odyssey. They didn’t get the science right all the time, and some of the situations and problems they faced were kind of unrealistic, but that’s par for Hollywood.

This is a great film for a family, or a group of people that may include those who might struggle with a more complex plot line or who prefer a temporally linear presentation but it’s entertaining for science geeks, too.

(image from film, fair use)

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@welshgasdoc 👋 here is a "starter for 10" of people from #MedTwitter I did for @benlovell earlier


Also worth using to find people you follow on Twitter that have put their Mastodon details in their profile.

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In the 1980s the Nepal government gave forests to local communities to manage.

Since then tree cover has doubled, reducing floods and landslides and allowing endangered plant and animal species, including the tiger, to thrive.

Story by the NYT:

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Thank you. This is great! Going to sit sometime this weekend with a cup of tea and enjoy :ablobcool:

Keep 'em coming, everyone!

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