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Le réseau informatique dont dépendent les académies de Strasbourg et Nancy-Metz est victime d' une panne majeure.
L'ensemble des services qui en dépendent sont indisponibles. La réparation est en cours mais aucun délai n'est indiqué pour un retour à la normale.


Little known fact: Andre Weil, he of the pairing, actually came up with the idea while in prison for failing to be report for duty into the army in the war. He said they were the most productive two years of his career (paraphrase).
He considered recommending to the French academy that all mathematicians should be sent to jail for 2 years :)


@IntegralDuChemin For healthcare.. well there is a lot of nuance we would have to get into, but the big part would be co-op based insurance. Basically where the owners of the insurance company are the insurance holders themselves, but otherwise operate it as a free-market enterprise.

This eliminates the greed factor, so overpricing isnt an issue, but preserves free market pressures that drive quality up and ensure the policy holders have options.

@IntegralDuChemin Well for example wait times. In europe wait time, even when its critical to ones recovery, is astronomical (even in the countries with the lowest wait time, Netherlands).

America also tends to have more rigerous pre-emtptive tests that catch things like cancer. It is typical in america to get routine blood tests and other exams they dont tend to do as frequently if at all in europe.

America also tends to have better survivability rates on many diseases (but not all). For example when it comes to cancer treatment the survivability is highest in the USA.


I can understand your view, but obviously disagree.

One needs to protect the decision not just of the mother, but of the unborn child, who doesnt have a voice. Ideally the rights of each should be preseved.

In my mind once a child develops a brain then it has a right to legal protection, within reason. That happens at about a month and a half to two months.

So for me the laws should be something like this

1) Abortion only legal in the first 2 months, after that there must be significant risk to the life of the mother to get an exception.

2) all legal abortions will be tax-payer funded, as well as condoms and birth control

3) PRegnancy tests will also be free and tax-payer funded.

Those three points are the only way I can see to preserve the right to life of all parties involved without creating unmitigated circumstances outside of the womans control, or denying her her right to abort.


A lot of our problems come from greed and perverse lobbyists. We could have prevented PCB poisoning in Anniston, Alabama, we could prevent tons of cancers and fetal defects from pesticide overuse in South America, we do not need braindead shit like bovine growth hormone in the West which is banned all over Europe, we can prevent the spread of STIs by using condoms, we can teach students how to prevent teenage pregnancy and should teach them basic biology such as evolution. We have a constitution declaring a separation between church and state in nearly every Western country but yet we fail to deliver. We can prevent antibiotic resistance by stopping overuse of antibiotics in raising animals which are only employed to prevent infection stemming from concentrating animals in cages or are used to make animals get fatter in a shorter time. Only thing I don't get - if you poison people for a lot of money I can at least logically understand it. But these idiots do it for very few money. Why? We're talking a few billions here. Not trillions. Billions and even less.

Stop feeding animals and give the industry incentives to do research on new antibiotics.

Heute gelernt, wofür (m/w/d) in IT-Stellenausschreibungen steht.

männlich / weiß / deutsch


Weil man es viel zu selten sagt und klare Kante zeigt:

- Kein Mensch ist illegal, Refugees welcome!
- Impfen schützt!
- Homöpathie ist Placebo!
- Der Klimawandel ist real!
- Rad statt Auto!
- Esst weniger Fleisch! Danke Vegetarier und Veganer!
- Antisemitismus, Homo- und Transfeindlichkeit sind scheiße!
- Feminismus ist gut!
- Kein Fußbreit! Danke Antifa!

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Is there something I can do from , to support right to in the US or in Eastern Europe?

If only one woman in the world dies from restriction none of us is free.

RT @GeorgeTakei
Many watch the GOP betray the rule of law, and think, “Our democracy can’t recover from this.”

I lived through a time when leaders of both parties and the Supreme Court ignored our Constitution and interned 120,000 of us, most of us citizens.

We can and will find our way back.

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