Ideology that has done damage to humanity over time
Religion not interpreted in its historical context
-> gave us war and slavery in various forms and let billions of people die
Anything based on a king's or father's authority
-> This is the worst shit and doesn't even serve any purpose except ensuring paternity for inheritance of property. Its original purpose is obsolete since the introduction of paternity testing and egg donation.
The theory of the fully free market. Why did they even test that shit on societies without previously testing it on small groups of volunteers only.
Same thing goes for socialism, Russian version.
Any time people tell stories about family values, the family (male + female + kids) as basis of a given society/state/whatever
-> see Patriarchy
Anyone imposing a quota system in a given institution (yes, that is what I call positive discrimination)
Sometimes I wonder whether my ideas suck or whether speaking against any kind of taboo aka "every dogma and law and authority must be allowed to be questioned" is obscene. But then I see all the crap ideology has done to the world while being taken seriously and worse being accepted without question and I think - well let me question any society and value model that claims any kind of authority.
Servicetoot für #Laatzen, #Hannover und Umgebung: wir stehen nachher von 14:00 bis 17:00 mit unserer Unterschriften-Sammelstation fürs #Volksbegehren #Artenvielfalt vor der "Alten Feuerwache" in Laatzen-Grasdorf, das ist dort:
Diskutiert mich nicht an die Wand, ich habe jetzt schon Kopfschmerzen.
Everyone should read this when asking about #globalfinance :
Almost 6 years old, and @Fairphone are still pushing the Fairphone 2 by porting Android 9 to it:
That's a big proof of longevity here, kudos to you all!
The attacks on women's rights, transgender rights, gay rights etc by those describing themselves as "conservative" is not a question of minority protection or politics. Trying to justify their actions in reference to God is not a protection of religious freedoms or morals, it is an attack on the separation between church and state. Trying to discriminate based on skin colour, gender, sex or anything not related to that person's actions is nothing less than an attack on the most fundamental rights of each person in the constitution of every real democracy in the world! Discrimination is not something you can excuse with your own political opinion. Discrimination is one of the most fundamental attacks on the constitution of Western states and their core values! If we truly consider our system of democracy superiour over any dictatiorship or theocracy we must defend its core values! Undermining civil rights, enforcing surveillance and trying to abolish the teachings of enlightenment for a religious foundation pushes us closer to the dictatorships and terrorists we so despise!
Alte weiße Männer heulen über Rassismus gegen Deutsche. Junge weiße Frau heult über alte weiße Faschos
#FamilyPlanning in #COVID19 times is a critical topic mostly in developing countries. I have given the topic much thought during the last weeks and my first conclusion was that long term methods such as the implant or an IUD would work best in times of crisis as they do not need to be refilled every month or so. Now I got a spontaneous idea. Natural family planning has a high efficiency when used correctly and an acceptable efficiency with typical use. Whalt I like most about the idea of NFP is that it is completely independent from any governmental interference. It is knowledge that can be passed on in message, in encrypted ways and all you need is observation and maybe something to measure your temperature. And a partner who is not a complete dickhead.
The modern version and my suggestion during #COVID isolation times is the following - make a video where you explain NFP and how it works and spread it through social media and telemedicine. Maybe use a contraceptive app. A lot of women has a smartphone or a normal telephone even in developing countries. #FPinCOVIDresponse #FP2020
The #PearlIndex of such apps is not perfect but with something around 7% acceptable compared to the alternatives like full abstinence or unsafe abortion.
Weiß jemand, wann in Deutschland wieder #Hackerspaces aufmachen?
You don't have to like my ideas. It's enough if they make you think and challenge ideology.