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English fairy tale: the children met a wolf and outsmarted it because they were clever

French fairy tale: the children met a wolf and it turned back into a prince

German fairy tale: the children met a wolf and it killed them for sport because God is blind to your suffering, goodnight kids

Pet loss, euthanasia, eulogy, cat 

A picture of "Da Boyz."

Frisco (Left) 2020
Freddy (Right) 2022

We will miss you in our hearts, but our memory will have you forever together best buds.

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"Romaq" is my online identity for the last 20 years or so. It's even the name my wife came to know me as we met on Ultima Online. Who's Bono? Sting? Slash?

Then again, there are those I know by their real names because *that* is the name they choose to go by, such as Mae Dean, or Kyle Hill.

It's up to you, but there is your given name and your chosen name. Whichever you pick, you can change it if you must. Best to start out making a good one.

Nobody knows what "Romaq" means. *I* am the one who gives it meaning.

Pet loss, euthanasia, eulogy, cat 


"Cried more for the loss..." That's what @mikmaqpeek said concerning her mom. She asked me about it, I said, "Depends upon the mom."

We've had Tilly, I don't think Freddy would mind. He became pretty mellow as he aged. Freddy was nearly 17 years old as well.

Pet loss, euthanasia, eulogy, cat 

I love you, our one-fang boy. You needed attention so badw, but after you gave a gentle pat politely asking, you fled when we turned to you. But over the years you stopped running and basked in our love.

You were so thin, dapper, so "I'd like to meet his tailor." The last few years as your kidneys failed, you put on a few but you were always so beautiful. We teased you for talking in the hall, and you came to us wondering what our problem was when we asked you who you were talking to.

Frisco was lonely, which is why we invited you to be a part of our family. You were a great pal, part of, "Da Boyz."

Frisco had to go in the fall of 2020. Today, we let you go to be with him. Love to you both.

@cwwilkie There is more detail, the "stops" are intended to have a double chest, smoker, stone cutter, anvil, furnace, blast furnace, and work bench as I have material to make them. But hit a platform, it's all the same and has what you need on the spot. Nether gate in six steps away. Mining tunnels for strip mining evenly spaced so you have the best odds of hitting a vein of any width of more than one block. Vines (separate from the borehole) cover the strips so you can climb up, down, sideways to get to any strip.

And there is more detail, but I've nattered on enough. You may want screen shots, and that helps.

@cwwilkie I need to get you a screen shot. 5 x 5 walls solid, the focus is on the 3 x 3 inside.


The Ladder is the failsafe and way to get up and down until finished. Vines growing down while I dig, but "stuff happens so the ladder is solid all the way down. When I can get enough iron, the Bar in the center and two corners hold the water column in while leaving me free to move within to drop & stop easily. If I hug the center pole, I'm in free fall but it prevents me from from being too far from Vines or the Ladder to quickly break. With the Water elevator, I can hang barely in it while still rocketing up.

@cwwilkie Our "Gold Standard" for strip mining: Torch on the right = away from home. Torch on left = heading back home.

I do a "bore hole" 3x3 wide, stops at every break of 16 (64, 48, 32, 16, 0, -16, -32, -48, -59). Off the borehole is a landing at the stops, 2 high 1 wide, 3 blocks apart, next level up offset by 2. Vines all the way down. The start of the mine is only 1 deep with 2 torches. Once you start a shaft, the torch goes on the right wall. With those hella long tunnels, keep torches on the left to "go home."

The Boreholes are legendary on our server. A water drop all the way to the bottom, vines to cling to inside it, water elevator for speedy ways going up.

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One trick I taught myself in #Minecraft is the directional placement of torches. Sometimes I'm doing my fern-mining technique and it suddenly opens into a network of caverns, and I have to go exploring.

If I turn to the right, all the torches go on the right wall. If possible, I'll place torches on rocky structures to point back to the exit as well. And I place one last torch on the floor at the end of a corridor so I know I don't need to run back and clear it out.

Romaq boosted

Climate activist Greta Thunberg has a fiery response to Andrew Tate's attempt to boast about his carbon-dioxide-emitting cars.

We took Freddy (the cat on the right) to the Animal Emergency place. We were so happy to get Freddy back when we arrived Monday night, but since then he's appeared more week and having trouble with his back legs.

It looked like he was either in pain or having trouble defecating. We took him in to see just how serious it was. He has health issues, chief among them his red blood cell count is only 1/4 of what it should be while all other cell counts from the bloodwork are good.

While we were waiting for the Doctor to sort out Freddy, an older woman came in with her schnauzer... bleeding on her coat. He had been attacked, apparently by a coyote. One bite went to his throat, slashes on his side. We could smell the blood. Together my wife and I wept as quietly as we could.

It was a long night. We hope the schnauzer survives. Freddy... his kidneys are failing, he has a heart murmur, he's 16... and the red blood cell count may be from cancer.

When Frisco (the cat on the left) died, my wife was stuck in a 20 min. memory lapse loop. She'd be fully awake, but then my wife would act confused and ask where Frisco was. Then I had to break the news to her that Frisco had died, she was with me when he was euthanized, that she had forgotten, but it was OK and I'd remember for us both. We would both cry, she'd be ok... then start the loop again. She has no recollection of those two days, but she remembers that Frisco is gone, fall 2020.

As I age, I find so many things I thought were important in my 20's simply doesn't matter, while things I found irrelevant then make all the difference in the world to me now. Life's funny that way.

Hug your loved ones, and your animal friends. Life comes at you fast.


I have not seen art based on the Cromaticity Diagram, seen here:

It would be pretty cool to see that diagram worked into something.



, , , looking forward to when we have funds to get it from Steam. I like to build things, and fighting some along the way. The first three I enjoy with my wife. We met on some 25 years ago.


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Sometimes I don’t even get my own jokes until men explain them back to me

I really love the Professor of Rock's Adam Reader. He has such compassion and respect for the music he covers and the people who created it.

Dark Side of the Moon's Brain Damage & Eclipse

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Okay, after accepting the fact that you need to go very very very slow when working your way through an ancient city in #minecraft, I've actually started to really enjoy the process of covering all the sensors and shriekers in wool before carefully breaking them.

The sculk blocks are really quite beautiful if you look past the fact that they are likely an alien ecosystem that is invading the world.

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Romaq's choices:

Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.