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Guys, am I the only one who didn't know about lending all of users' data to ?

Shamar boosted
Shamar boosted

Profili consigliati da seguire:

🌟 @olimex - Produttori di #hardware e dispositivi #opensource

🌟 @LimeSurvey - #Alternativa open source gratuita a #googleforms

🌟 @ubuntustudio - Distribuzione #Linux rivolta ai creativi

🌟 @karrot - Piattaforma #FOSS per la condivisione delle risorse nella vita reale (ad esempio, la condivisione del #cibo)

🌟 @purism - hardware, #software e servizi che ti rispettano.

🌟 @tuxedocomputers - #computer #portatili e #desktop personalizzati con Linux preinstallato

Shamar boosted

@lanodan @normandy @a1batross @toast
with HURD:
- every program can present its API as a filesystem
- you even get automount points, where a "filesystem translator" gets automatically started once you try to access its mountpoint
- you can easily implement per-process namespaces
- as well as all other kinds of namespaces
- without being a privileged user
- without refactoring an existing kernel and adding CVEs (looking at you, Linux)

PS: c'era anche un tizio finito lì a sponsorizzare la sua triste . Ma mi sono trattenuto e non gli ho detto nulla...

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Per chi fosse interessato, qui trovate una bella chiacchierata sull'uso di nella e sulla che ho avuto con il direttore del , la Senatrice e diverse altre persone competenti.

Purtroppo è stata diffusa via , per cui usate :

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Garante #privacy per la #scuola auspica «che l'Italia si doti di una sua infrastruttura [con] cooperazione europea [invece di] piattaforme cinesi e americane di cui non sappiamo assolutamente niente».

#SoftwareLibero già garantisce collaborazione in #UE.

Shamar boosted

For anyone that uses android, DON'T USE THE PLAYSTORE! Use F-droid.

"F-Droid is an installable catalogue of FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) applications for the Android platform"

Don't know how? Follow this tutorial.

#fdroid #privacy #thehatedone #opensource #datacollection #foss #gafam #surveillancecapitalism

Shamar boosted

"Google drops Blogspot India domain breaking hundreds of thousands of links"

What a mess!


1. Move away from Blogspot. It's not getting any love

2. Own your domain name even if you post on someone else's platform (so you can switch if necessary)

Shamar boosted

Quantum Hardening Cryptographic Protocols:

And before anyone asks: yes, quantum computers exist. It's an open question whether we can build one powerful to be a threat, but regardless it's better to be safe & design crypto they can't break.

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GitHub - rochus-keller/OberonSystem: Modified version of the original from for use with the Oberon IDE

Shamar boosted this is from a designer/artist perspective, but the literal same thing applies to hackathons, and you should refuse to have anything to do with them if possible.

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Shamar boosted

‘It’s just a pigeon,’ said the girl. ‘Let it die.’

The boy lifted it with gentle hands. It was too weak to struggle. He could feel its heartbeat against his fingertips. ‘It just needs help, that’s all.’

He nursed it day and night. Warmed it by a lamp, cleaned its wounds. Fed it from his hand. Every day it grew stronger. And larger.

After a week, it was the size of a cat. A month, a dog. It gazed at him with adoring eyes. And one day, it would carry him into the sky.

#microfiction #TootFic

Shamar boosted

Practical Procedural Generation For Everybody:

(Haven't actually watched, I'm distracted with other links. But sounds interesting!)

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Shamar boosted
Shamar boosted

Do others feel that the *vast* majority of the exciting open source work these days happens outside the U.S.? (In a larger proportion than you'd expect based on where commercial software is written, I mean).

At first, I thought it was just that #rust had a non-US tilt due to Mozilla's involvement.

But the more I look around, the more it seems like (almost) all the exciting Foss projects are in Europe – with the notable exception of and a few others.

Agree? Disagree?

Shamar boosted


While this is the smartest objection to my usual comparison of free software and free speech, I think you are missing an important detail.

is a work-aroud to defeat unjust laws.

If I take code (or executables, it doesn't change much), modify it and publicily share the result under any form, I'm going to be criminalised and actually indicted for copyright infridgement.

Now for a , programming is a form of expression just like writing is for everybody else.

International copyright laws and agreements is basically statal censorship for economical (thus ideological and political) gain.

Now, one might argue that are a tiny minority that do not deserve such right to expression and it have to sacrify it for the other mainstream programmers.

And it's surely true that the people did their best to take Free Software from hackers to turn it into an exploitative, ethically washed, tool.

And I agree that, because of that, we are reaching the limits of what a licence, however strong, can protect.

For example, thanks to the progress of , we can all see that all free software copyleft forgot the right (duty?) to .

But free software still stands as a tool to create a protected zone of free programming expression in a hostil environment ruled by (corporate friendly) copyright law.

Since copyright infrigement can lead hackers to statal jail, free software IS free speech.

Shamar boosted
Shamar boosted

For those contemplating the Librem 5 #smartphone by @purism, hold your breath competition is about to start. See

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