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Hello folks! I prepared a repository of in resources. Feel free to go through it, and please star it if you found it useful! 😊

Here's the link:

Following my , I thought I’d share some of my recent work. Last week I presented some of my research at on in the as part of the 2022 Annual Meeting.

For a copy of my poster, and video presentation, see the very bottom of this page:
🔗 planetaryhealthannualmeeting.c

@freckled @SwetaBioX twitch is the one I never used. Might change though if a grant gets approved 😊 May come back with questions then 😊

@florianjug Of course! You're the first such person I knew and followed here on ! Looking forward to more content!!

I absolutely love the idea of an #introduction toot 📯

I'm an interdisciplinary social scientist working at the University of #Melbourne's Centre for Cities.

I focus mainly on #Pacific Island #cities, climate impacts and informal settlements, but also the #SDGs, urban resilience and sustainable transport.

Anything that helps us re-think and untangle the intertwinement of colonial settler cities & the #climate crisis!

Currently living on unceded Wurundjeri country in Naarm (Melbourne).

@DoctorRinny Haha thank you! I'm sure you'll get a chance to visit Germany soon!

@freckled Awesome! Thanks! Gotta try some of these options for myself now!

Hello, here’s my !

I’m an undergraduate student studying neuroscience on the pre-medical track. As I further explore the field through reading other people’s research and hearing their experiences, I grow increasingly fascinated by its multi-displinary nature and hope to one day be contributing to it myself.

I look forward to exploring and learning from the works, resources, and discussions here on QOTO!

Some of my academic interests and personal hobbies include: , , , , , , , , , , , , , and more!

@freckled Hey, nice to meet you! I too am interested in , but haven't found a way to get started 😅

Hi! ! I am a student in in ! I study self-assembly, which has implications in our understandings of nanostructures, chemistry, and

I’ve been ing my live on where I am developing inks made from seaweed and other !

I also interview scientists weekly, so if you are ever interested, let me know! I’d love to have you as a guest!

@DoctorRinny Hi, nice to meet you! I too love modeling, and can't wait to see all the new knowledge you share here! 😀

Greetings all! Ron here again. I would like to share more details about my research focus. This is the first of several toots I'll post introducing my reasons for being on Mastodon.

As an assistant professor, I focus mostly on signal and image processing in neuroscience applications. My platforms of choice are and Programming. If you are working with these tools, feel free to "at" me any time if I can help or you know something interesting! I also have worked in , particularly in simulating neural networks with Hodgkin-Huxley equations. That was some years ago, but mathematical modeling never gets old!

I look forward to sharing my work with the community as well as learning more about what each of you are doing!

Hello! A brief - I’m an Asst Prof at Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School. I study organizational principles of . We study underlying , , and across species. We also develop methods for synapse-resolution . Looking forward to learning more!


An :
Bachelor's degree in from Princeton, 1981, which makes me ?good at ?discussion?.

(for the US) , in that I think power should be more fairly distributed than it is now,.

Master's in from Pace, 1985ish; professional for like 40 years, mostly for and now for (all opinions strictly my own, of course, not theirs!), mostly on the side. and anything else really, they're just languages. :)

Greatly enjoy , and I've done a number of novels (working on the dozenth in 2022). Have also greatly enjoyed playing with .

I have no visual skills, but lately I've been producing thousands of images using and a few with other text-to-image tools. The future is wild!

So time for my . I'm a fellow at the University of working on and . I am interested in computational diversity, psychiatric disorders and accelerating biophysical neuron models.

Hey folks! Quick #Introduction here. I’m Chris, ToferC on Twitter. I’m the chief #data officer for #PublicHealth Agency of Canada focused on ethical and inclusive data that brings together an ecosystem view of human health. I’m also a long-time #TTRPG gamer, geek and #Rust #Golang #Python dev. I like #NetworkGraphs.

Take two on Mastodon. Toot?

Hello Mastodon! Time for an .
I’m a PhD working in and .

I have interests in and .

Expect to see me posting on and .

Nice to meet you all!

@DrJLCatlett Heya! Nice to meet you! I too think is cool, and hope to use deep learning in virology someday!

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.