I have finally found a use for 2 screens and a desire for a 3rd screen: Being a DM for . Virtual tabletop on the main screen, campaign text and references on the second screen, in front of Discord which I'd like on a third screen.

When working I rarely use the 2nd screen for some SSH htop or tail -f, or VNC; mostly it's just blank.

ethnicity estimate: Sweden & Denmark 80%, Indigenous Arctic 12%, England & Northwestern Europe 6%, Norway 2%.

Released free playtested single-session one-shot no-combat Dungeons & Dragons adventure: tinodidriksen.com/dnd-one-shot - A little old lady needs help with spring cleaning and feeding her cats.

CC-BY-SA. Map made with using assets from

By the gods below, sucks donkey. Sent a snap but didn't save it immediately? It's gone forever. No way of telling if it was actually sent or received. Not even a 24h grace period - it's like screaming into the void. I cannot grasp why anyone uses such a nihilistic app.

My daughter's team at (Challenge) got 2nd place in all they tried and were nominated for, which means they advance to the national in two weeks. Here's 6 videos from the event: youtube.com/watch?v=HoHY4GXYSz

30 Minutes to :DBFH: 👋

desertbus.org & twitch.tv/desertbus

"Encrypted notification emails are going away on 5 December. This means that, soon, emails that you receive from Facebook will no longer be encrypted." - what the fuck? So is making 2FA worse and disabling encrypted communication. Do they WANT more compromised accounts?

ft.dk/udvalg/udvalgene/kef/kal - "Klima-, Energi- og Forsyningsudvalget inviterer til åben høring om . Høringen finder sted torsdag den 16. november 2023 kl. 13-16 i Landstingssalen på Christiansborg."

Finished after 172 hours. Single thorough playthrough, started on August 13th. A few hours lost to bad decision rollbacks, save scumming, and perfecting battles, but there is truly just so much to do. Great game. Hope there will be a definitive edition in a year.

of the pin 3 syndrome. A Exos X18 18TB would not power on when connected via SATA power, but would via molex-to-SATA. Seems my RM750x doesn't support SATA revision 3.3's "power disable" spec, so I had to mask out pins. Older Exos X18 16TB works fine.

( imdb.com/title/tt1517268/ ) is fine. Definitely doesn't warrant all the hype. Has some fun moments, but is otherwise predictable. Doesn't really say anything new or in a novel way. Still, worth a watch. Rating 7/10.

For recharging and powering all our stuff, I brought a single outlet adapter (bought in US in 2008) plus a 5 socket power strip. It's been working great, as hotels don't have many available outlets, and this way we only need one.

This is what I look like all day every day here in . I am well aware I look like A , but it works. I don't get sunburnt, I don't get heat stroke, and the socks keep my feet from blistering too much.
Also, I am absolutely a "Tourist, Attraction". So many women have commented on my beard - even caught one taking a sneaky photo on the subway. And the kids are in awe of my height - I am a full head taller than the crowds.

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