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2."如果没有透明的软件,人类离灭亡也就不远了。" 这种说法比较夸张,实是求是地说,没有自由软件,人类也不会灭亡,但生活在一个信息时代,没有自由软件,人类在其它领域的自由也会逐渐丧失,最终陷于奴役。


Luckily, another co-author on the book has spent a lot of time pondering inclusion, women’s rights, children’s rights, and free speech. Her name is Nadine Strossen and her credentials run deep. She served as the first female President of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), America’s largest and oldest civil liberties nonprofit, from 1991 to 2008. When she stepped down as President, three Supreme Court Justices participated in her farewell luncheon (Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Antonin Scalia, and David Souter). Strossen is a Professor Emeritus at New York Law School and currently an advisor to the EPIC (Electronic Privacy Information Center), FIRE (Foundation for Individual Rights in Education), the ACLU, and Heterodox Academy. She is the author of the widely acclaimed books HATE: Why we should fight it with speech not censorship (2018) and Defending Pornography: Free Speech, Sex, and the Fight for Women’s Rights (1995). She has far too many awards, publications, and prominent appearances to name.

I talked with her to explain the dilemma and get her thoughts.

Civil Rights Activist Nadine Strossen’s Response To :

I find it so odd that the strong zeal for revenge and punishment if someone says anything that is perceived to be sexist or racist or discriminatory comes from liberals and progressives. There are so many violations [in cases like Stallman’s] of such fundamental principles to which progressives and liberals cling in general as to what is justice, what is fairness, what is due process.

One is proportionality: that the punishment should be proportional to the offense. Another one is restorative justice: that rather than retribution and punishment, we should seek to have the person constructively come to understand, repent, and make amends for an infraction. Liberals generally believe society to be too punitive, too harsh, not forgiving enough. They are certainly against the death penalty and other harsh punishments even for the most violent, the mass murderers. Progressives are right now advocating for the release of criminals, even murderers. To then have exactly the opposite attitude towards something that certainly is not committing physical violence against somebody, I don’t understand the double standard!

Another cardinal principle is we shouldn’t have any guilt by association. [To hold culpable] these board members who were affiliated with him and ostensibly didn’t do enough to punish him for things that he said - which by the way were completely separate from the Free Software Foundation - is multiplying the problems of unwarranted punishment. It extends the punishment where the argument for responsibility and culpability becomes thinner and thinner to the vanishing point. That is also going to have an enormous adverse impact on the freedom of association, which is an important right protected in the U.S. by the First Amendment.

The Supreme Court has upheld freedom of association in cases involving organizations that were at the time highly controversial. It started with NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) during the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 60s, but we have a case that’s going to the Supreme Court right now regarding Black Lives Matter. The Supreme Court says even if one member of the group does commit a crime - in both of those cases physical violence and assault - that is not a justification for punishing other members of the group unless they specifically intended to participate in the particular punishable conduct.

Now, let’s assume for the sake of argument, Stallman had an attitude that was objectively described as discriminatory on the basis on race and gender (and by the way I have seen nothing to indicate that), that he’s an unrepentant misogynist, who really believes women are inferior. We are not going to correct those ideas, to enlighten him towards rejecting them and deciding to treat women as equals through a punitive approach! The only approach that could possibly work is an educational one! Engaging in speech, dialogue, discussion and leading him to re-examine his own ideas.

Even if I strongly disagree with a position or an idea, an expression of an idea, advocacy of an idea, and even if the vast majority of the public disagrees with the idea and finds it offensive, that is not a justification for suppressing the idea. And it’s not a justification for taking away the equal rights of the person who espouses that idea including the right to continue holding a tenured position or other prominent position for which that person is qualified.

But a number of the ideas for which Richard Stallman has been attacked and punished are ideas that I as a feminist advocate of human rights find completely correct and positive from the perspective of women’s equality and dignity! So for example, when he talks about the misuse and over use and flawed use of the term sexual assault, I completely agree with that critique! People are indiscriminantly using that term or synonyms to describe everything from the most appaulling violent abuse of helpless vulnerable victims (such as a rape of a minor) to any conduct or expression in the realm of gender or sexuality that they find unpleasant or disagreeable.

So we see the term sexual assault and sexual harrassment used for example, when a guy asks a woman out on a date and she doesn’t find that an appealing invitation. Maybe he used poor judgement in asking her out, maybe he didn’t, but in any case that is NOT sexual assault or harassment. To call it that is to really demean the huge horror and violence and predation that does exist when you are talking about violent sexual assault. People use the term sexual assault/ sexual harassment to refer to any comment about gender or sexuality issues that they disagree with or a joke that might not be in the best taste, again is that to be commended? No! But to condemn it and equate it with a violent sexual assault again is really denying and demeaning the actual suffering that people who are victims of sexual assault endure. It trivializes the serious infractions that are committed by people like Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein. So that is one point that he made that I think is very important that I strongly agree with.

Secondly and relatedly, [Richard Stallman] never said that he endorse child pornography, which by definition the United States Supreme Court has defined it multiple times is the sexual exploitation of an actual minor. Coerced, forced, sexual activity by that minor, with that minor that happens to be filmed or photographed. That is the definition of child pornography. He never defends that! What the point he makes, a very important one, which the U.S. Supreme Court has also made, is mainly that we overuse and distort the term child pornography to refer to any depiction of any minor in any context that is even vaguely sexual.

So some people have not only denounced as child pornography but prosecuted and jailed loving devoted parents who committed the crime of taking a nude or semi-nude picture of their own child in a bathtub or their own child in a bathing suit. Again it is the hysteria that has totally refused to draw an absolutely critical distinction between actual violence and abuse, which is criminal and should be criminal, to any potentially sexual depiction of a minor. And I say potentially because I think if you look at a picture a parent has taken of a child in a bathtub and you see that as sexual, then I’d say there’s something in your perspective that might be questioned or challenged! But don’t foist that upon the parent who is lovingly documenting their beloved child’s life and activities without seeing anything sexual in that image.

This is a decision that involves line drawing. We tend to have this hysteria where once we hear terms like pedophilia of course you are going to condemn anything that could possibly have that label. Of course you would. But societies around the world throughout history various cultures and various religions and moral positions have disagreed about at what age do you respect the autonomy and individuality and freedom of choice of a young person around sexuality. And the U.S. Supreme Court held that in a case involving minors right to choose to have an abortion.

By the way, [contraception and abortion] is a realm of sexuality where liberals and progressives and feminists have been saying, “Yes! If you’re old enough to have sex. You should have the right to contraception and access to it. You should have the right to have an abortion. You shouldn’t have to consult with your parents and have their permission or a judge’s permission because you’re sufficiently mature.” And the Supreme Court sided in accord of that position. The U.S. Supreme Court said constitutional rights do not magically mature and spring into being only when someone happens to attain the state defined age of majority.

In other words the constitution doesn’t prevent anyone from exercising rights, including Rights and sexual freedoms, freedom of choice and autonomy at a certain age! And so you can’t have it both ways. You can’t say well we’re strongly in favor of minors having the right to decide what to do with their own bodies, to have an abortion - what is in some people’s minds murder - but we’re not going to trust them to decide to have sex with somewhat older than they are.

And I say somewhat older than they are because that’s something where the law has also been subject to change. On all issues of when you obtain the age of majority, states differ on that widely and they choose different ages for different activities. When you’re old enough to drive, to have sex with someone around your age, to have sex with someone much older than you. There is no magic objective answer to these questions. I think people need to take seriously the importance of sexual freedom and autonomy and that certainly includes women, feminists. They have to take seriously the question of respecting a young person’s autonomy in that area.

There have been famous cases of 18 year olds who have gone to prison because they had consensual sex with their girlfriends who were a couple of years younger. A lot of people would not consider that pedophilia and yet under some strict laws and some absolute definitions it is. Romeo and Juliet laws make an exception to pedophilia laws when there is only a relatively small age difference. But what is relatively small? So to me, especially when he says he is re-examining his position, Stallman is just thinking through the very serious debate of how to be protective and respectful of young people. He is not being disrespectful, much less wishing harm upon young people, which seems to be what his detractors think he’s doing.

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Hannah Wolfman-Jones,《System Override: How Bitcoin, Blockchain, Free Speech & Free Tech Can Change Everything》的作者之一,在We The Web的网站上,对Richard Stallman事件的始未进行了清楚详细的阐述,并与民权活动家,ACLU的首位女性领袖,Nadine Strossen,共同对Richard Stallman进行了辩护。《System Override》这本书由Hannah Wolfman-Jones,Nadine Strossen和Richard Stallman共著而成。 这篇文章是Hannah Wolfman-Jones与Nadine Strossen在该网站上对Richard Stallman事件做出的正式回应。


@matrikslee 你只是重申了自己的看法,并没有正面回复我发的文章中的主要观点,即程度的不同足以造成性质的差异,恐怕我们没有继续讨论的必要了。


Richard Stallman的看法并不是Virginia自愿与Marvin Minsky性交,而是说Virginia受到了胁迫,但Marvin Minsky对此未必知情

(All I know she said about Minsky is that Epstein directed her to have sex with Minsky. That does not say whether Minsky knew that she was coerced. It does not report what each said and did during their sexual encounter. We can imagine various scenarios.

We know that Giuffre was being coerced into sex – by Epstein. She was being harmed. But the details do affect whether, and to what extent, Minsky was responsible for that. )

我第一次浏览邮件时其实看到了这段话,但再次翻阅时却没找到,所以遗漏了这段话,因此我匆匆地根据( We can imagine many scenarios, but the most plausible scenario is that »> she presented herself to him as entirely willing. Assuming she was being coerced by Epstein, he would have had every reason to tell her »> to conceal that from most of his associates. )这句话得出了不正确的结论。这里的presented herself指的应该是表面装作自愿。

修正之后的事件始末是:2019年,有人发现MIT暗中接受了爱泼斯坦的捐赠,而爱泼斯坦是一个著名的性罪犯,因此,MIT CSAIL的人员便在内部邮件的讨论串中对此展开了抗议,在讨论的过程中,话题发生了转向,内容变成了已故的MIT教授Marvin Minsky是否也性侵犯了爱泼斯坦的受害者,一些人认为Marvin Minsky的确性侵犯了了爱泼斯坦的受害者,理由是Virginia Louise声明爱泼斯坦指使了她与Marvin Minsky性交(当时她只有17岁),而Richard Stallman则不这么认为,他认为”性侵犯”一词过于模糊和随意,而且”侵犯”意味着强迫与暴力,Stallman设想了许多场景,他认为最可能的情况是Virginia装作自愿与Marvin Minsky性交的,Marvin Minsky自身未必知晓。 有人向Stallman质疑,Virginia未满18岁,还没有到能够自己做决定的法定年龄,Stallman则回应道,用年龄或地理位置来判定是不是强奸是十分荒诞的。


对于原始材料分析后,我们可以看到,首先,Richard Stallman辩护的对象是Marvin Minsky,而不是爱泼斯坦。其次,Richard Stallman 的确主张Virginia是自愿的,不过这里的自愿指的是Virginia对Marvin Minsky的自愿(究竟是不是自愿,不在当前的讨论范围内,因为现在讨论的问题是Richard Stallman对该事件的反应,而非该事件的详细过程),他认为,既然是自愿的,那么不论两者的年龄差距有多大,不论当事人有没有到达法定的能独立做出决定的年龄,双方就可以性交。


对于原始材料分析后,我们可以看到,首先,Richard Stallman辩护的对象是Marvin Minsky,而不是爱泼斯坦。其次,Richard Stallman 并不主张Virginia是自愿的,而是认为Virginia展示得像是自愿,Marvin Minsky未必知情(究竟是不是知情),不在当前的讨论范围内,因为现在讨论的问题是Richard Stallman对该事件的反应,而非该事件的详细过程),他认为,既然Marvin Minsky很可能是在不知道Virginia受强迫的情况下与其性交,并且Marvin Minsky没有强迫Virginal,那么Marvin Minsky便算不上强奸。


如果Richard Stallman真的认为Virginia是自愿的,那么Richard Stallman实际上就是在认为自愿优先于保护。我不认同他的这种看法,并且能想出许多反向观点,例如未成年人的自愿很可能是缺少考虑的自愿,而且经济上的困境可能会导致一种名为自愿实为被迫的情况,但是我并不认为拥有Stallman这种观点的人就一定道德败坏,而且,我认为解决这种争端的最佳方案是鼓励沟通与辩论,而不是让少数人或少数团体一锤定音。

如果Richard Stallman并不真的认为Virginia是自愿的,即Richard Stallman根本是在口是心非,他明明知道Virginia是被迫的,却装作认为她是自愿的,Stallman所说的自愿原则是骗人的,他自己都不相信这一点。这种可能性也不是不存在,但这是一个不可证伪的假设,而且缺少依据。因为Richard Stallman很早就持有类似的主张,而不是突然改变了想法。例如,2003年英国曾试图制定一个新的审查法律,该法律将禁止任何关于儿童与青少年的性描写,并且禁止鼓励14岁以下的人参与性活动,Richard Stallman则认为14岁就应该可以性交了,青春期的性交值得鼓励。


如果Richard Stallman真的认为Marvin Minsky没有强迫Virginia,那么他就是认为一个人在未强迫对方,且不知道对方被强迫的情况下与另一个人性交,不能算作强奸,即便对方未成年。这种说法在逻辑上说的通,但不怎么符合人的常识,但我依然不认为拥有Stallman这种观点的人就一定道德败坏,Stallman应有提出反对意见的权利,而且,我依然认为解决这种争端的最佳方案是鼓励沟通与辩论,而不是让少数人或少数团体一锤定音。

如果Richard Stallman并不真的认为Marvin Minsky没有强迫Virginia,即他明明知道Marvin Minsky强迫了后者,却装作不知道,这种可能性也不是不存在,但这是一个不可证伪的假设,而且我找不到Richard Stallman为一个死去五年的教授辩护有什么功利的动机,我认为更大的可能是Richard Stallman已经习惯于口无遮拦了,因此在这一事件上也口无遮拦地表达了自己的看法。


正如我在之前已经说过的,媒体对Richard Stallman进行了不实的报道,在2019年的那场事件中,他并没有替爱泼斯坦进行辩护,而是就Marvin Minsky受到的指控提出了反面观点,他的依据是自愿即可性交,即便未到法定年龄,这是与他此前的言论相一致的,尽管在该事件之后他又该变了看法。 我不认同他的观点,但是他的观点在一个自由的社会中应当有存在的余地,辩论和沟通才是问题的解决之道。


正如我在之前已经说过的,媒体对Richard Stallman进行了不实的报道,在2019年的那场事件中,他并没有替爱泼斯坦进行辩护,而是就Marvin Minsky受到的指控提出了反面观点,他的依据是一个人在未强迫对方,且不知道对方被强迫的情况下与另一个人性交,不能算作强奸。在我看来,他的观点比较脱离现实,但是他的观点在一个自由的社会中依然应当有存在的余地,辩论和沟通才是问题的解决之道。

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@matrikslee 我打算直接用奥威尔的另一篇文章回复你








@matrikslee 嗯,不过专制政权指鹿为马,颠倒黑白的能力可是大公司怎么比也比不上的,RMS在美国可能会丢工作,在中国和苏联可能就要进监狱或者掉脑袋了,纽约时报和CNN再一手遮天,也做不到像人民日报或真理报那样给整个国家"定调"。你可以在YouTube上大骂拜登和CNN,乃至民主党和资本主义,但是你做不到在Bilibili和优酷上批评习近平和人民日报,抨击不了共产党,哪怕是称赞也不可以,提到名字就封掉你的号。

@freemo @bonifartius I would like to add that the word "Diversity", often coming together with two other words "Inclusion" "Equity" means something very different from how people think they are: Diversity is about the diversity of identies(e.g. black man, colored woman, transgender, the fat and the disabled), not about the diversity of opinions and thoughts, in the name of diversity the woke promotes conformity of ideology, namely critical social justice theory, so you have black critical theorists, transgender critical theorists, fat critical theorists who believe basically the same thing about power dynamics and hidden oppressive structure underlying pretty much all of our daily activities, or daily languages, yet are invisible to most people, they can only be spotted by someone with critical conscious, who is "woke". Inclusion in practice basically means speech codes and safety spaces, that you are only allowed to speak in a specific way, that is, the politically correct way, in order not to offend ethnic minorities, racial minorities, the disabled, etc, and offense is defined solely by the perceived feelings of the receiving end regardless what your intentions are. As a consequence you need to segregate different groups of people in to racial/ethnic/gender categories, they don't call it segregation but it is segregation. Equity means not the equality before the law, or equality of opportunities, but the equality of outcome, so if there are 13.4% black population in the US, it means organizations such as FSF must has 13.4% percentage of black people (in fact black critical theorist) in older of have them well represented. Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, the Trinity of the woke cult, along with the postmodernist obsession with power, the hostility towards science(they call it the Eurocentric white males tool for dominance), reason, enlightenment valves, liberalism, characterizes pretty much all of the woke ideology. It is the same cult that attempts (often by means of coercion and intimidation) to infiltrate every single organizations of the world, and has been successful in doing so in the media, the Democratic Party in the US and the the Labour Party in the UK , ACLU, well knowned academic institutions like the Harvard, Oxford, Princeton. Now it's trying to infiltrate the free software movement through the same tactics.

It is suggested to watch James Lindsay elaboration on this matter:

And the documentary of Evergreen, about how the Trinity of woke works in practice.

@Chloev root和换rom的作用大体有三类,第一类作用是让你的设备变得更流畅,可易操作,第二类作用是让你的设备变得更美观,第三类作用是防止手机厂商和流氓软件收集信息。在Android系统发展的早期,各手机厂商自带的系统常常很卡很慢,功能很少,有些还比较丑,因此刷机和Root的人就很多,因为这样做能加大流畅度和增加功能性,可是随着各大定制系统功能的完善和流畅度的提高,以及厂商对刷机限制的增多,出于这种考量刷机root的人越来越少。但是,定制系统虽然更完善了,更流畅了,更好看了,甚至也有了一套阻止流氓软件收集信息的方法,但是这并不妨碍这些定制系统本身收集个人信息。因此,依然有一部分人为了第三种作用而root和刷机。当然了,还有人只是喜欢尝鲜,还有人喜欢简洁,还有人比较偏好谷歌的设计风格,但这类人算是很少的。

在Richard Stallman 事件中我的观点

我此前关注的主要是Richard Stallman对于自由软件的看法,对于他的私生活并没有太多关注,但近期围绕着Richard Stallman是否可以重返FSF(自由软件基金)的争论使得我开始主动地去了解这一问题的始末。根据我在互联网上搜寻到的资料,我可以概括出以下几点内容。

1.Richard Stallman 创立了FSF(自由软件基金),是自由软件运动的发起者。

2.在2019年一场与爱泼斯坦有关的事件中,Richard Stallman受到压力被迫从FSF辞职。

3.2021年三月,Richard Stallman宣布他将重返FSF,这一举动再次受到了抵制,包括 Mozilla 和 the Tor Project在内的1500人发布了一张联名公开信,信中主要有两个诉求,第一个诉求是解散整个现有的FSF委员会 ,第二个诉求是解除Richard Stallman的一切领导地位,并且禁止他日后加入任何领导层,包括Gnu。此外,该信还要求Richard Stallman 不再参加与自由软件,技术道德,数据权利相关的活动,并退出技术社区。(

Richard Stallman 所受到的指控:

Richard Stallman受到的指控围绕在两个内容上:他在MIT内部邮件中的言论,以及他的个人私生活,主要是认为他言行不当,并在私下中对女性有骚扰行为。

值得注意的一点是,对于Richard Stallman指控的具体内容一直在变,在2019年9月14日Vice对此展开报道的时候,所用的标题是《Famed Computer Scientist Richard Stallman Described Epstein Victims As ‘Entirely Willing’》(著名的计算机科学家Richard Stallman将爱泼斯坦的受害者描述成’完全自愿的’)(,然而几天后Techcrunch在报道这一事件时,标题就变成了
《Computer scientist Richard Stallman, who defended Jeffrey Epstein, resigns from MIT CSAIL and the Free Software Foundation》(替爱泼斯坦辩护的计算机科学家Richard Stallman从MIT CSAIL和FSF辞职)(,到了Mozilla 和 the Tor Project的公开信中,指控则变成了”He has shown himself to be misogynist, ableist, and transphobic, among other serious accusations of impropriety” (Richard Stallman证明了他是一个厌女主义者,健全主义者,恐同主义者,此外还有着其它的严重不当言行)

这些标题给人的感觉就是Richard Stallman在替爱泼斯坦的恶行辩护,认为爱泼斯坦的受害者是自愿被爱泼斯坦害的。真的是这样吗?

要弄明白这一点,我们需要找到原始材料,看看Richard Stallman倒底说了什么,原始材料可以在 vice 这篇报道的底部找到,是MIT内部的邮件记录。(

事情的起因是,2019年,有人发现MIT暗中接受了爱泼斯坦的捐赠,而爱泼斯坦是一个著名的性罪犯,因此,MIT CSAIL的人员便在内部邮件的讨论串中对此展开了抗议,在讨论的过程中,话题发生了转向,内容变成了已故的MIT教授Marvin Minsky是否也性侵犯了爱泼斯坦的受害者,一些人认为Marvin Minsky的确性侵犯了了爱泼斯坦的受害者,理由是Virginia Louise声明爱泼斯坦指使了她与Marvin Minsky性交(当时她只有17岁),而Richard Stallman则不这么认为,他认为”性侵犯”一词过于模糊和随意,而且”侵犯”意味着强迫与暴力,Stallman设想了许多场景,他认为最可能的情况是Virginia是自愿与Marvin Minsky性交的,没有证据表明她受到了强迫。有人向Stallman质疑,Virginia未满18岁,还没有到能够自己做决定的法定年龄,Stallman则回应道,用年龄或地理位置来判定是不是强奸是十分荒诞的。事情的经过大概是这样,对于这一事件,中英文的维基百科都有简要的描述,大体上与原始的邮件记录相符。

对于原始材料分析后,我们可以看到,首先,Richard Stallman辩护的对象是Marvin Minsky,而不是爱泼斯坦。其次,Richard Stallman 的确主张Virginia是自愿的,不过这里的自愿指的是Virginia对Marvin Minsky的自愿(究竟是不是自愿,不在当前的讨论范围内,因为现在讨论的问题是Richard Stallman对该事件的反应,而非该事件的详细过程),他认为,既然是自愿的,那么不论两者的年龄差距有多大,不论当事人有没有到达法定的能独立做出决定的年龄,双方就可以性交。

如果Richard Stallman真的认为Virginia是自愿的,那么Richard Stallman实际上就是在认为自愿优先于保护。我不认同他的这种看法,并且能想出许多反向观点,例如未成年人的自愿很可能是缺少考虑的自愿,而且经济上的困境可能会导致一种名为自愿实为被迫的情况,但是我并不认为拥有Stallman这种观点的人就一定道德败坏,而且,我认为解决这种争端的最佳方案是鼓励沟通与辩论,而不是让少数人或少数团体一锤定音。

如果Richard Stallman并不真的认为Virginia是自愿的,即Richard Stallman根本是在口是心非,他明明知道Virginia是被迫的,却装作认为她是自愿的,Stallman所说的自愿原则是骗人的,他自己都不相信这一点。这种可能性也不是不存在,但这是一个不可证伪的假设,而且缺少依据。因为Richard Stallman很早就持有类似的主张,而不是突然改变了想法。例如,2003年英国曾试图制定一个新的审查法律,该法律将禁止任何关于儿童与青少年的性描写,并且禁止鼓励14岁以下的人参与性活动,Richard Stallman则认为14岁就应该可以性交了,青春期的性交值得鼓励。

由此可见,媒体对Richard Stallman的报道确实有不少扭曲,Richard Stallman辩护的是Marvin Minsky,到了媒体的嘴里就成了辩护爱泼斯坦,Vice最初报道的标题就有误导之嫌,随后的Techcrunch更是直接把标题改成了”Stallman替爱泼斯坦辩护” 。到了 Mozilla 和 the Tor Project,对Richard Stallman的指控则发展成了”一个厌女主义者,健全主义者,恐同主义者”。Richard Stallman说媒体对他报道不实,确实是有根据的。

对于Richard Stallman的另一指控就是他骚扰女性,这一指控的来源应该是MIT学生Selam G 在Medium上的一篇文章(,Selam G可能是汉族人,因为她在文中提到了她母亲教育她要”吃苦”,Selam G在这篇文章中写道,Richard Stallman经常对女学生表白,有一次他在吃完饭后突然就对一个女学生说,如果她不和自己一起出去的话,他就会自杀。此外,他还把床垫放在办公室的地板上,把门大开,许多的女学生因此都绕道而行。这篇文章的最大问题就在于没有证据,正如作者自己承认的:”In this section, I acknowledge that I do not have as many photos, emails, or written records as evidence. I do, however, have witnesses.” 这篇文章中所描述的事件并没有客观事实为证,甚至都不是作者的一手经历,而是她的朋友告诉她的。因此,就我目前看到的材料而言,认为Richard Stallman骚扰女性的这一指控是很可疑的。

开除Richard Stallman会带来哪些影响?

如果我们采用 Mozilla 之类的机构和媒体的官方说法,开除Richard Stallman是一个正义之举,因为Richard Stallman是一个不道德的人,而思想左倾,一身正气的左派学生和Mozilla这样富有觉悟的公司则是道德的化身,好人打败了坏人,结果自然是正义的胜利,而且,据说自由软件运动之所以不温不火,就是因为Richard Stallman这种人把外人吓跑了,如果FSF的领导层换成正义斗士,自由软件运动就很可能遍地开花。

我不这么认为,相反,正如身份政治在西方的实际影响是减少了公民的自由,使得工人运动四分五裂一样,同样的这一套左翼觉悟政治会毁掉自由软件运动。Richard Stallman被封杀的实际作用是使人事权转移到封杀了他的那一群人手中,Richard Stallman下台后,取代他的下一位领袖势必要小心警慎,因为那一群人能封杀掉Stallman,当然就也能封杀掉他,人事权是一项很大的权力,一但这种权力被一群无法追责,自命正义的人士所掌控,这些群体便会利用这种权力强制施行自己的意志。如果大家认真地阅读了那篇公开信的话,便会发现他们的诉求并不仅仅是封杀掉Richard Stallman,而是撤掉整个领导层,撤掉之后换上什么人呢?恐怕是他们眼中的”自己人”。也许新的领导层会很”多元”,有黑人,有女人,有变性者,有残疾人,可是他们信奉的将是同一种意识形态。

觉悟左派的意识形态可以用三个词来概括:”Diversity, Inclision, Equity”(多元,包容,均等)(,所谓多元,指的是身份的多元,例如性别,种族,健康状况的多元,而不是思想的多元;所谓包容,是指人们说话时要遵守政治正确,少数群体需要”安全空间”,不能听到可能会冒犯到自己的言论;所谓均等,是指结果平等而不是法律面前人人平等,例如美国有百分之几的黑人,自由软件基金会就应该有百分之几的黑人代表。与”多元,包容,均等”三位一体相随的,还有福柯式的权力本质论,认为代表压迫势力的权力结构无形中深深地植根于社会的每一个角落,每一个例都体现了”系统化的压迫”,各种”ist”和” phobia”(Racist, Misogynist, Homophobia, Islamphobia) 都在相方设法地迫害弱势群体,因此他们需要觉悟左派的正义斗士们保护。


自由软件的核心思想就是任何人都可以不受限制地自由使用、复制、研究、修改和分发软件,可是这意味着”极端右翼分子”,”白人至上主义者”,” 仇女主义者”,”恐同主义者”,”法西斯主义者” 也能自由使用、复制、研究、修改和分发这些软件,怎么办?要不要禁止这些人的自由?右翼分子还利用去中心化技术在Mastodon上散播无法审查的仇恨言论,会对弱势群体和少数族裔造成难以估量的伤害,要不要强迫Mastodon的使用者通过意识形态测试,或者说要从政府那里申请许可?纽约时报的Kevin Roose说加密通讯软件加剧了虚假信息的传播,所以我们要不要设计一种替政府留后门的加密算法,以帮助他们实现正义?Master和Black会激起黑人的痛苦回忆,要不要禁止这两个词出现在源码中?也许自由这一概念本身就源起于西方,代表了压迫的西方霸权主义,帝国主义,欧洲中心主义,应该把它换成别的什么名字,以体现”多元”,”平等”,”宽容”?

自由软件,说到底,关注的是人们的自由,而自由意味着所有人的自由,正如罗莎·卢森堡所言,自由是“其他人的自由”。这里说的”其他人”当然就包括了与你想法不同的人,你讨厌的人,甚至坏人。如果一群人认为像Stallman这样的人不配拥有自由,甚至仅仅是没有积极反对Stallmam的人也不配拥有自由,他们又会认为谁配拥有自由呢?这些人还会把自由当做自己的目标吗?自由软件运动还会是自由软件运动吗?还是说变成一场”觉悟运动”呢?(有人会争辩说没有人禁止Stallman的自由,可是如果一个人仅仅因为自己的言论,或者仅仅因为没有做出”正确”的表态,就要丢掉自己的职位,他就是没有自由的。而且Richard Stallman算是知名人物,封杀他起到的是一种杀鸡儆猴的效果,如果他能被封杀,更何况那些不如他那么知名的人呢?)


替Richard Stallman的辩护

正如我在之前已经说过的,媒体对Richard Stallman进行了不实的报道,在2019年的那场事件中,他并没有替爱泼斯坦进行辩护,而是就Marvin Minsky受到的指控提出了反面观点,他的依据是自愿即可性交,即便未到法定年龄,这是与他此前的言论相一致的,尽管在该事件之后他又该变了看法。 我不认同他的观点,但是他的观点在一个自由的社会中应当有存在的余地,辩论和沟通才是问题的解决之道。

我能想象出来,实际上我已经多次看到这样的一种反驳,那就是:Richard Stallman说的轻巧,而是他不知道自己的言论在客观对受害者会造成多大的伤害,这些伤害虽然是间接的,却同样地不可容忍。换句话说,如果某种言论在”客观”上会损害正义的事业,这种言论就不配拥有自由。






我们知道,共产主义在20世纪犯下的罪行罄竹难书,发生在共产主义政权下的大规模屠杀累计杀死了近1亿人,但是当代的美国左翼有多少人反对共产主义呢?2020年发生了轰轰烈烈的BLM运动,其创立人之一 Patrisse Cullors却自称”Trained Marxist”,BLM在网上列出的目标包括了瓦解西方核心家庭结构和推翻资本主义( (,这些人推到了华盛顿的雕像,却没有动西雅图的列宁雕像,这是不是意味着应该把BLM列为恐怖组织呢?而美国几乎所有的主流媒体都曾赞助过BLM,他们是不是也该被诛连?这些媒体还鼓吹过伊拉克战争,这些做法在客观上造成的伤害难以估量。美国人是不是应该因此找这些媒体算帐?







替Richard Stallman辩护的理由可以有很多,例如说他技术过硬,聪明过人,是一个天才,他开创了自由软件运动,使其发展了起来,等等等等,但我想这些说法都没有触及最关键的一点,那就是:

在一个真正自由的社会中,一个人不应该因为表达自己的真实想法(不论它有多么愚蠢),或者是因为他的言论可能会冒犯他人,或是因为他的言论会对某人造成间接的”客观”伤害,而失去他的工作。维护和建设这样的一种自由社会,才是自由软件的目的所在。也只有在这样一种自由的社会中,自由软件运动才能成长起来。而要捍卫这种自由,对试图封杀Richard Stallman的势力展开反击就是第一步。


@freemo Part of the reasons why a small group people of authoritarian instincts were able to cancel and therefore terrorize the many is that the former group of people are well organized and highly conformist, while the later group of people often atomized, devilded. To claim back our territory, we too should form united alliances of communities and organizations.

@ianmacd I think the crucial point in such cases is that whether these allegations are supported by objective facts or merely from someone’s unfalsifiable account. The problem with cancel culture is that If all that matters are someone’s lived experiences or someone’s perceived feelings of offense that can be claimed by anyone, yet are unable to be proven by evidence, then anyone can be criminalized. I think we should assume one’s innocence until he’s proven guilty , instead of criminalizing everyone for the possible harm he might have done until he’s proven innocent.

Moreover, even the allegations made against him, in this case Richard Stallman are true (e.g. leering at a woman’s chest, asking a woman for a dinner by saying he’d kill him self if he was refused), I don’t think they would be sufficient reasons to “remove” him from his job and his membership from FSF, for he didn’t use his power and position to force anyone to have dinner with him or force them to show their chest in front of him.(prove me if I’m wrong)

What I do sense in the attempt to cancel him is a tendency towards authoritarianism, that is, if someone makes you uncomfortable, hurts your feelings, then even if they didn’t cause harms that are obvious to all, you should have the power to remove him, deplatfom him, make him lose the job. Given what’s been done by identity politics and woke movements, and given that the foucauldian idea underlying much of the broad Critical Social Justice movement, that all that matters is power. It’s doubtful whether this is a sincere effort to improve the condition of Free software, or simply another attempt to infect yet another field with their woke politics, to capture Foss communities in the same way they took over the Campus, the Media, and organizations such as the ACLU.

once censorship is legitimized, it will not stay one way round, it will come to both sides eventually.


@Drifer 我觉得这是不能一概而论的,个体与个体之间的差异经常要比他们所属的不同群体之间的差异大,而且社区的组织形式对交流的文明程度也有很大影响。如果是小型社区内部的交流,友善讨论的可能性就比较大,如果是在Twitter Reddit等平台发生的交流,话题内容又比较有争议(例如关于川普和拜登的新闻),那么友善讨论的可能性就较小。

@amokhuxley 不,文章并不认为Smith是少数,开源软件开发者大都希望保护弱势群体。原文的说法是"the dominant open source culture historically has been one of extreme misogyny, unfounded meritocracy, toxicity and abuse of everyone,” and that Smith is one of those resisting efforts to change that culture." 什么叫Dominant呢?如果是少数那还叫Dominant吗?文章的说法是"占主导地位"的开源文化是厌女主义的和充满毒性和虐待的文化(而且历史上就一直如此),因此(在这篇文章眼中),厌女的,压迫的,邪恶的开源开发者不大可能是少数,而应该占多数。而Smith只是"one of those resisting efforts to change that culture"而已,也就是说,Smith在保卫传统的主流开源文化,抵制左翼分子希望实现的改变,既然Smith和主流开源文化站在同一阵线,那么Smith代表的也不大可能是少数。文章虽然说到了那些"为弱势群体提供安全空间的 is a large part of the motivation of many of the people who have created the underlying software。但对于这些underlying software到底是哪些却语焉不详,我们只好结合上下文。上文是"In recent years, and especially since the Gamergate movement intensified scrutiny on toxicity in tech, some responded to the blatant sexism, antisemitism and racism online with codes of conduct after realizing this behavior was actually starting to hurt them"。 我查了一下,Gamergate movement不属于开源的圈内,而toxicity in tech也是泛指,不特指开源社区。下文是"On those platforms, tools for moderation and easy ways to flag sensitive content are baked in by design. But Smith is among a small group who repeatedly rail against the introduction of such codes of conduct within open source projects." 显然,作者认为,这里说的"嵌入设计中的敏感标记和审查机制"是在开源社区以外的,否则就不需要"introduction"了(我们这些自己使用mastodon的用户也知道这一点),而Smith则是开源社区中多次拒绝这种"introduction"的少部分人群之一。综上所述,这些underlying software 大概率指的是Facebook Twitter这些采取了审核标记机制的中心平台,而非去中心化的fediverse社区。因此,文章提到的"替弱势群体提供安全空间"应该指的是Facebook Twitter开发者的动机,而非开源软件开发者的动机,故你的反驳不能成立。至于让右派,性工作者和右派拥有(不受审查的)发言空间,这一点可以概括为言论自由,这是由去中心化技术的性质决定的,但Bevensee真的认为言论自由是一个优点吗?这很难说。他希望的也许是只限于部分人的言论自由,但去中心化技术,至少目前而言提供的就是所有人的言论自由。最后两点,关于个人意见与实际意图之间的关系,我只能说,作者的真实动机是什么,只有作者知道,所以我只能称之为暗示,但我的这种意见并非没有根据,我们没有办法知道他人的主观想法,但我们可以通过客观的依据,例如外在的言语和行为,做出最接近事实的推测。而根据这些客观证据,我们得出的结论是,该文重点描述了中心化技术的坏处,而对中心化技术的好处轻描淡写,而且指出了去中心化与控制问题言论之间不可调合的矛盾,所以我认为我的个人意见是有依据的,当然,我不把我的意见视为绝对真理,你也可以把这篇文再分享一遍,加上你不同的评价。


@acer 《庄子》这本书对历史的记载不可靠,而且《盗跖 》这篇多被认为是伪作。

@amokhuxley 对,问题集中在监管上,或者更坦白地说,审查上,而不可审查的特性,或者说极难审查的特性,正是去中心化技的核心特性之一,可以说审查(当然,这里说的是来自集中权力的审查,而非实例的自治行为)就是与去中心化相冲突的。那么问题就来了,卫报认为可以为了去中心化技术而牺牲审查吗?



(This could allow far-right activists to operate in ways that make them very difficult to shut down)

(be used to shelter far-right extremists from the consequences of their hate speech and organizing.)


(While governments and users can place pressure on the big social media companies to ban problematic users or communities, for better or worse, no one can stop anyone creating their own servers or peer-to-peer networks.)


[“the dominant open source culture historically has been one of extreme misogyny, unfounded meritocracy, toxicity and abuse of everyone,” and that Smith is one of those resisting efforts to change that culture.

In recent years, and especially since the Gamergate movement intensified scrutiny on toxicity in tech, some responded to the blatant sexism, antisemitism and racism online with codes of conduct after realizing this behavior was actually starting to hurt them (Squires says they couldn’t recruit and retain developers).

The provision of safer online spaces for marginalized groups is a large part of the motivation of many of the people who have created the underlying software. On those platforms, tools for moderation and easy ways to flag sensitive content are baked in by design. But Smith is among a small group who repeatedly rail against the introduction of such codes of conduct within open source projects.

In a video recorded a week after the Capitol riots, when social media bans were removing rightwingers from Donald Trump down to prevent further violence, Smith said that those who wanted to bypass censorship should use the Twitter-like platform, Pleroma.]

一些开发者为了保障安全空间在设计中对敏感内容进行标记,可是像Smith这样拒绝改变"厌女主义的和充满毒性和虐待的开源文化"的人却依然能用p2p和去中心化等技术建立不标记敏感内容的平台。总之,去中心化的性质意味着你不好迫使每个实例都接受这些"codes of conduct",保障不了"安全空间"



那么好了,是让极端右翼和阴谋论者有了发言空间,让问题言论得以传播,让弱势群体失去"安全空间"的保障更好呢?还是让另一部分弱势群体有平台更好?我想意思已经很明显了,我们姑且不谈坏处1和坏处2,只谈坏处3,也就是让弱势群体失去"安全空间"的保障,让它和好处1,也就是让另一些少数群体比如性工作者有了平台相比:首先,性工作者只是弱势群体的一部分,去中心化平台只能保护一部分弱势群体,也许也保护了另一些弱势群体,但是是保护的范围没有中心化的"安全空间"大,比方说,中心化的"安全空间"能保障黑人不必看到Nigger,但去中心化平台就不能,你必须自己点block,而在你block之前你大概率已经看到了这个词,中心化的"安全空间"能保障LGBT不必看到"男人永远变不成女人",去中心化就不能保障。中心化的"安全空间"保护的范围是高于去中心化提供的平台的,假如更多的人选择了去中心化平台,"安全空间"就不能提供那么多的保护了,也许你认为卫报不见得觉得中心化提供的"安全空间"优于去中心化提供的平台,但再加上再加上1.极端右翼和阴谋论者也有了发言空间。 2.问题用户封杀不掉。 这两点,显然,这里体现的是弊大于利。

弊大于利是否就意味着禁止去中心化平台,或者把人们困在中心化平台呢?我认为,如果去中心化和中心化是两种相并列的技术,就不需要非此即彼,但这两种技术是相冲突的,它们的运行方式和设计理念截然相反,现在它们的冲突不明显,是因为去中心化还在初期阶段,但倘使去中心化兴盛了起来,成为了无法忽视的势力,比方说全世界人有一半人都在用去中心化平台,恐怕Facebook Twitter就早已与其产生根本的冲突了。如果去中心化真的战胜了中心化巨头,那么根据卫报的看法,一个无法审查,无法提供"安全空间",充满极端右翼和阴谋论的问题用户的前景就成为了现实,因此完全有理由把这些技术扼杀在萌芽状态(如果真的能成气侯的话)。对于当前状态的去中心化技术,卫报的这篇文章,以及它代表的观点,持的是一种敌意和警觉的态度,并不明确表示封杀,但如果去中心化技术能发展状大,那么封杀是一定的。

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