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با سلام و صلوات از توییتر گوه دونی اومدیم جای جدید😍😍😍
good the fuck bye Twitter 👋👋👋

Seems like my is working... spinach, cabbages, lettuce and 2 tomatoes (just to experiment). The fertility is replenish by kitchen scraps from an increasing amount of neighbors, which I plan to repay in food.

That's just a test, if it works properly I expect my yard walls to be covered by fall =D

I just checked today on the instance list. We are currently the 38th largest English speaking instance in the entire fediverse in terms of users. We are also #29 in number of posts!

Keep up the good work and be excellent to each other. At this rate will be #1 in no time :)

I'm Wil Wheaton. I Live with Chronic Depression and Anxiety. I Am Not Ashamed

So I've decided each follow friday I will compile a list of all the active users on with a one line description explaining why people should follow you (the types of things you post about). Here is how it will work for anyone who wants to participate.

1) write a post with a short one line description of the things you post about on thursday (you can change this from week to week).

2) Add the following two hashtags to the post: and

3) tag me on the post

4) make a list of all the people you particularly enjoyed following the previous week that is a member of QOTO. Give a one line explanation of what you enjoyed.

Then on friday i will search for the hashtag and add anyone who made a post into my post for that week then share it with my follower base.

This will help us all connect and get to know each other better.

Since its already friday lets give it a practice run today. Try out posting in the format I just described, then around midnight Dutch time I will post the list!

I've got a hobby-interest in remote sensing (satellite imagery). Over the past couple of days, I've been playing around with data from the ESA's Sentinel-1 mission. The ESA (being cool and European Union-y) makes most of the data from Sentinel series of satellites freely accessible to the public, and provides some decent software for processing and analysing the data.

Sentinel-1 is a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite. I don't fully understand the physics behind SAR, but it's basically an active radar measurement of the ground track the satellite passes over. Different surfaces give different sorts of radar returns (measured as a change in polarisation), and so SAR can be used to classify different terrains (crops, forests, grasslands, rock, etc), like in the false-colour image of Flevoland I've attached. Resolution is moderate: for Sentinel-1, each pixel ends up being about 4x4 m on the ground.

Hey, I'm Tasha, and I'm new to Tooting, I'm a Chartered Built Infrastructure Surveyor, and I'm keen to learn more about new Construction technologies and strategies, but also happy to talk about and champion Diversity in Construction, and how to change career from any background whatsoever.

A good thing about the instance is relative absence of cat pics (or dig pics, or... well insert your preferred aninal), compared to, say,, where nearly half my TL was cat pics. Not that I hate cats or have something against them, but there is more to life than cats!

Holy crap it just took me a LOT of time to catch up with all the introduction posts and notifications since I went to bed. QOTO has grown so big so fast I can barely keep up.

Its amazing that despite the explosion in users on that everyone remains so loving, inclusive, and respectful to each other. You guys really give me hope in the human race again (and I had started to loose that hope lately).

We have not had a single report from/to anyone on QOTO, you guys rock. Stay awesome to each other, I love you all!

Salutations friends of !

On my bus on the way to work. It's another beautiful day here in Tel Aviv.

I hope it'll be a beautiful day for you too!

I'm a bit peckish so this morning I'm asking another about food:

What is your perfect breakfast?

For me I'm looking at a Full English with a side of waffles.

In case anyone was wondering what is... Well aside from being the name of our instance it stands for "Question Others, Teach Others" and is pronounced like "goto", it is an intentional play on words "goto QOTO" sounds like "goto goto".

Hello everyone, I am Philip, I am from Moscow, Russia. I am an MSc Data Science student.

Here's a list of my interests:

Here is my goodreads profile where you can see what I have read and am reading

Smaller and possibly temporary interests:

Goooooood morning all you wonderful people. I'm catching up on all the notifications. Hit me up if anyone needs something.

It is quite difficult to explain evolutionary stable strategies (and their relation to the environmental situation) to people without getting your hands dirty with long examples.

I found this really neat online interactive guide that really, feels a lot like a game and is very enjoyable.

Give it a try!

It is FOSS, code is here:

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.