Verdict - “Scientific consensus is overwhelming: on any…like-for-like comparison an #EV will be cleaner than its petrol…equivalent”
#Democratic partisans are letting me know that I am not worthy of voting for their chosen candidate again this year because I am not an ideologically pure #democrat. Somehow "I don't support the killing of innocent children in Gaza" now means I must support a fascist wantabe dictator. The system is so, so badly broken.
If I do not get a chance to vote against Biden in the primaries than I will take the opportunity to vote for a third party in the general. If the GOP comes to there senses or the courts hold DJT accountable for his actions I could end up voting for the GOP candidate, but you suppose that we will once again be tied to our system of never holding anyone to account either in the courts or at the ballot box. This dynamic is what enticed so many people to vote for the iconoclastic populist in 2016.
@MattFerrel @thejacenallen @LindaCollins11 No point in debating that until we know who won the primaries. We've got to fight for a good candidates in the primaries right now so we can support good candidates in the general. #primariesMatter
@garyackerman This is one of the important differences between an 18 month trade school program where the Job market will be similar to when one started and a 4 year college where the economy may well have moved on by the time an entering freshman graduates. It is why I have been advising for quite some time for High school students who want to work in a specific industry to start with a focused program and "go back" for a 4-year or MA degree once they have some time in the industry.
Unfortunately, too many jobs still require overly broad 4-year degrees to even get ones foot in the door.
@MattFerrel @thejacenallen @LindaCollins11 I plan to vote for Dean Phillips on Super Tuesday (assuming he has not dropped out like all the good candidates always do before I get to vote) #disenfranchised #primaries
@wnknisely So many people love this prayer. Why has no one written a musical setting for it?
WORD!!! #9LC
John Rutter! (let the hateres hate, I like Rutter) #9LC
The Vice-Provost has been taking voice lessons from Monty Python. #9lc
And here is this years commissioned piece. It is trying very hard to be unique, but is succeeding only in being jarring. #9lc
My choir regularly sung Sir Christemas. The arguments that ensued over how to pronounce the Norman French were endless. #9lc
And another soloist pulls of a beautiful Wilcocks descant. #9lc
Oh One of my favorite carols "The Angle Gabriel" #9lc
I wish I could get American churches to sing O Little Town of Bethlehem to this tune. #9lc
Now this is more my preferred style! O Radiant Dawn #9lc
Another 12-tone setting for Jerusalem, Rejoice for Joy. I know that it is *en vogue* in academic music theory right now, but I'd like some more traditional harmonies. #9lc #crumudgen
#Technology, #baseball (Dodgers), #politics, #religion (#Christian)