It has become clear to me that there are some people who will #maskForever. If you #MaskUp and work in a public facing job, please read this advice from people who are hard of hearing. We need your help: (#Thread, Please share)
#masksForever #MaskUp #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsNotOver #N95 #Covid19 #CovidIsAirborne #WearAMask #BringBackMasks Also election year. Media isn't going to run stories that threaten the Democrats. And conservative media is racist and hates black people so they aren't going to say shit either.
Alright so toasters
Few years back my toaster failed, and like a total muppet I went "Eh, it's a toaster, it's not worth fixing, new ones are like twenty bucks or whatever," and we had either a new baby or a baby on the way I can't remember so I went "Oh we're a FAMILY now" and (muppet mistake 2) I bought a fancy four-slot one.
Because I didn't do the maths! There's only fifteen amps to go round, and now it's gotta go through two sets of elements, so the only way to square that circle is to chop the power in half (this is in America, land of slow kettles and feeble electricity).
So I ended up with a toaster where the elements don't glow. It didn't get hot enough to actually toast the bread, unless you left the bread in for so long that it dried out all the way through. You'd stick the lever down and go "Is it broken?" because the elements wouldn't even get to dull red until the timer was nearly done. Crap. Infuriated me every single day.
So I was at a thrift store and saw an amazon basics two-slot one for six bucks and went "Right, I'll have that," and it's THE DAMN SAME. It works so slowly that it dries the toast out all the way through before it starts to get golden, never mind brown. Crap brittle toast is the result.
Is there a modern, purchasable toaster in America whose elements glow orange to yellow within, say, ten seconds?
(I have one of those 1940's sunbeam toasters that the youtubers wet their knickers over, no need to tell me about those. Can't do bagels or pop tarts so it's in the attic)
[MAN CEO: “impossible” for hydrogen to compete with BEVs](
"The whole thing is a sham. Green H2 only makes sense with excess grid capacity, and if you have decent distribution and still have fossil fuels on the grid, you can't really say you have excess capacity, can you? Any renewable electricity used to generate green H2 is NOT displacing fossil fuels from the grid, is it? So how is it green?"
Here's what would happen in the US presidential election if Biden or Trump dropped out before election day.
Finally, the CDC allow people with hearing impairments and anyone speaking with them to remove their mask to talk even in circumstances where mask are required. No you can't see my in ear hearing aids under my hair and I should not have to show them to you to get and read out the exact CDC / State Health Department guidelines to you. No one with any other disability would put up with that behavior.
#masksForever #MaskUp #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsNotOver #N95 #Covid19 #CovidIsAirborne #WearAMask #BringBackMasks
Understand when I make choice to help me communicate: If I have a choice I'm going to interact with a person who is not masked because I have a far better chance of hearing what they say. If I don't come to your window when I'm in the front of the line, or choose a checker with a longer line or automated self-checkout it is not about you. In some circumstances I may ask for written instructions even if you think they are easy to understand. (Medical folks this means you every time no matter how simple.) I also might bring my wife into the conversation.
#masksForever #MaskUp #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsNotOver #N95 #Covid19 #CovidIsAirborne #WearAMask #BringBackMasks
Just say it again, don't get frustrated: I will have to ask you to repeat yourself. Please just say exactly the same words again, and maybe do some of the other things to help me hear as well. Don't try new words, I probably caught half of what you said and now I can try to catch the other half. Yelling does not improve our situation, and I am not doing this to you because I'm trying to same you for wearing a mask. I just can't understand you.
#masksForever #MaskUp #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsNotOver #N95 #Covid19 #CovidIsAirborne #WearAMask #BringBackMasks
Don't talk to your self: There is nothing more frustrating than having someone mumble something at their computer that I think may be for me. I then ask them to repeat it. They tell me that they weren't talking to me, but they never look away from their screen so I can't hear that either. Now I have to ask them to say it yet again, and they yell "I'm not talking to you!" To which I tend to yell "I can't tell!"
#masksForever #MaskUp #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsNotOver #N95 #Covid19 #CovidIsAirborne #WearAMask #BringBackMasks
Speak louder, but don't yell: Volume helps anger is counter productive. Use your diaphragm to move more air and open your mouth wider. Move your jaw more.
#masksForever #MaskUp #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsNotOver #N95 #Covid19 #CovidIsAirborne #WearAMask #BringBackMasks
Enunciate: Slow your speech down enough to make each and every sound. Really emphasize CONSONANTS especially at the end of syllables. Don't worry as much about the vowels I can usually hear those. Spit out these Ts Fs ks Ps and Ss in particular. (Listen to NPR. they have the right speed and an appropriate level of diction)
#masksForever #MaskUp #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsNotOver #N95 #Covid19 #CovidIsAirborne #WearAMask #BringBackMasks
First and foremost: When you speak point your eyes, your nose, and your shoulders straight at me. Stop doing *any* other activity when talking. Looking at a screen and typing are particularly bad things to do. Also don't keep talking after you have walked away. If you forgot to say something just come back.
#masksForever #MaskUp #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsNotOver #N95 #Covid19 #CovidIsAirborne #WearAMask #BringBackMasks
I read lips. I knew I was doing it some, but #Covid19 made it clear to me that I was doing it a lot more than I thought. If I cannot see your mouth I will miss 20-40% of what you say. Help me keep that number as low as possible.
It has become clear to me that there are some people who will #maskForever. If you #MaskUp and work in a public facing job, please read this advice from people who are hard of hearing. We need your help: (#Thread, Please share)
#masksForever #MaskUp #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsNotOver #N95 #Covid19 #CovidIsAirborne #WearAMask #BringBackMasks
I'm sick of seeing so much misinformation about EVs recently. I own an EV and love it, and can tell you firsthand that a lot of the FUD is false.
So if you also hate misinformation, and if reading lengthy blog posts is still a thing people do in 2024, here you go.
#EV #electriccars
13 years ago a friend posted something profound which i present with slight modification:
"A thought springs to mind, May your [social media posts] be more dangerous to the builders of violence than violence is to the builders of #peace."
#Technology, #baseball (Dodgers), #politics, #religion (#Christian)