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"Retrace Einstein's thought experiments as NOVA reveals the simple but powerful ideas that reshaped our understanding of gravity, illuminating the theory of general relativity—and Einstein's brilliance—as never before." @science @physics

"We document phases of instability and cooling from ~100 CE onward but more notably after ~130 CE. Pronounced cold phases between ~160 to 180 CE, ~245 to 275 CE, and after ~530 CE associate with pandemic disease, suggesting that climate stress interacted with social and biological variables."

Karin A. F. Zonneveld et al., Climate change, society, and pandemic disease in Roman Italy between 200 BCE and 600 CE. Sci. Adv.10, eadk1033 (2024). DOI: @science @biology

Van der Weel FR and Van der Meer ALH (2024) Handwriting but not typewriting leads to widespread brain connectivity: a high-density EEG study with implications for the classroom. Front. Psychol. 14:1219945. doi: @psychology @science

"Here we present ancient DNA evidence of a pre-Columbian New World treponematosis by reconstructing a high-coverage T. pallidum genome retrieved from nearly 2,000-year-old Brazilian indigenous human remains, along with three low-coverage genomes from the same spatiotemporal context."

Majander, K., Pla-Díaz, M., du Plessis, L. et al. Redefining the treponemal history through pre-Columbian genomes from Brazil. Nature (2024). @science @biology

"Using metallurgical technologies from the Wadi Arabah (Jordan/Israel) as a case study, we demonstrate a gradual technological development (13th-10th c. BCE) followed by a human agency-triggered punctuated “leap” (late-10th c. BCE) simultaneously across the entire region (an area of ~2000 km2)."

Ben-Yosef E, Liss B, Yagel OA, Tirosh O, Najjar M, et al. (2019) Ancient technology and punctuated change: Detecting the emergence of the Edomite Kingdom in the Southern Levant. PLOS ONE 14(9): e0221967. @anthropology @archaeodons @science

"Notably, we demonstrated through AlphaGeometry a neuro-symbolic approach for theorem proving by means of large-scale exploration from scratch, sidestepping the need for human-annotated proof examples and human-curated problem statements."

Trinh, T.H., Wu, Y., Le, Q.V. et al. Solving olympiad geometry without human demonstrations. Nature 625, 476–482 (2024). @science

"The team used a sophisticated statistical technique, latent profile analysis, to identify clusters of biomarker activity. Three groups were identified and labelled as low risk to health, moderate risk, and high risk. The researchers then looked at how earlier exposure to stressful circumstances might affect people’s likelihood of being in the high-risk group." @science @biology

"This article is an attempt to characterize part of the information that circulated in this transitional period through a comparative examination of Portuguese nautical instructions and Arabic navigational treatises, focusing specifically on the stars used for latitude measurements."

Bénard Inês (2022) ‘The stars in sixteenth-century nautical literature: a comparative study’. Zenodo. doi: @earlymodern @histodon @histodons

"We apply this method to ancient skeletal remains from Britain to document the first instance of mosaic Turner syndrome (45,X0/46,XX) in the ancient genetic record in an Iron Age individual sequenced to average 9-fold coverage, the earliest known incidence of an individual with a 47,XYY karyotype from the Early Medieval period, as well as individuals with Klinefelter (47,XXY) and Down syndrome (47,XY, + 21)."

Anastasiadou, K., Silva, M., Booth, T. et al. Detection of chromosomal aneuploidy in ancient genomes. Commun Biol 7, 14 (2024). @science @biology

"We thus model the committed evolution of all glaciers in the European Alps up to 2050 using present-day climate conditions, assuming no future climate change. We find that the resulting committed ice loss exceeds a third of the present-day ice volume by 2050, with multi-kilometer frontal retreats for even the largest glaciers."

Cook, S. J., Jouvet, G., Millan, R., Rabatel, A., Zekollari, H., & Dussaillant, I. (2023). Committed ice loss in the European Alps until 2050 using a deep-learning-aided 3D ice-flow model with data assimilation. Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2023GL105029. @science @climate

"Our results indicate a case of poor oral health during the Scandinavian Mesolithic, and show that pitch pieces have the potential to provide information on material use, diet and oral health."

Kırdök, E., Kashuba, N., Damlien, H. et al. Metagenomic analysis of Mesolithic chewed pitch reveals poor oral health among stone age individuals. Sci Rep 13, 22125 (2023). @archaeodons @science

"While we detect long-term shifts in local genetic ancestry in Cambridgeshire, we find no evidence of major changes in genetic ancestry nor higher differentiation of immune loci between cohorts living before and after the Black Death."

Ruoyun Hui et al., Genetic history of Cambridgeshire before and after the Black Death. Sci. Adv. 10, eadi5903 (2024). DOI: @science @anthropology @archaeodons @biology

"The fediverse is not only an opportunity for social networking on different terms—it can also be seen as a new beginning for social network research, part of a new relationship between academia and its research subject." @science

"The Tropical Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea, and southern oceans recorded their highest OHC observed since the 1950s. Associated with the onset of a strong El Niño, the global SST reached its record high in 2023 with an annual mean of ∼0.23°C higher than 2022 and an astounding > 0.3°C above 2022 values for the second half of 2023."

Cheng, L., Abraham, J., Trenberth, K.E. et al. New Record Ocean Temperatures and Related Climate Indicators in 2023. Adv. Atmos. Sci. (2024). @science @climate

"While much has been written about the passive voice in scientific writing, similar interest involving humanities writing in general has been more modest. A paucity of diachronic studies also raises the need to understand more about how passive use has changed over time and what such changes imply for the norms in academic writing."

Leong, P. A. (2021) “The passive voice in scholarly writing: A diachronic look at science and history”, Finnish Journal of Linguistics, 34, pp. 77–102. Available at: (Accessed: 8January2024). @linguistics @writing

"This interdisciplinary study at the intersection of biology and mathematics involves numerous real experiments to demonstrate the capability of the proposed method in detecting biologically relevant information and its reliable signals while avoiding false positives. The outcome provides a coherent theoretical framework for analyzing biological networks." @science @biology

"The data suggest that the Canaanites descended from a mixture of earlier local Neolithic populations and populations related to Chalcolithic Iran and/or the Bronze Age Caucasus. The researchers documented a significant increase in the proportion of Iranian/Caucasus-related ancestry over time, which is supported by three individuals who are descendants of recent arrivals from the Caucasus." @science @archaeodons

"The first such migration is predicted to have occurred at the onset of the Neolithic, and accordingly J1e parallels the establishment of rain-fed agriculture and semi-nomadic herders throughout the Fertile Crescent. Subsequently, J1e lineages might have been involved in episodes of the expansion of pastoralists into arid habitats coinciding with the spread of Arabic and other Semitic-speaking populations."

Chiaroni, J., King, R., Myres, N. et al. The emergence of Y-chromosome haplogroup J1e among Arabic-speaking populations. Eur J Hum Genet 18, 348–353 (2010). @science @biology @anthropology

"The essay shows that while the majority of research projects at SIRB concerned medical genetics in the years 1936−1960, racial science never disappeared. SIRB scientists engaged in theoretical debates on the concept of race and conducted racial surveys of the Swedish population, using anthropometry and later serology as research methods."

Martin Ericsson (2021) What happened to ‘race’ in race biology? The Swedish State Institute for Race Biology, 1936−1960, Scandinavian Journal of History, 46:1, 125-148, DOI: @science @biology

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