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This white peacock was ready for his big debut, Green Meadows Petting Farm, Orlando FL #BirdsOfMastodon #FotoMontag

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Back in 2020, I published Six Centuries of Type & Printing, a concise book – 64 pages – that actually starts centuries before Gutenberg, with Chinese and Korea printing, and then digs into 1450 to 2020 period, covering ~600 years of technological advances. Set in hot-metal type (Monotype Bembo) in North Yorkshire, printed in London, and bound in Germany with a foil-stamped cover & slipcase, I still have copies available for shipping worldwide! (ebook edition available)

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2013: clothes arent gendered
2023: if I wear a sweater I'm a man

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#introduction time.

Hey everyone mid thirties guy here. Into tech and software design and cyber security though I have no formal education. I love to tinker and make new programs and the such.

I love tech news and podcasts and web design and making programs.

In my free time I game! I play primarily on Xbox but do play on pc sometimes.

I love to cook and I love my puppies.

So hi everyone!

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It’s the Equinox. Remember to hug your friendly neighborhood Druid and thank them for following the rites so the seasons continue as they should.

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Not satisfied having claimed my work desk, Fishy has decided to conquer my work chair as well.

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@wendynather there was that era when you could hang up a flip-phone by snapping it shut like a cheap paperback.

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The eight most wonderful words you can say on the internet:

" I don't know enough to have an opinion."

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One of the most successful pedestrian streets in the world, the Strøget in Copenhagen, was filled with cars until a 2 year pilot project in 1962. The opposition at the time argued “no cars means no business,” but the street has been a massive retail success, the city’s busiest shopping street.

#cities #Copenhagen #cars #streets #denmark

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In the past 24 hours, I have been at a gathering of college students and an assisted living facility for the elderly.

Both sound systems were playing ABBA.

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Whether Mastodon has 5K or 5M users doesn’t matter. You only need to follow about 500 of them to get a pretty rich social media experience that doesn’t suck like ad driven social media.

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"The Librarians Are Not Okay

​​I’ve been called a pedophile. I’ve been called a groomer. I’ve been called a Communist pornographer.”
By Xochitl Gonzalez in the Atlantic

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Has anyone done any fun/useful activities with students and ChatGPT to get them to think critically about AI? #chatgpt #AI

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In a world where a bit of math can pass as human on the internet, we are obliged to be more unpredictable, more chaotic.

Be the language model failure mode you want to see in the taco.

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.