Open Letter to Apache OpenOffice: Today marks 20 years since the source code to OpenOffice was released. And today we say, LibreOffice is clearly the future of the suite (see the timeline). Let's all get behind it, for the benefit of all users:
Fitness, running
#WWPCarryForward 5k - me plus 20 lbs
Thanks to everyone who supported wounded warriors today.
@sean it's ok to have a day or a week or a month when you didn't exercise to your fullest. You still exercised. That's like a ton better than not exercising, which was the other option. So good for you!
When you exercise often some days will suck. Some will be great. You didn't do something wrong, so don't let yourself get down on yourself. Persevere. Hang in there, as the cat says.
@sean they aren't social distancing effectively.
@2ck those guys are great. Very cool.
I'm happy to announce a project I've been working on for a while now:
#OpenCuts, the open crowdsourced user testing suite
OPEN-CUTS is a web-tool to help #OpenSource communities with user testing! The goal is to allow even inexperienced users to easily report test results for new software releases. OPEN-CUTS then aggregates and compares the metadata across versions to identify regressions.
@null so common. My androids don't either.
It also feels like there should be a built-in app that dumps video/audio immediately to a site shared with specific contacts. Like - if I get in a bad situation of a variety of types, I want to be able to hit the power button three times and dump some info to my loved ones.
@hackers_gifs put the ballasts under manual control! (Undertones of: why do I have to be the only one thinking of these things around here?!)
Some of the concerns addressed here are the same met by the EU #GDPR. It's time for some better privacy protection in the US. If this is actually a problem it is broader than these two Chinese companies.
@mewmew why $150? That seems high...
I liked The Spy Who Loved Me too, Chris Nolan.
Computer science guy, electrical engineer, US Air Force officer, jogger, likes teaching programming, aka KC0BFV.
Likes programming in: Rust, Python, JavaScript, C
Reluctantly uses: Roku's BrightScript, C++, anything