You aren't going to take a photo that matches one which Apple checks for... But many many people will take photos that fall into the "false positive" category, triggering human review.
Be careful with the photos you take of your baby on your phone - this article isn't the only reason, but it's a good one.
@freemo it looks clean and nice to me. I like the theme, the curve drawing is flash and cool. The small print things at the bottom look great. Hooray for static sites!
I'm browsing via chrome on an Android device - no noticed render issues.
@rjayasinghe was ist das?
Bacon, onion, and beans or potatoes? Looks great.
@lupyuen nice find. I've not searched the dependencies I'm using in my current project yet, for unsafe, but the deps tree has gotten larger than I thought it would. I'm sure it's in there somewhere. I'm curious about where and why. And whether it's easier to find than just grepping through all the source code.
"In this research, we explore whether #RustLang is, in fact, being used to
ensure memory safety and avoid concurrency bugs"
Then he puts $10k on the line to prove it and explain it better.
This is the best science explainer I've seen in a while. Pretty fun.
Can any wind powered vehicle go directly downwind faster than the wind itself? Seems impossible.
@lain living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see
"Separating humans is not ok", he says, regarding a Foo concert.
Fool not concerned about separating humans who can't afford to go. Child. Just leave off the actor part.
@manton ugh ... hardcopy
Computer science guy, electrical engineer, US Air Force officer, jogger, likes teaching programming, aka KC0BFV.
Likes programming in: Rust, Python, JavaScript, C
Reluctantly uses: Roku's BrightScript, C++, anything