fura-video-hypercompress.sh has been updated :ablobbass:

It is a script to compress a to sub-mega sizes, which comes handy when used for previews or where storage used is and (like S3).

I personally use it to shasum and store into SafeCreative, where storage costs a lot, considering I'm gonna pay forever and more space = forever higher prices :ablobcatcoffee:

In this update, video can be compressed even more, with a selectable frame rate.

in case you are interested in SafeCreative, leave my 10% off (why not?) 9XZKH9


Privacy-preserving content moderation - preventing abuse of SimpleX network without any compromise to users' privacy and end-to-end encryption.


This is our response to #ChatControl ideas - no need to scan content to moderate it.

Post your comments!

And this year, the is no longer on , but on !
Behold my year, fellow lovers!! :ablobdj:

Please, share also yours, or join us on the universe :blobaviator:


how sussy are you

Here is an instrument I built a while back. It's a 6 string fretless lute.

You play it with a feather (old appalachian dulcimer trick).
Tuned A,C,D,G,D,A

Enjoy the jam!

#art #music #lute #workshop #instruments

I love this so much!!
Tomohiro Nishiura gifted me with hundreds of relaxing, , , , and music..
I suggest playing the game for the full experience, or just live it through the ..


It's pretty funny when people can't even get their spam right.

Just got an email that addressed me by the name of the spammer 🤦‍♀️

I guess they confused the recipient and sender names in their email template 🤭

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