@lucifargundam I am! I'm currently reading one that's actually amusing for a change. The last 3 books I've read were kind of deppressing. ;P
That's very odd how the original title and english title aren't even remotely related. Not sure how "See you soon" (until soon) got translated to "The Switch".
Yea, translations of any art form can be a bit annoying like that, particularly poems.
@freemo Well for titles it's more like.. feeling the audience of that country and having a more apt title. Because 'The Switch' in Dutch ... would be something ridiculous. It's not switched at birth or so.. it is.. uh.. well, 2 people decide to trade places for a while. How the fuck do you say that nicely in Dutch? But since it is 'just for 2 months', I guess they settled on 'see you soon!'.
@freemo Happens more often than you think. :D