Donald Trump is in court again today, facing a civil trial that could cost him his business empire. Trump, his sons, and his company stand accused of falsely inflating property value prices in order to obtain favorable loans.


I guess its a mental disorder to want evil cruel people to have the level of success they truely deserve.


@freemo @georgetakei "I can't prove he tried to take over the world, but let's take all his stuff"


Ahh right lets make up phrases that in no way resemble anything said and then put quotes around it so I can argue with it and make it look like im arguing with the person I quoted when in reality im just arguing with ghosts my imagination made up....

Carry on.


@freemo @georgetakei the only reason he's even in court is j6. It's all political. Pretending it's otherwise is pseudointellectual
> is j6

The reason he's in court is because The Oligarchy doesn't like him. It's been that way since 2016.

Whether you side with him or with them is kind of a personal decision, and who is really in the right or in the wrong is probably something we mere mortals will never know.

But lets not be silly and pretend like all these different court cases are being brought by completely different and unrelated people for entirely different reasons.


I mean sure, the oligarchy doesnt like him and im sure thats making it much worse on him...

But the fact that he is an evil, racist man who lies through his teeth and does illegal things at every turn might have a tiny bit to do with it too.

@thatguyoverthere @georgetakei

> an evil, racist man who lies through his teeth and does illegal things at every turn

Did you deduce that from first principles, or did you fall asleep with the TV on and wake up knowing it ?
I think that to see him as a *particularly* bad guy requires a lot of ignorance to what The Oligarchy does.

They and their little "free trade agreements" turned vast swaths of America into an unlivable hell-scape the likes of which are not seen anywhere else in the world. Then you have 9/11, patriot act, and Bush's forever wars and dumping of heroin on the people, in addition to destroying America's credibility in the world by wanton embrace of torture.

I don't know how you measure "evil" but if it's by the amount of human suffering created, 1000 Trumps couldn't even hold a candle to what the Clinton or Bush families have been capable of.


No matter how bad the oliharchy is doesnt change how bad Trump is. Then you go on to talk about Bush and clinton... thats alot of words for "other things suck"... ok.. how does other things sucking have **any relevance to how much Trump sucks?

@thatguyoverthere @georgetakei

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@freemo I can answer that... The issue that naturally brings up the comparison is that right now, in America, for most people, politically, it's a choice between them and him.

@cjd @thatguyoverthere @georgetakei
It is very important, because he and they are in political power competition. If you believe in ethical good/evil, then one of those sides must be less evil than the other and the ethical thing to do is to back that side.

Now maybe your position is that they're all so deeply compromised that you don't really have an opinion about who is worse - and that's a position I can respect.

But when you SPECIFICALLY single out Trump, I can't help but think that you are in fact pro-Clinton/Bush oligarchy so I'm going to make you explain how you square your ethics with their crimes against humanity.


I didnt say your side points were important.. they may be very important tangents... but they dont change a damn thing about how much Donald is a piece of shit... It just means he is a piece of shit who pissed people off and people are out for blood. It also just means everyone else is also a piece of shit... again not changing the fact that so is Donald.

@thatguyoverthere @georgetakei

Flash election: Donald Trump vs. George W. Bush.
Who are you voting for ?


Thats like asking me who I vote for, a piece of cabbage in a comma, or a wet orange colored turd... Who cares, at that point id be doing a write in if those were my only choices.

@thatguyoverthere @georgetakei


Yes I know what he said... Calling biden equivalent to a head of cabbage in a coma would be an insult to cabbages everywhere.

@cjd @georgetakei


Bush isnt quite as bad as Trump or Biden if thats what your asking... But it would be like asking to vote between Hitler and Stallin... like even if i can reason my way that one is a little less bad than the other, neither is someone I would ever vote for.

@cjd @georgetakei

@freemo @cjd @georgetakei I think if you vote for Clinton, Bush, Obama, Biden, or any of their picks the flesh in the seat doesn't really matter much.
Personally I would support pretty much *anyone* who is not of the Clinton/Bush/Obama power structure, be they Trump, DeSantis, RFK, Ramaswamy, or anyone else like them.

Whoever they are, there's very little chance that they'll be able to be MORE harmful than a Party Man because as outsiders they don't have the connections/power.

Which one should be supported is simply a practical matter of whose most likely to win.

P.S. Don't get me wrong, I don't LIKE any of them.


While I wouldnt say Trump RFK or any of those nut jobs are a good choice. I can understand the hating of the Clinton/Bush types (Obama was okish but had some huge issues too).. But yea I can understand disliking any of them.

@thatguyoverthere @georgetakei

They're a "good choice" in that the effect is to throw chaos into the oligarchy and pump the breaks.


I mean trump literally is a one man Oligarchy, so you did a very very poor job at that.

@thatguyoverthere @georgetakei

@cjd @freemo @georgetakei I like AfroMan. I'm not big on his whole platform, but I imagine he'll be no more effective at attaining his goals than any other president with "good intentions". He doesn't have a party afaik, but outside of "reparations" his platform seems mostly libertarian.

RFK might be a good pick too.

@freemo @thatguyoverthere @cjd @georgetakei They are both too old and too compromised. Trump needs to hand MAGA over to someone young and strategic. The Democrat party needs its Gorbachev, because right now looks like the late Brezhnev era.


Age isnt a huge issue, but Biden's senility is certainly an issue... Trump im not so worried about his age as I am his stupidity.

@thatguyoverthere @cjd @georgetakei

So by writing in somebody who is obviously not going to win, you essentially choose to abstain. A LOT of people do this which is why voter turnout is so low.

If you're not willing to make an analysis of which is the lesser of two evils, then in general you will end up with the greater evil.

In the words of Joseph de Maistre, "In a democracy people get the leaders they deserve." and a lot of what has befallen America over the past 50 years is indeed well deserved.


> So by writing in somebody who is obviously not going to win, you essentially choose to abstain. A LOT of people do this which is why voter turnout is so low.

No not necessarily. If enough people are upset by the choices and enough people write it in, it does become a valid vote (write ins are counted in many countries).

In any sensible country if you had two choices as evil as the ones we have right now everyone woul writein and we would have change... sadly we wont.

But your asking me "Do you choose guy one who will be evil to people or guy two".. yes every time my answer will be "I wont choose evil people, but I will be happy to fight int he civil war. Which is exactly what I'd say if my choice was Stalin or Hitler... if its Bush or Trump .. sadly i doubt there would be a civil war for that, but there should be.

@thatguyoverthere @georgetakei

This is the kind of mental gymnastics which people do when they write in Mickey Mouse and then walk away smiling and fancying themselves as "at least not part of the problem".

The Government You Deserve.


It only counts if you vote in local and primary systems.. then you are making change and have every right to say "I wont support evil"... not mental gymanistics, its called having principles...

Now if you never vote in the primaries or anything that can fix the problem, then and only then I might agree with you.

@thatguyoverthere @georgetakei

@cjd @freemo @thatguyoverthere @georgetakei >Be Italy
>Vote for the most anti-gimmigrant party there is
>Get unlimited Gimmigrants anyway
Dur dee dur, guess you'll have to "vote harder" next time Italy!
You are correct though, just that voting isn't what will force the government to change.
@freemo @cjd @georgetakei > I won't choose evil people

what does "evil" mean to you? What is one thing Trump has done that makes him "evil"?

I have no problems with a write in myself. I am planning to either abstain or vote for AfroMan in 2024. I just think using adjectives like evil to describe him is caused by brainworms.


Trump has done a very many things that are evil... lying, explicitly trying to deny people access to his businesses for the color of their skin, mocking disabled people... The fact that you dont think he has ever been evil publicly (let alone non publicly) is shocking to say the least.

@cjd @georgetakei

This seems like a very childish perspective of evil, like how a person would describe evil if they'd never learned about war, famine, genocide, etc.


If you think making fun of a crippled person in a public setting when acting as president is "childish" to see as a form of evil then we are done talking.. I dont want to interact with anyone who thinks that is a morally good, rather than evil, expression.

@thatguyoverthere @georgetakei

No, I'm calling YOU childish because we live in a world of:

* Wars engineered on false pretenses
* Genocide & holocaust
* Engineered famine / holodomor
* Human & child trafficking & slavery

And yet your conception of EVIL is a guy standing on a podium making fun of a crippled journalist.
@jeff @cjd @freemo @thatguyoverthere @georgetakei You're reading too much into my post. "It's her turn" was almost made into her official campaign slogan. The sense among her supporters that the 2016 election was a coronation was so palpable that SNL even made jokes about it.


well lets all just be thankful Hillary lost.. She wouldnt have helped any thats for sure.

@jeff @cjd @thatguyoverthere @georgetakei


Yes I know what you were saying...

> And yet your conception of EVIL is a guy standing on a podium making fun of a crippled journalist.

So other things existing int he world is evil makes mocking a crippled person not evil?

Sorry but with logic like that you dont get to say what is childish.

@thatguyoverthere @georgetakei

You are devaluing the meaning of the word Evil.

Mocking somebody on stage might be rude, it might be in bad taste, it might be offensive, but it's not evil.

When you begin instinctively reaching for the most extreme word you can find to describe everything you don't like, your words cease to mean anything at all.

This is endemic of the period we are living in, modern language is collapsing down into Nazis, and Literally Hitler, and Worst Thing Ever. As art becomes paint splatters, food becomes slop and academia becomes GPT-generated drivel.


> You are devaluing the meaning of the word Evil.

Why do people who always argue for Trump struggle so much with the idea that concepts exist on a scale, not simply are or arent.

Sayng there are greater evils that can exist is a piss poor (and childish) argument to try to make the case that something isnt evil.

@thatguyoverthere @georgetakei


I mean sure... he raped a few people, mocked a disabled person for being disabled, specifically denied work to people for being black... but you know, he didnt murder **everyone** he met, and some people do, so calling him evil would be devaluing the word evil....

::hard eye roll::

@thatguyoverthere @georgetakei


Right, cause how biden is around kids has anything at all to do with if Trump raped a woman or not... Even if Biden literally had an orgy with little kids it still would not have one iota of relevance to if Trump is an evil person or not.... get this Biden is evil too, doesnt change a damn thing about Trump.

@cjd @georgetakei

@freemo @cjd @georgetakei two separate lines dude slow down.

I don't think trump has raped anyone. The era of me too has really lowered the bar for necessary evidence.

I do think based on my own eyes (and some alleged diary text from his daughter) that biden is a pervy dude (pedo Pete to his son apparently).


> I don't think trump has raped anyone. The era of me too has really lowered the bar for necessary evidence.

The reason i didnt list rape in my original examples isnt because it is less evil, but because the evidence is less direct and undeniable.. I mean he did rape that woman most likely, but i didnt want to waste time debating evidence.

The point is, you hardly need to recognize his rape to know he is evil.

@cjd @georgetakei

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@freemo @cjd @georgetakei
> he raped a few people
As young as 12, allegedly, but you know, peer pressure can be tough, especially when you're trying to impress a cool guy like Jeffery Epstein.

But yeah, I would agree that the words have been devalued: when evil Nazis show up, everyone is afraid to refer to them as evil Nazis, we have to water down the language to things like "Alt Right" or "MAGA", despite the fact that they are clearly evil, and despite the fact that their "ideas" are Naziism.


I would tend to agree with you.. But in both directions.. Like for sure legit nazis (like actually wanting genocide and showing swastikas) are often called alt-right.. thats an understatement.

On the other hand, I've seen people called a nazi for simply having a nuanced criticism of the DNC... thats devaluing it in the other direction.

@cjd @georgetakei


Took me a solid minute of watching thast before I even realized he was talking english :)

@cjd @georgetakei @raccoon

@freemo @cjd @georgetakei > explicityly trying to deny people access to his businesses for the color of their skin


> mocking disabled people

you talking about the meme where he mocked Hillary or something making a funny face?

> lying

Everybody lies or has lied.

I think a lot of what he's said has been sensationalized (and often taken out of context) in media reports. Everyone clutching their pearls because he said "You can grab them by the pussy" are suffering a mental disorder (possible brain worms). It was important that Clinton didn't inhale and of course Obama did because "that's the point" (isn't he cool). The fact that you fall for the framing is kind of.... shocking


explicityly trying to deny people access to his businesses for the color of their skin


I mean the evidence was all presented in court including his housing manager and those who applies who were directly and in no uncertain terms told blacks were not allowed… this was in the 60s and 70s, but still clear racism direct from Trump

you talking about the meme where he mocked Hillary or something making a funny face?

No I am talking about when he stood on stage and made fun of a reporter, whom he named explicitly, who was physically disabled and he mocked their disability by making faces to imitate him.

Attached is the screen shot of him mocking him and a photo of the reporter.

inb4 you think the photo is out of context watch the video it is clear and intentional he was mocking his disability

Everybody lies or has lied.

Other people doing wrong things has no relevance and changes nothing about if Trump does wrong things… this means nothing. Presidents shouldnt lie most of the time,a nd when they lie for no reason and nearly constantly, then they should be treated as such.

@cjd @georgetakei

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