"System of Friendship" 💗+📋 Words Relative... Friendship solves all...
#Friendship solves it all. 🤝 👭
💗📈🔁 We need more than modern Capitalism, right? Use ourselves!
Make #friends.... not friend$ only!
💗 System of Friendship 💗
by #FreeSchool 🔔 📋
💗 📈 Better Humans = #Communication & Interaction between people.
Your friends are not perfect but you live with them, even help them.
#Friendship more easily solves and accepts imperfection of which all humans are imperfect <--- very important
No need to #penalise each other so much for what is #natural.. or #compartmentalise it as wrong or right / #binary, but continuously show the work in progress and grow each other as the main "work" rather than #unhealthy #competition or destruction as show by our '#leaders' who give us unhealthy '#jobs' to do (often bad work or not improving communication).
A new system... Make friends.
Better than watching leaders in Capitalism... and not really going anywhere... Build up and support each other. Nobody else will.
How? / The Method:
☑️ Improve your Words / Dictionary
☑️ Clear up these meanings listed below in yourself first!
☑️ Show you CARE + RESPECT more visibly (online or offline) as well as healthy critique.
🌱 💖 💗 💓 💗 💖 🌱
Vocabulary words below...
🖋️ Try writing a few of these as your homework or for kids! ✏️ 🧒
✔️ For home for relationships
✔️ At work for nicer environments
WRITE THEM OUT! Help people SEE 👀 the words!
Relativity grows from people and more relativity in the world THE BETTER!... #LoveSystem #SystemofLove / #Fediverse #Friendship
█ Care
(close attention, concern or responsibility) (noun)
█ Clarity
(the quality, clarity or sharpness of speech)
█ Listening
(to pay attention to a sound) (verb)
(hear out until that person has finished) (verb)
█ Affinity
(characterized by affirmation, constructiveness, or influence for the better; favourable)
(affiliation - The relationship resulting from affiliating one thing with another) (noun)
(association - a connection to or an affiliation with something)
█ Experience
(event(s) of which one is cognizant) (noun)
(activity which one has performed) (noun)
█ Measurability
(able to be measured / quantified) (adjective)
(regular - with constant frequency)
█ Practiced
(actual practice or experimentation, in contrast to just theory) (noun)
(to introduce - to bring into practice)
(to grow stronger)
█ Honesty
(quality of being honest) (noun)
█ Sociability
(sociable, gregarious, affable)
(friendly, courteous, sociable) (adjective)
█ Curiosity
(inquisitiveness; the tendency to ask questions, investigate, or explore) (noun)
█ Compassion
(deep awareness of the suffering of another) (noun)
█ Imagination
(image-making power of the mind) (noun)
(creativity or creative thoughts)
█ Reliability
(regular in timing or other way)
█ Therapy
(treatment of disease) (noun)
(psychological study)
(social psychology / counseling)
(counseling / ontology (study of being) (noun)
psychosis (mental disorder or distortion) (noun)
█ Transparency
(quality of being transparent) (noun)
█ Confidence
(expression or feeling of certainty) (noun)
(self-assurance) (noun)
█ Commitment
(religious - committed to the practice of religion)
(commit - to pledge or bind; to compromise, expose, or endanger) (verb)
█ Passion
(any great emotion) (noun)
(suffering of Jesus) (noun)
(theology - study of God, or a god, or gods) (noun)
█ Respect
(tolerance) (noun)
(to have regard for the rights of others) (verb)
(self-respect - knowledge of one's own worth) (noun)
(admiration for a person)
(to honour - (show praiseworthiness, respect) (noun)
(to bow (to bend oneself as a gesture of respect or deference)
█ Moderation
(to a moderate, in some degree or level of presence or position) (adverb)
█ Sincerity
(quality of being sincere) (noun)
█ Logic
(method of human thought) (noun)
(theory in logic - a set of axioms and all statements derivable from them) (noun)
█ Experimentation
(thought experiment)
(practice / practical experiment - actual operation or experiment, in contrast to theory experiment)
█ Teaching
(evangelistic - enthusiasm for a cause or teaching about some parts of something)
(religious evangelism - promoting the preaching and dissemination of the Christian gospel, teachings of Jesus or any of the spiritual leaders who are assumed to be authors of the Gospels in the New Testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John)
█ Appreciation
(to value highly) (verb)
(to be grateful for something) (verb)
(admiration - adoration) (noun)
█ Welfare
(health, safety, well-being, happiness and prosperity) (noun)
(humanitarian concerned with people's welfare) (adjective)
(humanity - human beings as a group) (noun)
█ Relief
(removal of stress or discomfort) (noun)
(catharsis - a therapeutic technique to relieve tension) (noun)
(assist - help) (verb)
assistant (person who assists or helps someone else)
█ Forbearance
(forbearing, forgiving, tolerant)
█ Toleration
(tolerance (ability to tolerate) (noun)
█ Awareness
awareness (the state of consciousness) (noun)
awareness (the consciousness of a state, or state of mind) (noun)
█ Openness
(receptiveness to new things) (noun)
(intimacy - feeling of closeness and openness towards someone else) (noun)
█ Reasoning
(action of the verb 'to reason') (noun)
(rational - capable of reasoning) (adjective)
█ Diversity
(quality of being diverse; difference) (noun)
(biodiversity - diversity of flora and fauna) (noun)
█ Confluence
(meeting - gathering for a purpose) (noun)
(merging of similar or different elements into a union)
(Flowing - liquid or metaphorically; flowing freely like water; fluid; not solid and not gaseous)
(mix - stir two or more substances together) (verb)
█ Fun
(have fun - enjoy oneself) (verb)
(fun - enjoyment or amusement) (noun)
(have fun - wish someone a good time) (interjection)
█ Kindness
(being kind) (noun)
(heart - emotions or kindness) (noun)
█ Patience
(quality of being patient) (noun)
(not losing one's temper while waiting) (adjective)
█ World-view
(personal view of the world) (noun)
█ Unity - the state of being one or undivided) (noun)
█ Friendship (countable) - friendly relationship) (noun)
█ #Religion - system of beliefs dealing with soul, deity and/or life after death) (noun)
█ Balance
(to balance / counterbalance)
(to equilibrate - to bring into equilibrium)
(well-balanced; in equilibrium itself or eco-system) (adjective)
(mentally stable and free from psychological disorder) (adjective)
(Calm, serene, well-balanced, all-rounder).
(fact of knowing about something; understanding, familiarity with information) (noun)
(study - mental effort to acquire knowledge) (noun)
identity (knowledge of who one is) (noun)
(quality of a confident character) (noun)
(gutsy - marked by courage) (adjective)
(courageous (of an action, that requires courage) (adjective)
(bold courageous, daring) (adjective)
(direction - indication of the point toward which an object is moving) (noun)
(coherence - quality of cohering; of being coherent) (noun)
(coherent - orderly, logical and consistent) (adjective)
(good-natured - of or pertaining to a perpetual kind disposition) (adjective)
(the forces or will of good) (noun)
(as a result of good will by someone / a group) (noun)
(showing friendliness or goodwill - warm, approachable)
(fair, justified) (adjective)
(self-denial - an action that sacrifices one's own benefit for the good of others) (noun)
(state of being free of physical or psychological disease, illness, or malfunction) (noun)
(psychological fitness - general level of positive or thoughts) (adjective)
(body fitness- general physical structure of a human or animal) (noun)
(cure - a method, device or medication that restores good health) (noun)
█Healthy Community
(community - group of people sharing a common understanding) (noun)
(perception - conscious understanding of something) (noun)
(process or art of imparting knowledge, skill and judgement) (noun)
(self-study (study without the aid of a formal education institution) (noun)
(self-education; self-directed learning) (noun)
(fulfilment of a need or desire) (noun)
(persevere - to live, survive) (verb)
(Psychology: perseverate - repeat a response after the cessation of the original stimulus)
(union of interests, purposes or sympathies among members of a group)
(unifying bond between individuals with common goal or enemy) (noun)
(psychological or material support) (noun)
to solidify (to become solid)
(act of reflecting, thinking more)
(careful thought or consideration) (noun)
(understanding situation)
(sympathy - as a person / humanity) (noun)
(free from anger and anxiety) (adjective)
(calmly - in a calm manner) (adverb)
(condition of being unworried and free from anger) (noun)
(peaceful - motionless and calm; placid) (adjective)
(relaxation - act of relaxing or the state of being relaxed) (noun)
(showing regard for others) (adjective)
(affable - friendly, courteous, sociable) (adjective)
(easily bent without breaking) (adjective)
(flexibility - quality of being flexible) (noun)
(know / grasp - to understand an idea or subject) (verb)
(to be aware of the meaning of) (verb)
▌(to stand under authority - "I understand this letter means XYZ terms and conditions...")
(hard experience shared in sympathy / consolation as a human being) (adjective)
(to treat as a sport)
(a regular "game" using of certain active variables from life and usually achievements, rewards, medals, acknowledgement given in virtual or non-virtual ways sometimes as incentive)
(not just one way always)
(to play and have fun in other ways)
(messages or interaction between people)
(carrier of a way, acting as messenger for a person or philosophy)
(not giving up easily)
(being flexible with someone or about any issue or topic)
(grasping / knowing the real core point of it all, usually from time invested and dedicated looks into something)
(empathy / sympathy)
(travel for the purpose of discovery)
(careful systematic search)
(systematic consideration)
We all want for love / care / respect "or else" the opposites start to occur like cancer (various levels) and things (people) get left neglected and also untrained.
We let the bad in by not doing the good basically as it's a kind of maintenance / repair-as-you go.
NOT just "we wait until it's fully broken!" or when person gets suicidal!)
Just the way things are and how things get without caring and doing the people work in every level of life during everything.
As much as you "don't have time" all these things (or their opposites) do catch up - so this is actually saving your time when you family or project doesn't fall apart!!! The damage is reduced / people don't waste our time later or bad things happen still but not without healthy use of healthy ways and even disconnection can be done better at the end and lessons learned much better ! So to practise talking now (at whatever level) pays off in the end to do more careful work together / constructing something beyond
Capitalism also as we have learned CAPITALISM DOESN'T WORK - it does care for what you think or choose - it's mostly authoritarian and profit-minded.
It can mean starting something from this perspective that communication is better - because it's true many people just won't listen - but who is also offering or training people in these things - maybe you with this printed!
Yu literally have to create life yourself if it doesn't exist (on top of existing very pure sources, like I did with this list from the dictionary !!
Once you as individually and family learn to print and share these things (stick on your fridge/door), it's techniques and sentiments can "live on themselves" (in others)...
Love / care / respect is an intentional system, individually carried out for overall humanity - I'm not an NGO or anything big but as a human I stand or good - measurably, words and actions.
This can also start with you and more people taking just 1 picture and having the atmosphere of it reach others (give peaceful words a chance?)... We just needs humans to spread it somewhat and daily conversations get better as and people talk more and pass better words on
Sticking it up somewhere (fridge or wall) as is a good conversation point and piece of interest / meditation / discussion during dinner etc.
💌 Much love goes out to humanity, get in contact if interested... 💌
We know how it feels without love of various kinds (at work, home, outside) - so let's not neglect any of these smaller things - I'm not even talking big "love" / hippyness, but the smaller things and bigger efforts to improve vocabulary and practice it at home / on the internet as group chats etc... all can be a better therapy 💌
"System of Love" is from a list I collected over the years in my own relationships and looked them all up either from my words, partners or observations (everyone in my life!)
Related to love, care and respect needed between people more words are sometimes very crucial in heated battles or complex situations... learn well as it makes for less anger or else all hell breaks loose! 😃
Boost 🚀 if you would like to see more of these things practised in life.
#QOTO and #STEM perhaps are not alway emotionally minded or trained so it's also for people who don't' get exposed to why it's important to talk (to human, not just computers!).
Even as a science or biology consider of that mainly starts and ends with emotions (human input output) - check out Bruce Liption!
That goes beyond externally programming machines and more capitalistic styles of hiring people just to get stuff done - because computers and capitalism are without caring mostly and don't ask or design around what people think - it's mostly top-down authoritative (at least in modern day #STEM).
Learning love (or to love others) or even to fight well, isn't exactly what school teaches everyone so we need these kinds of posters and reminders...
💗 System of Love 💗 by #FreeSchool
█ Globalisation - Globalisation (a process of making world economy dominated by capitalist models) (noun)
- process of going to a more interconnected world) (noun)
▌(credit and debit - balance of an account) which as a banking system can never be balanced as money is constantly loaned again and again creating more debt than equalisation
▌(debt / society balance - an action, state of mind, or object one has as an obligation to perform for another) (noun)
▌(money owing - that one person or entity owes or is required to pay to another) (noun)
#FreeSchool 🗨️ Contact ✉️ for more info.
Hand Gestures... Open vs. Closed - Your feeling?
I thought about the closed-fist for while now on and off.. nothing too bad
But when I saw this picture, it made it clearer about the open hand upwards instead.
The open hand seems more in line with many other things and more 'friendly' or less combative. Even in #Aikido and other arts it seems rather less harmless (until actually you're on you're flat on your back perhaps or hit with something if coming too close)... so yes it's less force showing perhaps at the beginning and on a human level or in photos showing people, I think showing force can be one-notch down so it's not worrying for others...
A Fist #celebration is not bad - just this seems clearer, gentler, less misunderstood, safer with open hand upward with back of the hand showing.
Picture text reads:
Open Hand, Upwards
#Sky / #God / #Cosmos
Giving Credit to Above ?
Gentler Gesture to Everything
Important to note open doesn't seem to be against anyone or suggest that...
⬇️ Other sub-topic notes below ⬇️
Some #MartialArts / #Aikido / #Judo / #BJJ / #Jujitsu / #MMA use the open hand until the fist is really necessary. So not always the first tool perhaps.
Fist in the air more straight up seems to suggest (or we learned from history) #freedom or self-liberation - #self-power. Which is fair enough and I like these too - perhaps the bent elbow seems to ruing that a bit for me personally... still thinking about it.
I think for conflict (as life is a kind of constant #conflict or #negotiation naturally between one or many humans in this context of photos) #gestures can have a primitive-first feeling as well as the more educated layered #interpretation after.
So by asking the question about how it feel on a #primitive level this might give more result to how you feel (as best as you can feel primitively or first-feeling):
✊ ❓ If you saw a fist in the air ✊
or showed that gesture to another human then how would they feel on a #primitive or first-feeling level... I know most of the time it's for a photo etc and depends on the position, but for on-lookers let's say it's some kind of #victory or #power or #muscle or something shown.
Now try asking
❓ If you saw an open hand in the air or towards the #sky 👋 ✋
or showed that to another human, then how does that feel / look ?
I hope you already feel it just from description...
Can even forget the God aspect if you felt that or got the idea for the words, although there seems a bit of that "giving thanks to something other than us. Open seems nicer or not over-saying much. Maybe not say a lot also which is safer!
Perhaps the fist also shows bicep more and is a bit more #clenched even though it's not a pure flex and more diagonally upwards... but still compared...
The #hand in air the with the arm and elbow pointing forward to camera is not showing #bicep #muscle. 💪 and mostly open hand ✋ (back of hand and almost all is pointing up ⬆️ )
And open hand is giving (as well as receiving - a too way thing that fist doesn't seem to naturally have)
I think even with bad people we need to somehow take care of them too - while not allowing them all the way in either, but not to have it only on a power vs. power level but cooperation instead of force vs force level (again without letting people pretending inside things to do their bad work again). Some chance of redemption or doing better between us without anyone totally giving in or instantly being considered good either... the giving and receiving seems to allow more of a chance than everyone with fists and more gladiatorial #liberation.
I'm pointing to some of the key words here hashtags during this post.
⚫ Let me know how you feel
[ open hand gesture 😃✋ ⬆️ ☁️ ]
I did consider that now I've (over)explained it all that it might suggest #god and #sky more, but whatever that we don't know that gives us so much around and keep our spirits in our #body... (ether, love etc etc)
I don't think that really offends anyone unless already a bit racist or worried about #religion or something else which is also fair enough too on some level of seeing smoething new - like "why are they using hand upwards and sometimes in the picture looking up" but again not the physical kind of mis-interpretation so seems safer if a bit stranger occasionally...
whatever holds things together and keep our spirits in our #body... (etc
So I'd like more #thankfulness / #gentleness in life, not assuming man is the beginning and end... thanks to whatever holds things together and keep our spirits in our #body...
And the open hand that receives even if it doesn't know, trusting a bit...
Towards less physical conflict / more brains / less #violence encouraging better things for all.
Not saying not to use a fist
Just having something other than us we don't know seem to help #mankind to remember or feel good that something else is doing a lot of the work for us and between us. We're not in 100% control.
I don't mind this idea of mysterious / unsolved thing in life around us and invisible as I think 100% there is a bit of mystery and don't have to call it god or make it up, just there are other things of the planet which takes care of us (or allows us) some we see easily, some we don't.
A kind of giving thanks to all that we don't see / know (just for being alive I guess) seem nice #gesture.
#Germany's days numbered?
#German engineering miracles slowing down from dealing with the devil / Russian energy?
#Germany's days numbered?
#News #Thumbnails are a kind of #Doom #Porn which I'm guessing we all indulge in for many reasons and treasons.
#2025 Earth first - Make a start...
🔈Audio Clip 🔈
Earth as the most radical change we can start working with more often... and not buying into the #pollution.
RevBilly Podcast #151
Radical change with Earth first.
#Consumption #Earth #Climate #Justice #StopShoppingChoir
#Capitalism #ClimateChange
Reduce / slow down bad things like pushing #Money #Debt #Banks #Pollution
#Revbilly .com
Respect yourself and #Earth by working with it more often and people investing more in Earth together...
🔈Human identity by Jimmy Carter vs. Consumption 💬 #StopShopping + Make friendship online...
🔈Audio of Jimmy Carter about #consumption as our identity -
A good president ?
💬 " Human identity is no longer defined by what one does, but by what one owns...
- Jimmy Carter, about 45 years ago
...It does not satisfy our longing for meaning "
💬 Hating basically wastes time instead of building each other up... Spending too much time spamming hate post on hashtags like #Trump, #Zuckerberg, AlexJones, #Musk, #Obama #Bezos, etc
You are spreading all the bad news by doing too much there and not actually making friends with the world... here.
Make #friendship means just 1 other more-real person contacted which is a lot more progressive and shares real possibility to find relativity and mutal help...
More than throwing tomatoes at those fake leaders who are anyway put there to occupy our time.
We are not actually achieving much unless we make #friendship and build trust between me and you... (it can be measurable and done step by step) and I mean literally me and then 1 by 1 everyone else... 🌐
#FreeSchool is my hashtag
Also see #Greta for more audio
Right here, right now.
Make contact
🔈Audio Credit 🔈 ➡️
RevBilly,com Podcast #151 with President Jimmy Carter clip...
I've edited / re-arranged the content which is ok for sharing / re-editing publicly from:
#PresidentCarter #USPol #Anti
#Capitalism #ClimateChange #Consumption #Earth #Climate #Justice #StopShoppingChoir
#StopShopping (reduce / slow down #Money #Debt #Banks #Pollution) #Revbilly .com
Go and work WITH #Earth - #Earth work first... (not finance only interactions and bad bank work)...
Go and work WITH the #Earth - #Earth work first...
Go and work WITH #Earth
#Earth work first
#ManMade "work" later
#Mankind has mostly lost it or needs time....
So although we often work with people, we need not forget Earth.
Earth first or as the main and making sure daily work is the Earth and not the bad work first (#finance #banks etc) . As food gets more expensive this gets immediately obvious for 1 carrot (I entirely lived on about 5 wheelbarrows of Pumpkin which near grew themselves AND can withstand freeze - last one I'm just having)
Completely and merge the two - Earth and people - but Earth first or as the #platform.
Most man-made work is now aimed at killing / extracting earth.
Earth first... I can give basic setup and #help as you go even in theory... let me know. 🌍 🌎 🌏
You can still have your internet there and hybrid things towards Earth a bit more!
Not #Banks but #EarthFirst
#EarthWorkFirst #2025
Enshittification comes naturally from capital invested or *the leverage* from capital invested?
Cory Doctorow vs Molly White #Quotes
💬 #Enshittification comes naturally from capital invested or *the leverage* from capital invested?
(framed as "vs" just to get some reply points from people and potential answers about comment below...)
💬 Molly says
"Cory Doctorow provides his perspective on Bluesky, including on their recent funding round. I particularly like his point: “Plenty of people have commented that now that a VC is holding Bluesky's purse-strings, enshittification will surely follow (doubly so because the VC is called ‘Blockchain Capital,’ which, at this point, might as well be ‘Grifty Scam Caveat Emptor Capital’). But I don't agree with this at all. It's not outside capital that leads to enshittification, it's leverage that enshittifies a service.”
📋 Website Post by @molly0xfff https://www.citationneeded.news/issue-69/
#CoryDoctorow vs #MollyWhite #Quote
❓ #enshittification = #capital #investment #funding ? ❓
#Grifter #Scam #CaveatEmptor
#Capital #Capitalism #Bluesky
#Blockchain #BlockchainCapital
⭐ Images Credit: Molly's image + my edit by enlarging objects + adding ".news" in bottom right
( ⚠️ let me know Molly if this image is problematic)
ASNWER = Make more #friends... with the world / fediverse ?
Make more #friends...
...with the #world
...with the #fediverse ?
And see things improve / discover more!
✔️ This is "for the way" that begins finding the #answers and #solutions to most problems...?
IT IS the #answer itself mostly to finding the other answers!
Start making friends daily and see what happens!
Hi, nice to meet you...
(remember we're all a part of each other + come from similar origins)
#Commercialisation ... of #TV 📺 #Internet 🌐 (Adverts in Everything)
#Commercialisation ...of #TV 📺 #Internet 🌐 ...and Earth 🌎
(and Adverts in Everything!)
Like the diluting of what was once pure, it then gets watered down or advert-packed to keep us watching... (... adverts).
That's what this is about mainly:
" #Maximising " things and cashing it in towards their death (inevitably pushing and killing things after helping feed or creat them - steady profiting more and more as time goes on).
While everything was "pure" before (or geeky or niche or even rarely practices) was always going to do bigger things the more interest there was building for it. So I accept even the Internet itself from modems and BBS Bulletin board system to broadband you people enjoy (I'm almost still on modems lol!) means that commercialisation was inevitable and mostly needed EVEN THOUGH the TONS of money and $tate infrastructure is charging planet and us PLENTY for the broadband-drug streaming to us per month which companies can increase price or adverts into our addiction-filled lives - so adverts are naturally with that... [shrug] ...especially as they test and find tolerance levels...
⏺️ ❓ What's your golden period? ❓
"THE" golden period I think of is the 2000's as we had the best of everything, early broadband or even just before with personally crafted crappy custom HTML sites, ecologic internet (telephone lines and modem) and less addiction (lower baud speeds) etc etc - 1 film a day MAX! Ok maybe a bit more on braodband but picking and choosing was good as naturally any human goes out of control with 'all you can eat' entertainment...
Blogs becoming the same kind of advert rolls in between text (or is it text in between advert rolls), now each page is almost the same copy and pasted version or setup perfecting what was the SEO search engine with keywords and other tactics so everything now looks the same for anything non-Wikipedia or other than official pages. Now the system is too good and technical availability being taken advantage of at the cost of quality or even genuine interest (it's all just for money isn't it?)
A comment by @GhostOnTheHalfShell / GhostOnTheHalfShell's affirms some of these types of things that happen to a TV series that "slowly was crushed by never increasing commercial schedule, which is to say that the show barely had any content"
Post: https://masto.ai/@GhostOnTheHalfShell/113667146693587788
I admit content being drawn out and advert-filled doesn't mean the quality or worth is always less (#NationalGeographic #Wildlife TV stuff I'm thinking of where you can get tea in between or really do something else and come back to it when it gets interesting again). Even if overall the enjoyment process is changed it doesn't make it instantly crap... And since TV back then, the downloading of episodes (TV had unavoidable adverts back then)... which was solved temporarily until streaming came along and it's like being back on TV but via internet with it's tracking engines and more!
but anyway....
⏺️ OVERALL yes the feeling is that *feeding* #habits also becomes too much, too pure, too watered down or whatever too much... too much is bad, too much is too much... whoever is supplying it and we have to say no / I need less / I have to moderate it to only *this* part of my life which is hard with 'educational things' especially that turn out to be EVERYTHING!
⏺️ ❓ I hope it all amounts to something and we do get #wiser and more #ECOLOGICALLY #practical, more than #capitalist consuming and find ways to trap people to watch adverts or be tracked in our online habits...
"Code is a tool, not the goal..." ⚙️ 🔧 #Quote
"Code is a tool, not the goal..." ⚙️ 🔧 #Quote
💬 by #HamishCampbell about #Wikipedia etc
Continued below... (reduced version of post link above)
💬 "Embracing “messiness” as a feature, not a bug, in creating humane and effective tech solutions.
Wikipedia is a messy, decentralized project that thrives because it prioritizes community and collaboration over technical perfection.
The #Fediverse, with its federated nature, allows for diverse approaches and experimentation, embracing a level of messiness to resist centralization and foster creativity.
The #geekproblem we need to mediate is the churn of #techshit, of developers focusing too heavily on technical aspects, ignoring the social context and long-term utility of their work. "
#Capitalism means... "markets are free, meaning everyone has the same amount of power in the market, no one can game the system"...
💬 #Capitalism means...
"markets are free, meaning everyone has the same amount of power in the market, no one can game the system"
#Quote by @freemo
Post: https://qoto.org/@freemo/113768931586330894
💬 My comment:
Typically "Capitalism" seems to be said in public to mean "money rules and everyone is driven by greed",
... when in reality it means something else according to #Freemo that I'm exploring / currently trying to re-learn.
Initially I think it's both things or many things since there is so much nuance of Capitalism and something evolving even from the basic definition. It seems it's not just 1 solid dictionary or Wikipedia definition - it's many pages! Again many nuances or ways doesn't seem to help although in a static moment away from today I get parts of it
💖 ➡️ FEELINGS VS. LOGIC... ⬅️ 💔
I have massive #feelings and crossed wires about "Capitalism" ⚔️ and below I list some of those feelings bullet pointed with 🔴
"Capitalism" is like my brain in a skipping CD 💿 or Vinyl Record 🔴 that stays in the same track whenever you try play it or talk about a topic... I might understand some logic but can't agree with much of it's perception or 'who-knows-who' that made it (many).
Looking at the page "Free-Market Capitalism" page makes me think to myself:
💬 "What do I actually agree with here? Anything?
Answer: Not much! Have to find something I can agree with!"
Check how you feel compared to how I feel (disclaimer: I might still not 'get it' but this is how I feel)...
🔴 Selling / Re-selling the planet 🌏 ? ❌ Na. ❌
That's like an illegal operation or incompatible way of looking it it sometimes. What's a beautiful bird worth?
For people "trying" to convert to numbers (deliberately fucking things like money-changer or innocently trying to manage things) it's totally like difference sciences and false measurement (even without assuming #money and f-ing #banks are just to tax and skim off people behind their backs and re-loan / dilute the money behind our backs too, devaluing it at their benefit!). WTF!
More numbers / more debt?
🔴 Owning things - should anyone own things more than apportioning it to the next person / generation - ok a piece of paper for saying that - but a buying complicated pieces of paper as a program or scheme to enrich the system again (taz) / cheating people out of shelter and the future eventually? (No! Too risky even to consider)
🔴 Pricing people labour / Future children priced? Can it ever be fair? Can't we just accept people and almost hope they do for the love of things?
Despite me not have whole answer for this either - just not selling our self either falsely/arbitrarily and trying to falsely value all different arts which banks and state have no care about (dying artists constantly). Either as numbers or anything more than caring for it and allowing the education of that... ?
And the 10 chickens / children have feelings and not just the number 10 to kill and use from them throw away.
Much more than numbers please. Giving life AND love (something often not mentioned in growing life.) Selling is mainly like a empty vehicle to constantly find something to empty and fill again without care and encourages lack of quality and more physical moving things more than a meta look.
What about love as the process too - why not that?
🔴 "competitive markets", a price system?
Doesn't it end all the same bad way and never stays how it was intended to start?
🔴 "exchange of rights (cf. ownership) of services and goods" kind of ok but can't we keep things more often rather than commodifying it to commercialise it - just nice little homes and small economy with big serving them in it's own small / less chemical crap ways.
🔴 "Markets" has so much variation / too much - renders this whole definition of free-market useless on first look / too open to interpretation and change.
🔴 Economics - a terrible word perhaps from the perspective of who is taking care of the land / planet and people (government) who's job is really care of itself and use people as batteries which are disposable ? Governments that took the land but don't really share it to future generations and just want more bad and even increasingly looking to take more land !
(how it got to this point was by stealing or conquering it so why continue that? Who wants to forever re-sell it for more and more never-ending problems with it, not letting people actually inherit it)
SO YEAH I'm fighting off the same Capitalism feeling that I get tempted back into think, like a skipping CD 💿 or Vinyl Record 🔴 that stays in the same track whenever you try play it or talk about a topic...
Not fun and slipping into the same feeling for what seems 100% an over-flexible definition for "#FreeMarket Capitalism" which of course encourages people to take any part they want from it - since it's ALL OF IT!!
If we are to use words indeed to think they mean 1-10 things that would be great, just not #meaning 100 things will any #nuances you like!!!
(I will continue learning today and seems to come up often with many people on this hashtag!) 😃 😅
🔈 Audio Clip 🔈 about #MartinNiemoller "First they came for the..."
He was a willing Nazi #Soldier but then rejected #Nazism on #Religious grounds (Church vs. State stuff) and later as a #Priest went around spreading how he his inaction or indifference spells doom for everyone and why things needed to be done differently now else it would ome back around to them... 🔁
🔈 Original Source: 🔈
#MartinNiemoller + #FirstTheyCameFor #Speech / #Poem
#German #Genocide of #Jews #Jewish #People
#Sterilisation of #Diversity
#Power #Greed #Fascism #Socialism #Capitalism
4 Keywords / vocabulary related to #Niemoller and Genocide:
➡️ indifference
➡️ inaction
➡️ passivity
= ➡️ complicity
Martin Niemoeller's is an example of people who supported the Nazis for a long while (LIKE SUPPORTING #CAPITALISM FOR SOME PEOPLE LET'S SAY AS MODERN TYPE OF #OPPRESSION)
and then later *after actually meeting #Hitler allegedly) he flips to realise "no...." it's not the way ...
#Church and #State are different and hostile #Hitler made it so clear at the time...
Many #German people or people around the world didn't say a word and even killed against others (even worse dobbed Jewish people or reported #sympathizers (to let others kill them!).
They themselves also might have perished which is maybe accordingly to the #StepByStep #method of which the outcome is the same when repeating the bad work and just finding new targets to suppress or blame. I
A system of eating itself..
People put against other people (as competition in business or other types of war / extraction / money-making fastest).
- LINK 1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_they_came_...
- LINK2 (AUDIO VERSION) https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/martin-niemoeller-first-they-came-for-the-socialists
TLDR = Niemöller's belief was that Germans had been complicit through their silence in the Nazi imprisonment, persecution, and murder of millions of people.
This has a nice audio version of softer wiki-like page. I've put this on my Mastodon and maybe attached it if I remember. Excellent for people to hear often to stop encroaching criminalization of every single sector and type of person
Political policies and campaigns are often based on taking away 'certain' freedoms and then slowly taking away all of them.
#Oppression of #Freedom
#FirstTheyCameFor #MartinNiemoller
#Politics is what is done to you basically - just a bit more 'diplomatically' so it causes less of a scene and instead do it step by step like that #Grandma #Game behind your back while at your at work, getting closer all the while to their ideal scenario from the start... Total control.
Someone should literally plot all these changes to see how it's part of the same patterns and historically going towards the same crushing control / reducing of #community #people and #freespeech.
My #Greta #Thunberg #Speech #Audio #Track #Remix
#Quotes in #Music
#FatBoySlim #RightHereRightNow
A great source of good points
#GretaThunberg #Quote
#Humanity needs to #fight with #intellect #together towards #Dignity 💖 as Humans.
Enough #Tech #computers etc (we can keep a lot but also #InvestInPeople a lot more now else we as a people fall behind and continue to #abuse things as #users...)
#Wisdom #Quotes #Humanism
#Autism @actuallyautistic #Caring for #People
#Climate #Change #GretaThunberg #ClimateJusticeNow
#PeaceAndLove #Peace #Greta #Peace Not #War #Genocide #Palestine #FoodNotBombs
#Love #Respect = #Defend #EachOther #InvestInPeople
#Scotland #Advice for Buying #Land ❓
or Existing #Community ❓
Any body with #experience or business model for investing in people let me know.
#Solicitors #Lawyers at some point needed for #Legal advice about #Laws.
Shout out to anyone up for some #ProBono #Work or past experience #LandBuying!
#Quotes #Notes #Books #Videos #Talks #Websites towards a more caring world...
More than hating 'leaders' and not really getting anywhere... a better example of *ourselves* is what we can do by loving things together daily and increasing friendship.
Not just hating Trump Musk Bezos Alex Jones or This and the next president - but positively progressing our own stuff and ourselves... but it takes two to tango and I think even if neither can dance, we should else Putin almost deserves to win by default and what 'good' people don't do (people who communicate only with family / don't regularly make friends of strangers or even mutual people or fans!).
1/ #FreeSchool ⬅️ #️⃣ hashtag quick preview
2/ Media / Memes (Educational only) 🖼️ : https://qoto.org/@freeschool/media
(or click media tab below)
3/ Chat / Conversations / 🧠 Brain work : https://qoto.org/@freeschool/with_replies
(or click replies tab below)
Finding relativity between people I think is "the way" and that measurabley can be done daily / 'slowly but surely'.
Most people may not have got this far in reading (well done - do write me also as a signal you saw this).
A bit more contact = much more opportunity. Currently the shortness in depth and short-sentences in people is proportionate less caring or not expanding brain cells. Many are improving code but not helping improve people or expecting them to do it on their own (we already see where that gets us!).
To be clear about caring - it's NOT just developing computers BUT DEVELOPING PEOPLE !!!
This means to some degree making "Friends with the world" more than not (not just coding computers but anything without humans or 'users' improving with others).
Spending time hating Trump and enjoying throwing rocks / virtue signalling doesn't build much.
CONTINUAL FRIENDSHIP BUILDS & GROWS US ALL EVEN AS ONE BIG COMMUNITY. So give that a chance with the positives rather than spreading the negative, ok? Find your positives and build that with others...
Free School is a 60's 70's educational life / practical movement:
☼ Free work & #Friendship for the way (also for humanity to grow because friendship saves and solves a lot for everyone - make time for making friendship. Thank you.
Free work = Editing text, audio, video (free) if idea grows #Freedom.
My #Politics below:
$tates in the middle don't care (we hopefully know now) so it's down to us to do things (ourselves). There is deep down no Justice, Just Us. Let's do it together with $tates less often.
#Banks and it's money is false human-created #negative math / #debt material - all designed to eat our time and money from faster devaluing things using the debt economy (loans %'s, increasing housing prices, rents sky-high, mortgages, etc - all eats out our energy, body and soul. That has to stop / is not sustainable / is cruel.
No data scraping / using / processing. Personal temporary individual Fediverse usage is ok without company or other affiliation backing or feeding these actions.
All inalienable rights reserved.
#NoConsent #NoPermission for #Data #Storage
#NoSearch #NoIndex #NoBot #NoBridge #NoRobots
Other profile descriptions could be:
Help People Grow! Not just Tech! ... Better ❤ People+Habits (⭐+🔔) ... Learning Better Habits ❤++🔔 ... Freedom=Respect Love Learn ... Growing Each Other #FreeSchool ... BETTER USERS... Not just Tech! ... IMPROVE PEOPLE! Enough Tech!